Card Trivia:Cyber Jar

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Revision as of 17:35, 19 March 2010 by Altyrell (talk) (Where is the proof for the March 1st change?)
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  • This card has 4 counterparts. They are "Fiber Jar", "Morphing Jar", "Morphing Jar 2" and "Ancient Jar".
  • The artwork of this card is reminiscent of the famous Death Star from Star Wars.
  • Cyber Jar is the strongest of all Jar monsters in the OCG/TCG, in terms of ATK and DEF; Necro Jar technically has the highest ATK of all Jars, but exists only in the anime.
  • Despite what its name would imply (it initially sounds like it is a Machine-Type) Cyber Jar is a Rock-type monster.