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(Created page with "==Leftover files== The released versions of the game still include files from the game's original announcement both in English and in Japanese. ==Duelist Database== * Belows...")
m (Transcription and translation of file Iso039EL)
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* The player meets and duels the ''Six Attribute Deck Masters'', a group of Obelisk Blue students. These students would appear in the finalized version of the game and would also be included in ''Tag Force 2'' and ''Tag Force 3'', with Brown, Dante and Celia appearing in one of Syrus' story events of the third game.
* The player meets and duels the ''Six Attribute Deck Masters'', a group of Obelisk Blue students. These students would appear in the finalized version of the game and would also be included in ''Tag Force 2'' and ''Tag Force 3'', with Brown, Dante and Celia appearing in one of Syrus' story events of the third game.
* The characters note that the DARK user of the group, Brown, is overshadowed by the people around him much like Bastion is, which Bastion himself questions. Brown would go on to not have a partner for participating in the Tag Force Tournament of the first game, become somewhat difficult to locate in Story Mode in the second and third games, and comment about how his existence is not acknowledged by others in many of his lines in ''Tag Force 3''.
* The characters note that the DARK user of the group, Brown, is overshadowed by the people around him much like Bastion is, which Bastion himself questions. Brown would go on to not have a partner for participating in the Tag Force Tournament of the first game, become somewhat difficult to locate in Story Mode in the second and third games, and comment about how his existence is not acknowledged by others in many of his lines in ''Tag Force 3''.
{| class="wikitable"
! Japanese text !! Translated
| フフフ… || Heh heh...
| おまえは…{{Ruby|岩夫|いわお}}… || You... you're Iwao...
| このまえは{{Ruby|世話|せわ}}になったな!<br/>{{Ruby|借|か}}りをかえしにきたぞ!<br/>{{Ruby|属性|ぞくせい}}デッキ{{Ruby|六人衆|ろくにんしゅう}}<br/>{{Ruby|全員|ぜんいん}}でな! || I owe you back from last time!<br/>Now, it's time for payback!<br/>The Six Attribute Deck Masters are coming for you!
| なにっ!? || What!?
| {{Ruby|俺|おれ}}{{Ruby|以外|いがい}}の<br/>{{Ruby|他|ほか}}のメンバーを{{Ruby|倒|たお}}してみろ! || Try to defeat the rest of the group!
| なにぃ…のぞむところだ!<br/>{{Ruby|行|い}}くぞ!《PLAYER》! || Sure thing... Bring it on!<br/>Let's do this, 《PLAYER》!
| 4{{Ruby|人|にん}}{{Ruby|倒|たお}}したぞ!<br/>あとの1{{Ruby|人|り}}はどこだ!? || We've beaten 4 of you!<br/>Where's the last member!?
