Forbidden One

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Exodia the forbidden one is the most powerful creature in the game,its 5 cards are the cards defines the power of exodia!.When the player who holds the five cards needed to summond the beast he/she gets a automatic victory.Exodia was sealed into five parts because he was to powerfull hence the name 'forbidden one',Exodia was a general untill he turned dark....he got out of controll untill the gods where summond to help sealed exodia!...In the series exodia was not often there but his he one kill move was extremly popular....even when yugi stopped exodia he still a ranked by it self..knowing there is diffent cards you cant use to summond exodia like exodius with his effect u cant summond exodia part by part.But in the game Exodia cant over come any monsters even the gods when hes summond there's no stopping him! there is different ways that you cant get the best of having the right cards the infinet power is yours.Like if your oppents was able to send the parts of exodia to the graveyard u sommond exodia nicross then if exodia nicross is out of play for some reason you cant summond exodius and return back the cards from the grave yard! even though exodia history was dark he stilled played a big part as the gaurding og egypt!