Master Guide 3 card storylines

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Master Guide 3 card storylines

Duel Terminal History (Original War)

Page 186
File Number 01
[ Picture of Terminal World ]
The Unending Struggle in the "Duel Terminal" World
The history of the battles in the "Duel Terminal" begins with "Synchro Awakening", and unfolds from there. Why are the monsters who live there fighting? What is the fate they follow? What will the conclusion be? Let us talk about the story here.

Invaders Suddenly Appear

On this distant star, each tribe or clan fights to ultimately reign supreme. For the longest time, the war just waged on, with no one group holding the advantage. However, this battle that no one thought would ever end was suddenly brought to an abrupt halt, as the "Worms", invaders from outerspace, suddenly crashed on the planet.
[ Picture of Worm King / Worm Erokin / Worm Apocalypse ]

Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

To combat the approaching invaders, the "Ice Barrier" freed "Brionac", an ancient dragon that had been sealed. It pushed back the "Worms" with its power.
[ Picture of Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier ]

Flamvell Uruquizas

Against the landing "Worm" forces, the stalwart warrior of the "Flamvell" sallies forth. The flames on his arms surge forth, scorching away the invaders.
[Picture of Flamvell Uruquizas ]

==The form of an organization that extends beyond the tribes and clans==
To combat the invaders, the tribes and clans were forced to form a truce and unite together. The four tribes that were the most powerful forces on the continent form their own organization, "Ally of Justice". Bringing together each of their technologies and crafts, they began to develop anti-Worm weapons.

[ Picture of Reese the Ice Mistress ] Ice Barrier

[ Picture of Flamvell Magician ] Flamvell

[ Picture of Mist Valley Soldier ]
Mist Valley

[ Picture of X-Saber Anu Piranha ]

Ally of Justice

Ally Of Justice
[ Picture of Ally of Justice Thousand Arms ]
[ Picture of Ally of Justice Garadholg ]
[ Picture of Ally of Justice Catastor ]
===Ally of Justice Catastor===
The performance of "Catastor", who was developed early on, was shown to be excellent, causing huge gains against the Worms at every frontline battleground.

[ Picture of Genex Undine ]
Genex Undine

[ Picture of Genex Controller ]
Genex Controller
The Autonomous Power Reactors, known as "Genex", began to move at the same time.Grammar fix and check Japanese text?

Page 187
The Invasion of the "Worms" intensifies
The Invasion of the "Worms" intensifies with each passing day, causing the fight to spread across the continent. Not even the forest where the peaceful "Naturia" lived was an exception. Originally they were a tribe who disliked fighting, but they were forced into combat in order to protect their home.

Naturia Forest
[ Picture of Naturia Forest ]

[ Picture of Naturia Rosewhip ]
[ Picture of Naturia Rock ]
[ Picture of Naturia Leodrake ]
Naturia Leodrake
With claws that tear apart and fangs to crush the enemy, he uses them to protect "Naturia Forest" where he and his friends live.

[ Picture of Ally Mind ]
Ally Mind
An unknown substance was gathered from the meteorites the "Worms" rode down on from the stars. Because of this, the "Ally of Justice" machines had their processing and brain power increase by leaps and bounds.

Ally of Justice Enemy Catcher
Rather than anhillating the "Worms", the engineers shifted their focus to capturing and analyzing them, in an attempt to use the foreign invaders to further strengthen the "Ally of Justice".
[ Picture of Ally of Justice Enemy Catcher ]

Mist Valley Thunder Lord
[ Picture of Mist Valley Thunder Lord ]
Upset with the premise of "Capturing and using the enemy", Mist Valley began to grow distant from the others. They began to desire only fighting alongside each other.

The Sealed Gods reawaken
The cacophony of the wars on the surface cause the "Fabled", who had been sleeping deep within the earth, to reawaken. These gods lended their hand against the invaders, but it was all in the name of fulfilling their own ambitions.

[ Picture of Fabled Valkyrus ]
Fabled Valkyrus
Watching over the battles that desolate the world, "Valkyrus" ends up descending upon the realm of the "Jurrac" , which seemed quite familiar...

[ Picture of Jurrac Giganoto ]
Jurrac Giganoto
The invasion of the "Worms" has barely affected the "Jurrac" and the "Fabled". But when the wicked gods suddenly struck, the Jurrac fought back with the flames that covered their bodies.