| くっ…<br/>だが…あのお{{Ruby|方|かた}}にはかなうまい… || Egh...<br/>You... You shouldn't be asking that...
| {{Ruby|誰|だれ}}だそれは!? || Who is it!?
| もう{{Ruby|一度|いちど}}…<br/>よく{{Ruby|探|さが}}してみるんだな!<br/>アバヨ! || You've been warned...<br/>Take a look around you!<br/>See ya!
| {{Ruby|逃|に}}げたか… || (He ran away...)
| {{Ruby|俺|おれ}}{{Ruby|以外|いがい}}の<br/>{{Ruby|他|ほか}}のメンバーを{{Ruby|倒|たお}}してみろ! || Try to defeat the rest of the group!
| なんだ…{{Ruby|岩夫|いわお}}は<br/>こんなヤツに{{Ruby|負|ま}}けちまったのか…<br/>{{Ruby|俺様|おれさま}}は<br/>{{Ruby|温田|おんだ}}{{Ruby|熱巳|あつみ}}!<br/>{{Ruby|属性|ぞくせい}}デッキ{{Ruby|六人衆|ろくにんしゅう}}で<br/>{{Ruby|最|もっと}}も{{Ruby|熱|あつ}}き{{Ruby|男|おとこ}}だぜ!<br/>{{Ruby|人呼|ひとよ}}んで…<br/>{{Ruby|燃|も}}えさかる{{Ruby|温田|おんだ}}!<br/>{{Ruby|燃|も}}やし{{Ruby|尽|つ}}くすぜっ!<br/>バーニング! || Huh... Iwao sure went and lost to this guy...<br/>I'm the one and only Atsumi Onda!<br/>The man who burns the hottest among the Six Attribute Deck Masters!<br/>I'm also known as... Blazing Onda!<br/>It's time to get fired up!<br/>Let's get burning!
| フッ…{{Ruby|吹|ふ}}けば<br/>{{Ruby|飛|と}}んでいきそうな{{Ruby|人|ひと}}ね…<br/>あたしは<br/>{{Ruby|風見|かざみ}}{{Ruby|吹子|ふきこ}}!<br/>{{Ruby|属性|ぞくせい}}デッキ{{Ruby|六人衆|ろくにんしゅう}}の<br/>{{Ruby|紅一点|こういってん}}!<br/>{{Ruby|人呼|ひとよ}}んで…<br/>{{Ruby|吹|ふ}}きすさぶ{{Ruby|風見|かざみ}}!<br/>あなた…<br/>{{Ruby|吹|ふ}}きとばしてあげる! || Heh... You look as if a gentle breeze would send you flying...<br/>I'm Fukiko Kazami!<br/>The one woman among the Six Attribute Deck Masters!<br/>You may also know me as...<br/>Storming Kazami!<br/>As for you...<br/>I'll blow you away!
| おや…<br/>なかなかのようだ…<br/>ボクは…<br/>{{Ruby|水城|みずしろ}}{{Ruby|流次|りゅうじ}}!<br/>{{Ruby|属性|ぞくせい}}デッキ{{Ruby|六人衆|ろくにんしゅう}}の<br/>{{Ruby|水|みず}}もしたたるイイ{{Ruby|男|おとこ}}!<br/>{{Ruby|人呼|ひとよ}}んで…<br/>{{Ruby|逆巻|さかま}}く{{Ruby|水城|みずしろ}}!<br/>{{Ruby|水|みず}}でもかぶって…<br/>{{Ruby|猛省|もうせい}}しろっ! || Well, well...<br/>You seem to be pretty good...<br/>My name... is Ryuji Mizushiro!<br/>The most handsome man among the Six Attribute Deck Masters!<br/>You may also know me as...<br/>Surging Mizushiro!<br/>Bear for yourself the brunt of water...<br/>And reflect about this!
| …<br/>{{Ruby|私|わたし}}は…<br/>{{Ruby|白石|しらいし}}{{Ruby|光一|こういち}}…<br/>{{Ruby|属性|ぞくせい}}デッキ{{Ruby|六人衆|ろくにんしゅう}}を<br/>{{Ruby|束|たば}}ねるリーダー!<br/>{{Ruby|人呼|ひとよ}}んで…<br/>エレメンタルマスター{{Ruby|白石|しらいし}}! || ...<br/>I am...<br/>Koichi Shiraishi...<br/>The reigning leader of the Six Attribute Deck Masters!<br/>I am also known as...<br/>Elemental Master Shiraishi!
| なあ… || Hey...
| なんだ? || What is it?
| {{Ruby|本当|ほんとう}}に…{{Ruby|人呼|ひとよ}}んでなのか?<br/>{{Ruby|自称|じしょう}}じゃなく… || Do other people really call you that?<br/>Or did you give yourself that title?
