Forum:Need help with my DED deck

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Revision as of 19:39, 23 September 2009 by (talk) (Decklist: new section)
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ok, below you'll see my current Deck based around getting Destiny End Dragoon asap. Well, it works... sort of...

My problem is that I have a dead hand far too often... either with spells I cant do anything without the right monsters or even the other way around. (I just had 3 poly, 1 d draw in hand an empy field and drew a trade in... and that was far away from the first time with such a hand -.-)

basic strategy: Summon ded asap (either directly from hand or with more often with chain material), if that doesn't work stall with a d shielded hero (usually dunker or captain tanacious) and later summon dogma/plasma the usual way^^

For any unwanted Dasher/Malicious in hand there is Dunker.

so, please help, I need it^^

thoughts so far: for macro decks I urgently have to have some burrial -.- 19:38, September 23, 2009 (UTC)