Genex Army
"Genex", which are able to slay the ever-evolving "Worm" invaders, modified their bodies into something more suitable for combat.
[Picture of Genex Army ]

Page 188
The world is swallowed up in chaos
The advent of the "Fabled", along with the "Worms", drove the world to the height of chaos and confusion. Even when they've been defeated time and again, the "Worms" reappear the next day like crashing waves in the midst of a storm. And with the Fabled interfering in fights as if to ridicule them, those who fought found themselves increasingly fatigued.

Fabled Leviathan
[Picture of Fabled Leviathan ]
Appearing on the bloody battlefield where the invaders and the current tribes battle, they perform indiscriminate hit-and-run attacks. It seems they enjoy causing chaos on the battlefield.

[ Picture of R-Genex Overseer ]
[ Picture of R-Genex Ultimum ]
[ Picture of Locomotion R-Genex ]
Locomotion R-Genex
The "Genex" reach the end of their self-improvement, taking on the figure of "R-Genex" after obtaining a new power. While they don't have the same output in terms of being power reactors as the "Genex", their combat capabilities have sky rocketed.

The Second Dragon is released.
[ Picture of Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier ]
Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
With more and more soldiers continuing to be slaughtered, "Ice Barrier" released the second ice dragon. Its breath can turn thousands of eemies instantly into ice sculptures, which then shatters.

Reinforcements appear in Mist Valley
Having cut themselves off from "Ally of Justice", the "Mist Valley" clan had been fighting without help from anyone else, forcing them into a difficult battle against the unending hordes of the invaders, unable to call for aid. However, troops suddenly appeared from a gust of wind. These troops that rushed to help with the crisis of MistValley were the legendary dragon knights "Dragunity".

[ Picture of Dragunity Dux ]
[ Picture of Dragunity Phalanx ]
[ Picture of Dragunity Knight - Gaebolg ]
Dragunity Knight - Gaebolg
A family who passed down the secrets of using dragons, the "Dragunity" are said to be able to become one in body and in mind with their dragons. Said to dwell in "Dragon Ravine", a place whose existence has practically become a myth, the Dragunity are said to appear in the midst of turmoil and unrest.

The Final Battle against the "Worms"
The invasion of the "Worms" became increasingly strangely sporadic, but the tribes and clans hurried on constructing their ultimate weapon, suspecting a final battle was in order. And then, a gigantic ominous "Worm", that no other up to this point could be compared to, emerged...

Ally of Justice Quarantine
[Picture of Ally of Justice Quarantine ]
Prior to "Zero" appearing, it detected a spatial distortion.

Worm Call [ Picture of Worm Call ] From a tear in space, an object with mind-boggling mass appears.

[ Picture of Worm Zero ] Worm Zero "Zero" is reported to be consuming the other worms, growing stronger and stronger. Swallowing everything, it kills from merely moving, and the tribes could no longer hide their despair.

[ Picture of Ally of Justice Decisive Armor ] Ally of Justice Decisive Armor Sent to the ultimate decisive battle is the supreme anti-Worm Weapon that was quickly built, the trump card of "Ally of Justice". As the battle swings back and forth, it finally ends in it barely defeating "Zero".

Page 189
A Force Opposes The Gods
Freed from the threat of the worms, the tribes and clans were uproariously joyous. But their joy did not last long. The "Fabled" who had calmly been watching finally made their move, in a scheme of world conquest. On the other side, the R-Genex and the Ally of Justice negotiated, and agreed to work together.

The Fabled Unicore
[ Picture of The Fabled Unicore ]
"The Fabled" appeared almost at the same time as the wicked gods were completely revived. Taking orders from the "Fabled" gods, they use their magic, serving as the vanguard of an invasion.

[ Picture of R-Genex Oracle ]

[Picture of Ally of Justice Field Marshall ]
Ally of Justice

Genex Ally
[ Picture of Genex Ally Triforce ]
A new weapon was created to destroy the "Fabled" who were running rampant. Using the Power Reactor components of the "R-Genex" and the various devices and technology of the "Ally of Justice", they came up with something.

[ Picture of Jurrac Meteor ]
Jurrac Meteor
The "Jurracs", the victims of the most intense attacks of the conquest scheme, transformed their bodies into meteors, and completely razed the land where the "Fabled" dwelt. From the ashes, a new fire was born, the "Neo Flamvell".

Neo Flamvell Origin [ Picture of Neo Flamvell Origin ]

Ancient Flamvell Deity The wishes of those who lost their bodies by dropping the "Meteor" awoke the God of the Ancient Flames. The tribe of Fire becomes one with the ancient deity, sweeping away the "Fabled" that remained in their realm. [Picture of Ancient Flamvell Deity ]

And The World...
Due to the endless struggle, the world had been ravaged. Based on the stituation, the "Ice Barrier" was determined to break the seal of "Trishula", the final ice dragon. ... Without knowing that doing so would lead to the destruction of the entire planet...