| な…<br/>なんてことを{{Ruby|言|い}}うんだ!<br/>{{Ruby|大変失礼|たいへんしつれい}}だなキミは!<br/>{{Ruby|他|ほか}}の5{{Ruby|人|にん}}からは<br/>そう{{Ruby|呼|よ}}ばれている! || Wha...<br/>What are you saying?!<br/>How rude of you!<br/>The other 5 members call me that way!
| なんだ、やっぱり<br/>{{Ruby|仲間内|なかまうち}}だけなのか || Huh... So it's just a nickname among friends?
| うるさいっ!<br/>この{{Ruby|私|わたし}}を{{Ruby|侮辱|ぶじょく}}したな!<br/>{{Ruby|光|ひかり}}の{{Ruby|力|ちから}}…<br/>{{Ruby|見|み}}るがいいっ! || Silence!<br/>You have insulted me!<br/>See for yourself... the power of the light!
| さっきまで…{{Ruby|誰|だれ}}もいなかったはずなのに… || Once again... I wasn't noticed...
| いつのまに!? || When did you get here!?
| {{Ruby|俺|おれ}}は…<br/>{{Ruby|黒川|くろかわ}}{{Ruby|唯一|ゆいいつ}}…<br/>{{Ruby|属性|ぞくせい}}デッキ{{Ruby|六人衆|ろくにんしゅう}}の<br/>{{Ruby|影|かげ}}のリーダーだ<br/>{{Ruby|人呼|ひとよ}}んで…<br/>{{Ruby|影|かげ}}のうすい{{Ruby|黒川|くろかわ}}!<br/>なんか{{Ruby|急|きゅう}}に<br/>{{Ruby|悪口|わるぐち}}みたいになったな…<br/>そうか…さっきここには<br/>いなかったんじゃなくて…<br/>{{Ruby|存在|そんざい}}に<br/>{{Ruby|気|き}}づかなかっただけなのか!<br/>{{Ruby|三沢|みさわ}}{{Ruby|大地|だいち}}…<br/>キミには…{{Ruby|同|おな}}じ{{Ruby|匂|にお}}いを{{Ruby|感|かん}}じる || I am...<br/>Yuiitsu Kurokawa...<br/>The shadow leader of the Six Attribute Deck Masters...<br/>I'm also known as...<br/>Inconspicuous Kurokawa!<br/>You pretty much insulted me just now...<br/>It's not as if I wasn't here...<br/>You just didn't notice I was here at all!<br/>Daichi Misawa...<br/>I feel you and I have a similar aura.
| そうか…<br/>って、ちょっと{{Ruby|待|ま}}て!<br/>{{Ruby|影|かげ}}が{{Ruby|薄|うす}}いということか!? || Really...?<br/>...Hey, wait a minute!<br/>You mean I don't stand out at all!?
| …<br/>オシャベリは{{Ruby|終|お}}わりだ…<br/>そろそろいくぞ… || ...<br/>Talk time is over...<br/>Let's do this...<br/>
| {{Ruby|影|かげ}}が{{Ruby|薄|うす}}い…<br/>{{Ruby|俺|おれ}}が… || Am I unremarkable...?
| ちっくしょおおおおっ!<br/>{{Ruby|燃|も}}え{{Ruby|尽|つ}}きちまったああっ! || Daaaaaaaarn!<br/>I've burnt out!
| {{Ruby|逃|に}}げたか… || (He ran away...)
| きゃああああっ!<br/>{{Ruby|吹|ふ}}き{{Ruby|飛|と}}ばされるううっ! || Aaaaaahhhhh!<br/>I've been blown away...!
| {{Ruby|逃|に}}げたか… || (She ran away...)
| うわああっ!<br/>すべて{{Ruby|水|みず}}に{{Ruby|流|なが}}してくれえっ! || Wow!<br/>Water spilled everywhere!
| {{Ruby|逃|に}}げたか… || (He ran away...)
| しまったああっ!<br/>ま…まぶしすぎるよ! || Oh... no...!<br/>It's far too bright...!
| {{Ruby|逃|に}}げたか… || (He ran away...)
| {{Ruby|負|ま}}けか…<br/>あれ?<br/>いなくなったぞ?<br/>まあ…いいか || I lost...<br/>Huh? You thought I had left?<br/>Eh... Sure, whatever.
| なんだか…<br/>{{Ruby|面白|おもしろ}}いヤツらだったな<br/>…なあ…<br/>{{Ruby|俺|おれ}}ってそんなに<br/>{{Ruby|影|かげ}}{{Ruby|薄|うす}}いかなぁ? || You know...<br/>Come to think of it, those guys were pretty funny.<br/>...But...<br/>Do I really not stand out at all?

