Astral Pack One

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  • Astral Pack: Booster One is a booster which will be given out at TCG Tournament locations. It follows Turbo Pack: Booster Eight

"So it’s time for a new tournament pack series. But what do we call it? Something cool. It needs to be something related to Zexal. (”Feelin’ the Flow”… no, that’s too long.) Something about Dueling. Since we’re adding more foil (more about that in a bit!) it needs to be something shiny….

Shiny? Cool? Dueling? Only one thing fits the bill! After all, who else has an incredible knowledge of all things Dueling? So coming soon, when you participate in officially sanctioned events, you’ll receive the all-new, and shinier-than-ever ASTRAL PACK ONE.

Lots of things about Astral Packs will be the same as previous series:

- 3 cards per pack.

- You get them for participating in official tournaments at your local store.

- You’ll get a chance to bling out your Deck with shiny versions of cards you might already have.

- We’ll reprint some other cards so they’ll be easier to get.

- Astral Packs will be a great way to get the latest (and most accurate) card text on complicated cards.

But we’re always learning and improving. Astral Packs needed to be better and cooler than Turbo Packs. So we made a few changes, as well:

- Ultimate Rares are really cool – so we tripled them! Each Astral Pack set will have 3 different Ultimate Rares.

- All cards that would have been normal Rares have been upgraded to Super Rare – there will be 10 different Super Rares per set!

- Since Super Rares are replacing Rares, the “1 rare card per pack” rule will now be “1 foil card per pack” (most of the time – manufacturing errors DO happen from time to time).

- Set size increased to 25 cards.

- There will be 1 new monster per set, like the old Normal Monsters. But it will be VERY hard to get.

- So why did we take the normal Rares out? They just didn’t seem that exciting. If there are cards that we really want everyone to have, we just make them common. And the foil cards are there as the exciting chase cards. Normal rares just didn’t seem to have much of a purpose in this set, especially since the number of packs you can get is very limited, and based on how many times you can play in your store’s local tournament. So we just bumped all the Rares to Super Rare and called it a day.

We also removed the 1 Ultra Rare per set. With 3 Ultimates per set now, we just felt that the single, solitary Ultra Rare would just be over-shadowed. Sandwiched between the Ultimates and Supers, it just seemed to get lost in the shuffle.

With 13 foils per set – and a foil in every pack – we’re pretty sure that Astral Packs will be fun and exciting to open every time you play in your local tournaments!

Astral Packs are still a bit of a ways off, but once they come out, you’ll be able to bling out your Deck with cards like the Ultimate Rare Tsukuyomi, Super Rare versions of Kagemusha of the Six Samurai, Terraforming, Mask Change, and The Gates of Dark World, and easy-to-get common versions of cards like Swift Scarecrow and Thunder of Ruler."

-- Kevin Tewart
Set Specifications

TCG Set Card Ratios

Card List