[Picture of Medium of the Ice Barrier ]
Medium of the Ice Barrier

[Picture of Mirror of the Ice Barrier ]
Mirror of the Ice Barrier
The voice of the "Medium" was unable to reach the rampaging Ice Dragon, and the "Mirror" was powerless before the furious dragong.

Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier [ Picture of Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier ] Awakened from its slumber, the oldest and strongest dragon, "Trishula", rages out of the control of the "Ice Barrier". In the end, it froze over the entire planet, causing time to stop on the planet.

Duel Terminal History (New War)

Page 190
File Number 02
[ Picture of Infestation Tool ]
The storm of conflict arises on a new stage
In "Vylon Descends!!" a new story in the Duel Terminal begins. As four tribes endlessly quarrel with one another, the armies of Light and Darkness appear before them. As these tribes fight each other for their own reasons, they are inevitably dragged into a battle between light and darkness.

The Light Shines on the Earth and Fire
As the "Laval" continue to attack, the "Gem" tribe decides to finally resist these foes to the bitter end. But amidst their struggle, the "Vylon" descend from the heavens.

(LIGHT) Vylon
Living in the heavens, the Vylon are equal to the divine to those who live on this planet. While they normally are just watchers following the events on the surface, they finally began to intervene when they could no longer let the increasingly brutal conflicts there go on.
Intervenes (Towards "Gem-Knight" and "Laval")

[ Picture of Vylon Sigma ]
Vylon Sigma

[ Picture of Vylon Epsilon ]

Vylon Epsilon

(EARTH) Gem-Knight
Knights of the earth itself, clad in the power of gems. They value chivalry above all else, and despise pointless fights, but with the constant onslaught of attacks from the "Laval" diminishing their numbers, they stand up to defend their friends and allies.
[Picture of Gem-Knight Ruby ]
Gem-Knight Ruby

(FIRE) Laval
The Lavals live in the Laval Zone, where the vast blazing woodlands grow. They are a people obsessed with fightings from birth, who exist for nothing but fighting. As a result, they start conflicts with the "Gem" Tribe for the sake of fighting. Marching On (Towards Gem-Knight)

(WATER) Gishki
Possessing the same power as the "Ice Barrier", they are an impetuous group that use the "Aquamirror" to conduct ancient wicked rituals. Seeking the vast resources of the Mist Valley wetlands, they have begun invading the land of the "Gusto".

[Picture of Evigishki Mind Augus ]
Evigishki Mind Augus

Invading (Towards Gusto)

(WIND) Gusto
A clan who live using the wind, who has been living in the fertile swamplands since time immemorial. Due to repeated invasions from foreign foes, they have formed a deep and lasting bond with the creatures who dwell there, and the families of each side have stood arm to arm to protect the land they call home for generations.

[ Picture of Daigusto Gulldos ]
Daigusto Gulldos

(DARK) Steelswarm
Demons that had been cast and locked away in the abyss when they lost in a battle over the rulership of the world with the "Vylon" in ancient times. When the seal was broken due to the conflicts on the surface, they began to march all over the planet in an attempt to regain their power.

[ Picture of Steelswarm Girastag ]
Steelswarm Girastag

[ Picture of Steelswarm Caucastag ]
Steelswarm Caucastag

Barge In Unwanted (Towards Gusto and Gishki]

Darkness enshrouds Water and Wind
The "Gusto" and "Gishki" have fought over and over, countless times. But while the two clashed, the Steelswarm appeared before them, who began to ravage and devour everything in their sights.

Page 191
The Threat of Darkness Covers the Whole Continent
The 4 tribes found themselves invaded and pillaged by the "Steelswarm". Under the wing of the "Vylon", they enter into a temporary truce to fight back.

Steelsworn Longhorn
The "Steelswarm", having crawled out of the abyss, requiring energy and power so they could consume the "Vylon" who had once sealed them away, rampage across the planet's surface.
[ Picture of Steelswarm Longhorn ]

[ Picture of Vylon Element ]
Vylon Element
The "Vylon" shared with the races on the surface, power to fight back against the "Steelswarm".