Revision as of 11:14, 14 August 2023

Leftover files

The released versions of the game still include files from the game's original announcement both in English and in Japanese.

Duelist Database

  • Belowski, Wheeler, Mr. Huffington, Gerard and the Gravekeeper's Chief have overworld sprites and bust-up sprites.
  • Belowski, Wheeler, Mr. Huffington, Gerard and Chancellor Sheppard have entries in the Duelist Database, but only Belowski and Wheeler have profiles.
    • Belowski and Wheeler also have incomplete files to use as in-duel lines, which would be repurposed for characters in the World Championship series. Belowski's unused lines are used by Vanvan and Mokey Mokey, while Wheeler's are used by Vortex Kong.
Character name Profile
Belowski Formerly a talented duelist, but his opponents would lose their motivation when dueling with him, so he was confined to a special dorm as a result. He is able to communicate with the spirits, and he wants to release the spirits of other people from duels.

The main power of his Deck comes from "Mokey Mokey" cards.
He's a very cute character, so be careful not to get sucked into his trap.

かわいい外見がいけんにキミ自身じしんも もけもけ にならないよう注意ちゅうい
Wheeler Wheeler is an experimental chimpanzee.
He was raised in a research facility on the Academy's island.
He can't play golf, but he's quite the duelist.
Other than monkey grunts, Wheeler is capable of using actual words. But a machine allows him to speak, so the words are not from his own mouth.

Quite a few monkey-related cards are in his Deck.


Character dialogue scripts

There are 600 files dedicated to dialogue lines used in each language of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force when talking to a character in the overworld outside of a story event. The 300 files used in Part 1 are in the st01_t01 file, while the 300 files used in Part 2 and Part 3 are in the st02_t01 file.

Dialogue files that were meant to be used by characters that were ultimately unused are blank in the Japanese version of the game. The English version of those files instead repeat the line "May the force be with you" several times. The files used for non-English localizations would leave these files blank, as they were in Japanese.

Scripted event dialogue

There are 800 files dedicated to dialogue lines used in the scripted events of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force for each language. 400 of these files are in the st01_t01.ehp file, and the remaining 400 files are in the st02_t01.ehp file. However, the vast majority of these files are completely blank in all languages.

Among the files in the st01_t01 packages located in the script folder, there is a small number of unused files that can be read and are in a relatively complete state. Several of them appear to be straightforward scenarios, while others have certain level of variability, letting the player make a choice that has an effect on the dialogue several lines later.


This file is blank in non-Japanese languages.

This file has a near-exact copy of the script used for the Interscholastic Duel in the final release of the game.

  • The player is Duel Academy's representative, rather than Jaden.
  • The script ends on the students cheering for Chazz, rather than Chazz' reaction to their cheer.

Iso023EL to Iso026EL

Iso023EL and Iso024EL would set up an event involving Damon similar to his initial appearance in the anime.

  • Instead of sandwiches, these scripts mention onigiri with various fillings. The player would draw an onigiri in Iso023EL, and Damon would make a comment in Iso024EL based on what kind of onigiri the player drew.

Iso025EL and Iso026EL appear to be an alternate version of the same event.

  • Chazz has lines in them, behaving as he does after returning from North Academy.
  • Another onigiri, filled with extra-spicy wasabi, is mentioned in these scripts. Either the player or Chazz would draw it in Iso025EL, and Damon would react in different ways in Iso026EL depending on who drew it.

These scripts are different between the English and Japanese versions.

  • The Japanese version of Iso023EL and Iso025EL have Alexis thinking that the person they are chasing could be someone who had gone missing on the island. This comment is removed in the English scripts.
  • The English version of Iso024EL and Iso026EL have Alexis saying that she doubts Damon will be of help to find her missing brother after Dorothy identifies him, despite the English scripts of 023 and 025 not having the lines that would lead into this comment. The Japanese version of these scripts only have her confirming that they've met someone who had disappeared on the island.

