Forum:Control Casters

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Revision as of 05:55, 13 October 2010 by Hanisnordan (talk) (hi)
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The idea is pretty simple, spam card destroying effects from things like Blast Magician and Breaker. Crusader of Endymion helps by providing good beatsticking as well as letting Breaker re-use his effect. Allure Queen/Evocator Chevalier combo can not only destroy a lot of cards but also helps maintain field control by grabbing the opponent's lower level monsters before they can stick around too long.

PhoxHound (talkcontribs) 19:04, October 7, 2010 (UTC)


Trick: Response

Treat: Graveyard supply @ Hand cards

It is slow for Allure Queen to catch the big fish. Level up should also be used by Silent magician. Endymion needs terraforming and Foolish Bury n spell capture. If u dare, add SorcererofDarkMagic. <colourman>

Sorry if my total noobishness is showing, but could you elaborate? I don't exactly see what you mean by I need more "trick" and "treat" except a weird halloween reference. (talk) 04:04, October 10, 2010 (UTC)