Forum:Deck Contest 40: Deck Evolution

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Revision as of 06:43, 12 May 2013 by Elite Wolf (talk) (Structure Deck 6: Spellcaster's Judgment)
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Remember how Konami occasionally introduces cards to old archetypes in order to breathe new life into them? This contest, we're going to do the same - but to their old Structure Decks!

You are given a choice of one of their first 12 Structure Decks (yes, that also includes the ones that didn't make it into the TCG). These Decks are severely outdated, but can be improved using the greatly expanded card database we have at hand. The objective is to make these Decks relatively playable in our present time. How will you do it? --Gadjiltron (talkcontribs) 07:51, May 4, 2013 (UTC)



  • All OCG and TCG cards are fine, as long as it has an effect.
  • Deck must be in Template:Decklist.
  • This contest will be in March 1st, 2013 Banlist.
  • You will be given maybe 1 day if you are late to post, after that, you're out.
  • Due May 12th, 2013. Deck submissions will open around May 10th or so.


  • The Main Deck must have exactly 40 cards.
  • Do not remove/change the Deck's cover card.
  • You can change up to 15 cards within the Deck. It would be good to also mention what you removed and what replaced them.
    • You may introduce an Extra Deck, but it must not exceed 5 cards. The Extra Deck will not count toward your 15 card limit.
  • You cannot change the overall theme, archetype, or strategy of the Deck - i.e. no modifying, say, the Spellcaster's Judgment Deck into a Prophecy Deck.
    • You can, however, include certain archetype cards if their effects are general enough to support the original strategy.
  • Multiple copies of the same card are not allowed in the Deck unless the original has that many of them.
  • You cannot add in exclusive cards from other Structure Decks - i.e. do not use Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon, Machina Gearframe, Spell Power Grasp, Divine Punishment, etc. regardless of how well relevant they are with the theme.
    • In other words, you can't use exclusive cards from newer released Structure Decks.



The Dark Emperor Structure Deck is not in this contest. Only one contestant per Deck.

Structure Decks to Choose From

Comments? Questions? Complaints?

Are Forbidden cards counted toward the 15 card limit? Because some Structure Decks have around 4 Forbiddens, others don't have any. --Missign0 (talkcontribs) 03:30, May 5, 2013 (UTC)

I've considered that, and, yes, forcibly swapping out cards to adhere to the modern lists will count towards the limit. --Gadjiltron (talkcontribs) 04:16, May 5, 2013 (UTC)


Add in your deck below, and remember to give a short explanation of how the deck works. Please sign with 4 tildes.

Structure Deck 1: Dragon's Roar

Structure Deck 2: Zombie Madness

Structure Deck 5: Warrior's Triumph

Structure Deck 6: Spellcaster's Judgment

Cards Taken Out: Chaos Sorcerer, Chaos Command Magician, Magician of Faith x2, White Magician Pikeru, Ebon Magician Curran, Magicial Blast, Premature Burial, Diffusion Wave-Motion, Mystic Box, Dark Magic Attack, Nightmare's Steelcage, Spell Absorbtion, Spell Shield Type-8, Pitch-Black Power Stone.

Cards Added In: Spellbook Magician of Prophecy, Old Vindictive Magician, Summoner Monk, Magical Exemplar, Allure of Darkness, The Grand Spellbook of Tower, Spellbook of Secrets, Spellbook of Power, Spellbook of Wisdom, Spellbook of Life, Spellbook Organization, Dark Hole, Monster Reborn, Wonder Wand, Safe Zone.

Everything that has been taken out were too situational and didn't help the overall strategy, getting to Dark Eradicator Warlock as fast as possible. Everything that has been added works toward that goal.

Both Monk and Exemplar were added to get to Skilled Dark Magician faster. The mini Spellbook engine are there to dig through the deck and help out the spellcasters that can't do it themselves. Spellbook Organization is an interesting card choice, but with the little search power this deck has, it helps manipulate your draws (not to mention it being both searchable and recyclable). Safe Zone is here to protect the spellcasters that helps bring out Dark Eradicator Warlock, or the Warlock himself.

Without the use of cards in multiples, this is as close to consistent as you can get. Not bad by structure deck standards. Elite Wolf (talkcontribs) 06:43, May 12, 2013 (UTC)

Structure Deck 7: Invincible Fortress

To start, the cards I took out were Maharaghi, Sand Moth, Brain Control, Ectoplasmer, Magical Mallet, Prematue Burial, Shifting Shadows, 1 Ordeal of a Traveler, and Robbin' Goblin. In their place are Koa' Meiru Gaurdian and Sandman, Morphing Jar, Grand Mole, Book of Moon, Monster Reborn, Duality, Battle Mania, and Threatening Roar.

The Koa'ki Meirus add more defense with their negation effects and high Atk for a level 4. Morphing Jar helps me get to key pieces like Giant Rat and Exxod while also taking out some of the opponents resources. Grand Mole bounces back cards that would pose a threat, and gets rid of Extra Deck monsters. Book of Moon adds to Exxod's burn effect and can act as a temporary defense. Monster Reborn and Duality are staples. Battle Mania makes it so the opponent has to attack, and with Exxod on the field in Def with Canyon you will take a nice chunk out of their LP. Threatening Roar adds more defense to draw into what you need.

The rest of the deck plays the same as it would without the changes. Continuously bouncing your opponent's monsters back to their hand, flipping your monsters back face-down to reset their effects. Hastydemon2 (talkcontribs) 05:24, May 12, 2013 (UTC)