Forum:Basic DW Deck...

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Tell me what you think...

-- 13:27, January 17, 2010 (UTC)gray_kaiser

Heye again... :)

Okay, Dark World, my favorite archtype...

First off, a definite thing in any Dark World deck is 3 Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World and 3 Sillva, Warlord of Dark World, they are the main beatsticks here.

Secondly, never use Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World... Probably the most dissapointing Dark World monster, only thing to do with him is to be put in your Side Deck, at best to counter opponents Decks that focus on discarding your hand. There is no reason what so ever to put Renge, Gatekeeper of Dark World in a Dark World deck, as well as Scarr, Scout of Dark World. Scarr is a slow searcher, and if anything switch him out for Sangan. And Snipe Hunter won't be needed at all, he just takes up space and doesn't activate Dark World effects.


-1 Snipe Hunter

-1 Renge, Gatekeeper of Dark World

-1 Scarr, Scout of Dark World

-1 Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World

+1 Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World

+1 Sillva, Warlord of Dark World

+1 Broww, Huntsman of Dark World

+1 Dark Necrofear

Now, spells.

The Cheerful Coffin isn't needed at all, all it does is dump Dark World monsters, but for no effect. Instead, replace it for maxing 3 of the 2 spell staples, Dark World Lightning and Dark World Dealings. Fissure and Swords of Revealing Light aren't needed either, seeing as you'll have enough monster presence as it is.

Why you have Gateway to Dark World, but not Call of the Haunted, I don't know seeing as you should never activate Gateway on your turn anyways, and Call is more versatile. I don't think Pot of Avarice should be used either, but it is your choice.


-2 The Cheerful Coffin

-1 Fissure

-1 Swords of Revealing Light

-1 Gateway to Dark World

+1 Dark World Lightning

+1 Dark World Dealings

+1 Lightning Vortex

+1 Burden of the Mighty

And lastly, traps.

As I said with The Cheerful Coffin, Fine shouldn't be used either. Torrential Tribute is also much better then Bottomless Trap Hole.

Sakuretsu Armor, Draining Shield, and Negate Attack won't be used either, as their is a better card to protect yourself seeing as it activates Dark World effects. And we'll take out 1 The Forces of Darkness, seeing as you already to Pot of Avarice.


-2 Fine

-1 Sakuretsu Armor

-1 Draining Shield

-1 Negate Attack

-1 The Forces of Darkness

+1 Torrential Tribute

+2 Depth Amulet

+3 Forced Requisition

That's all I have for advice. Also, here is my personal Dark World deck that I think might help you build a better deck. (If you want me to remove it, just ask).

The Split 14:57, January 17, 2010 (UTC)

  • Cool Deck. So at the same time you discard, your opponent does it too, pretty interesting.

Unfortunately, I don't have access to Depth Amulet. And why Cyber Dragon and a Spirit Reaper in a DW Deck? In a DW-Synchro Deck, they would have sense. Well, that's my opinion.

I have though about Dark Deal, but I guess is too "lucky-dependent", if you know what I mean.

-- 15:18, January 17, 2010 (UTC)gray_kaiser