Being based on the same anime episode, most lines from Iso023EL and Iso024EL are used in Tag Force 3 for the third event of Jaden's second storyline.

  • The onigiri are replaced with stuffed pastries in the localization.
  • Neither the onigiri nor the stuffed pastries are given any further description in any script.
  • Upon identifying Damon, Alexis comments that they found a missing student in all versions, as she does in the Japanese version of Iso024EL.


This file is blank in non-Japanese languages.

  • The script has the player, Jaden, Syrus and Chumley explore the Abandoned Dorm. They would split in two pairs, with the player choosing any of the other 3 characters to team up with.
  • The player and their partner would eventually run into Titan, who has to be defeated in a duel.

Iso028EL to Iso031EL

The player, Jaden, Syrus and Chumley are punished for trespassing into the Abandoned Dorm.

  • These scripts set up a scenario that leads to a Tag Duel against the Paradox Brothers. The conditions of the duel force the player to be partnered with Syrus.
  • After the Tag Duel, Zane tells Syrus that he will see how much Syrus has improved "in the finals of the next Tag Duel Tournament".

These scripts exist in both English and Japanese despite Iso027EL being blank in non-Japanese languages.


This file is blank in non-Japanese languages.

  • The script begins with Alexis screaming. The player then runs into Titan, who coerces him into a duel.
  • After the duel, Alexis explains she was in the Abandoned Dorm looking for clues that could help her find her missing brother.

A similar scenario is used in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Spirit Caller.


This file is blank in non-Japanese languages.

  • Jaden is trying to play a fighting game while Chazz complains. They are interrupted by Jasmine and Mindy, who believe the player is interested in partnering with Alexis for the incoming tournament - Tag Force.
  • Jasmine and Mindy challenge the player to a Tag Duel, letting him choose a partner out of Jaden, Syrus, Chumley or Chazz.
  • After choosing a partner, and the partner reacting to the choice, the script ends without carrying out a duel.

The scenario's set-up of Jasmine and Mindy trying to drive the player away from Alexis is used for one of Alexis' story events in Tag Force 2.

Iso034EL to Iso036EL

These files are blank in non-Japanese languages.

  • These scripts are similar to the files from Iso028EL to Iso031EL, with Chumley being selected as the forced partner instead of Syrus.
  • Iso035EL is unfinished. It only says 島を出ようとする隼人を説得 (内容はこれから) "Convince Hayato as he tries to leave the island (Details to come)"
  • Chumley's father Kumazo is focused on in Iso036EL instead of Zane, but he has no lines of dialogue.


This file is completely different depending on the language.

  • In Japanese, someone who claims to be part of the Disciplinary Action Squad duels against the player in the Slifer Red dormitory.
  • In non-Japanese languages, the file repeats a single line multiple times. The English line is oddly inappropriate, while the other languages seem to allude to a discarded event in the Duel Field that is not mentioned in any other script.
    • English: "Fxxx! Sho you are nice gay".
    • French: "Le terminal de l'Arène de Duel ne répond plus!". Translates to "The Duel Arena's terminal is not responding!"
    • German: "Mit dem Server für den Duellring stimmt etwas nicht!". Translates to "Something is wrong with the Duel Ring's computer server!"
    • Italian: "C'è qualcosa che non va nel computer centrale dell'Anello dei Duelli!". Translates to "Something is wrong with the Duel Ring's computer server!"
    • Spanish: "¡Algo va mal con el ordenador del servidor del Ring del Duelo!". Translates to "Something is wrong with the Duel Ring's computer server!"


This file is blank in non-Japanese languages.

  • The script has Vellian Crowler and an unidentified person picking 5 students for an unknown purpose through duels that involve the players' Life Points being set to 2000.
  • The unidentified person has the speech patterns of an old man and has great power and influence on the island, implying him to be Kagemaru.


This file is blank in non-Japanese languages.