Those Who Were Given Power

[ Picture of Gem-Knight Crystal ]
Gem-Knight Crystal

[ Picture of Vylon Prism ]
Vylon Prism

[ Picture of Gem-Knight Prismaura ]
Gem-Knight Prismaura

[ Picture of Laval Stennon ]
Laval Stennon

[ Picture of Laval Cannon ]
Laval Cannon]

[ Picture of Vylon Stella ]
Vylon Stella

[ Picture of Gishki Noellia ]
Gishki Noellia

[ Picture of Vylon Tetra ]
Vylon Tetra

[ Picture of Evigishki Tetrogre ]
Evigishki Tetrogre

[ Picture of Daigusto Sphreez ]
Daigusto Sphreez

[ Picture of Reeze, Whirlwind of Gusto ]
Reeze, Whirlwind of Gusto

[ Picture of Vylon Sphere ]
Vylon Sphere

A Direct Showdown between Light and Darkness!
"Those who lose will be eaten," against this extreme stituation, the tribes continue to fight fiercely against the "Steelswarm". When it appeared everything above the surface, exhausted from the battle, would be consumed by "Steelswarm Hercules", "Vylon Omega" descended from the heavens.

[ Picture of Steelswarm Hercules ]
Steelswarm Hercules
Shockwaves, backed by anger, destroy everything around him, as "Steelswarm Hercules" consumes all who cower before him.

[ Picture of Vylon Omega ]
Vylon Omega
Bathed in the light released by "Vylon Omega", the "Steelswarm" dispate into tiny particles, becoming dust across the battlefield.

Legendary Six Samurai
Page 192
File Number 03
[ Picture of Shien's Dojo ]
The Samurai declared to be the Strongest in the Land divided by Civil War
Those who assisted "Shien" in the past each now hold an important post. However, in their younger years, they stood on the battlefield with "Shi En" as the "Legendary Six Samurai", who were the predecessors of the "Six Samurai". These were the talented, powerful elite who stood alone on the battlefields of the wartorn country, amidst Civil War.

Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En
"Shi En" charged across the battlefield as a central figure in the "Six Samurai", with many severed heads lying in his wake at every battle. The young warrior climbed his way up with his inborn craftiness and cunning wisdom, as it didn't take much time for his name to be carved into this area of civil war.

[ Picture of Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En ] Full of ambition, those who look upon him wither and shrink before him. It is said that his crimson armor is dyed that color from the blood spurting from every enemy commander he cuts down and the flickers of the fires that rage around him, so it becomes even redder as time goes on.

Shien's Scheme
[ Picture of Shien's Scheme]

Blind Spot Strike
[ Picture of Blind Spot Strike ]

The man eventually comes to call himself "Shien" instead of "Shi En". Unlike "Kizan" and "Enishi", he does not age alongside his friends. Is the fact that he remains so youth a sign that he is a Demon King?
[Picture of Great Shogun Shien ]
Great Shogun Shien

[ Picture of Tenkabito Shien ]
Tenkabito Shien

Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
One of the warriors of the invincible "Legendary Six Samurai", with his keen eye and elegant swordsmanship, he has rescued "Shi En" from disasters many a time. Nowadays he is the Grandmaster, who guides the current "Six Samurai".

[ Picture of Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan ]
The skill of "Kizan" shows a sense of clarity and skill amidst fierce, brutal fights, and it is rumored that when someone notices they've been slain by him, that "their soul was slain alongside them", to the point that the rank and file of enemy armies cower and tremble if they have to fight the "Legendary Six Samurai".

[ Picture of Gozen Match ]
Gozen Match
There is rivalry for merit even within the "Legendary Six Samurai", Kizan constantly spars with his friendly rival, Enishi. Kizan, showing off his power before "Shien", becomes "The Grandmaster of the Six Samurai".

[ Picture of Six Strike - Triple Impact ]
Six Strike - Triple Impact]

Kizan in the Present
Grandmaster of the Six Samurai
[ Picture of Grandmaster of the Six Samurai ]

Page 193
Legendary Six Samurai - Enishi
Enishi, who is mocked for his recklessness, is known as "The Daredevil". Since he knew Shi En when they were part of the "Legendary Six Samurai", he is not intimidated by him, so he could offer his opinions and viewpoint, he ended becoming the Chancellor who supports "Shien".
[Picture of Legendary Six Samurai - Enishi ]

Enishi in the Present
Enishi, Shien's Chancellor
[ Picture of Enishi, Shien's Chancellor ]

Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
With mechanical arms installed in the back for support, "Kageki" was feared as the "Four-Armed Oni-Gami". But when he lost both arms in the midst of battle, he had two artifical arms installed, and was given the job to protect "Shien" as a chamberlain after leaving the frontlines.
[Picture of Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki ]

Kageki in the Present
Chamberlain of the Six Samurai
[ Picture of Chamberlain of the Six Samurai ]