  • The player meets and duels the Six Attribute Deck Masters, a group of Obelisk Blue students. These students would appear in the finalized version of the game and would also be included in Tag Force 2 and Tag Force 3, with Brown, Dante and Celia appearing in one of Syrus' story events of the third game.
  • The characters note that the DARK user of the group, Brown, is overshadowed by the people around him much like Bastion is, which Bastion himself questions. Brown would go on to not have a partner for participating in the Tag Force Tournament of the first game, become somewhat difficult to locate in Story Mode in the second and third games, and comment about how his existence is not acknowledged by others in many of his lines in Tag Force 3.
Japanese text Translated
フフフ… Heh heh...
おまえは…岩夫いわお You... you're Iwao...
I owe you back from last time!
Now, it's time for payback!
The Six Attribute Deck Masters are coming for you!
なにっ!? What!?
Try to defeat the rest of the group!
Sure thing... Bring it on!
Let's do this, 《PLAYER》!
We've beaten 4 of you!
Where's the last member!?
You... You shouldn't be asking that...
だれだそれは!? Who is it!?
You've been warned...
Take a look around you!
See ya!
げたか… (He ran away...)
Try to defeat the rest of the group!
Huh... Iwao sure went and lost to this guy...
I'm the one and only Atsumi Onda!
The man who burns the hottest among the Six Attribute Deck Masters!
I'm also known as... Blazing Onda!
It's time to get fired up!
Let's get burning!
Heh... You look as if a gentle breeze would send you flying...
I'm Fukiko Kazami!
The one woman among the Six Attribute Deck Masters!
You may also know me as...
Storming Kazami!
As for you...
I'll blow you away!
Well, well...
You seem to be pretty good...
My name... is Ryuji Mizushiro!
The most handsome man among the Six Attribute Deck Masters!
You may also know me as...
Surging Mizushiro!
Bear for yourself the brunt of water...
And reflect about this!

I am...
Koichi Shiraishi...
The reigning leader of the Six Attribute Deck Masters!
I am also known as...
Elemental Master Shiraishi!
なあ… Hey...
なんだ? What is it?
Do other people really call you that?
Or did you give yourself that title?
What are you saying?!
How rude of you!
The other 5 members call me that way!
Huh... So it's just a nickname among friends?
You have insulted me!
See for yourself... the power of the light!
さっきまで…だれもいなかったはずなのに… Once again... I wasn't noticed...
いつのまに!? When did you get here!?
I am...
Yuiitsu Kurokawa...
The shadow leader of the Six Attribute Deck Masters...
I'm also known as...
Inconspicuous Kurokawa!
You pretty much insulted me just now...
It's not as if I wasn't here...
You just didn't notice I was here at all!
Daichi Misawa...
I feel you and I have a similar aura.
...Hey, wait a minute!
You mean I don't stand out at all!?

Talk time is over...
Let's do this...
Am I unremarkable...?
I've burnt out!
げたか… (He ran away...)
I've been blown away...!
げたか… (She ran away...)
Water spilled everywhere!
げたか… (He ran away...)
Oh... no...!
It's far too bright...!
げたか… (He ran away...)
I lost...
Huh? You thought I had left?
Eh... Sure, whatever.
You know...
Come to think of it, those guys were pretty funny.
Do I really not stand out at all?


This file is blank in non-Japanese languages.

  • The script mentions the Occult Club and rumors about an apparition being sighted lately. As the event progresses, the duel spirit Jinzo appears, attempting to obtain sacrifices for its revival.
  • Despite the Occult Club being mentioned, there is no mention of Torrey.

A similar scenario is used in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Spirit Caller.


This file is completely different depending on the language.

  • In non-Japanese languages, the file repeats the same line as Iso037EL several times, but the second iteration of the line is spaced further apart than it was in Iso037EL.
  • In Japanese, the player and Jaden arrive late to a class, and a teacher gives them extra homework and a duel as punishment. The teacher seems to be Fonda Fontaine, as the speaker has formal and feminine speech patterns.

Iso042E to Iso044EL

These files are blank in non-Japanese languages.

  • These scripts are similar to the files from Iso028EL to Iso031EL, with Jaden being selected as the forced partner.