Legendary Six Samurai - Shinai
The Samurai who was most trusted by Shi En as a heroic warrior who could escape from the jaws of death, no matter what. However, after sadly dying in the later years of the great war, his soul ended up dwelling inside the armor he died in, and now protects the current generation of the "Six Samurai".
[Picture of Legendary Six Samurai - Shinai ]

Shinai in the Present
Spirit of the Six Samurai
[ Picture of Spirit of the Six Samurai ]

Legendary Six Samurai - Mizuho
The lone woman of the "Legendary Six Samurai" who was joined to Shinai as husband and wife. After Shinai died, she joined a religious order, but her skills have not changed since the days she was on active duty, such that she even now serves as Shien's Hand made flesh, striking down those who would harm him.
[Picture of Legendary Six Samurai - Mizuho ]

Mizuho in the Present
Hand of the Six Samurai
[ Picture of Hand of the Six Samurai ]

Those Who Serve Shi En
Skilled and abled followers who serve Shien, who discovered their skills. Even if they were but a mere soldier, he would appoint those with true talent to a post more befitting their talents, and as such a great number of people desire to serve as both samurai and bureaucrat under Shien. Simply because of this ease of judging one's character, that "Shien" was able to march down the otherwise incasseible road that lead to him seizing the whole nation.

Shien's Squire
[Picture of Shien's Squire ]
A rank and file soldier who is treated as a pawn on the battlefield, they sincerely have great faith in master Shien.

Kagemusha of the Six Samurai
[ Picture of Kagemusha of the Six Samurai ]
As the Kagemusha of the Six Samurai, it is said he can copy them entirely, down to their voice and mannerisms.

Shien's Advisor
[ Picture of Shien's Advisor ]
An Advisor who supports the Legendary Six Samurai from the shadows. He takes into account terrain and the difference in military power as he calmly analyzes the stituation.

Elder of the Six Samurai
[Picture of Elder of the Six Samurai ]
"Shien's Advisor" after he retired. While he's retired from serving on the front line, he enjoys watching his pupil, "Enishi", work.

Page 194
File Number 04
[ Picture of Solar Recharge ]
The Army of Light That Enforces Justice
The swords they carry, the armor they wear, the clothes they're wrapped in, all dazzle and glitter like Platinum. They are the "Lightsworn", who look and fight like Heroes. Where do they come from? What do they fight for? The secret is revealed here.

The Messengers of Heaven Who Pick Through The Ravages of War
The "Lightsworn" are a group who enforce justice. They are called from beyond space and time when people wish for peace and maidens. Once there, they seal and destroy the wicked, leaving not a trace behind.

[ Picture of Realm of Light ]
Realm of Light
The "Lightsworn" live in "Realm of Light", a world full of light. The laws of this world are completely seperate from the rest of space and time, and there they continue to train, awaiting the day they have to dole out justice.

[ Picture of Charge of the Light Brigade ]
Charge of the Light Brigade
"Lightsworn" show up, cutting through the walls of Space-Time. However, they require immense amounts of magic to stay in other worlds while maintaining their minds and bodies.

[ Picture of Glorious Illusion ]
Glorious Illusion
If they fall in the real world, they return to "Realm of Light". However they have immortal souls, so they can continue to dispense justice with another temporary body.

At the Front Line, The Advance Guard
The Advance Guard warriors of the "Lightsworn" are the ones who sally forth into the real world. Their main mission is understanding the nature of the enemy, but each is a highly trained warrior, so oftentimes only they are needed to deal with the stituation.

Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
[ Picture of Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter ]

Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
[ Picture of Jain, Lightsworn Paladin ]

Ehren, Lightsworn Monk
[ Picture of Ehren, Lightsworn Monk ]

Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior
[ Picture of Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior ]

Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
[ Picture of Wulf, Lightsworn Beast ]

Page 195
The Backline Troops: The Magicians and Spellcasters
If a stituation is determined to be too difficult for the advance guard, then those who accel in magic are sent in. While the warriors fight in the fornt, they fight from the back using spells to attack and neutralize the potency of opponent spells.

Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
[ Picture of Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner ]

Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
[ Picture of Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress ]

Lightsworn Barrier
[ Picture of Lightsworn Barrier ]

Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid
[ Picture of Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid ]

Jenis, Lightsworn Mender
[ Picture of Jenis, Lightsworn Mender ]

The Air Force
The enemy is confronted by creatures like dragons and (so such things?), as the battle is dragged into the sky. With support and attacks from the sky, the entire battlefield will be seized.

[ Picture of Shire, Lightsworn Spirit ]
Shire, Lightsworn Spirit

[ Picture of Celestia, Lightsworn Angel ]
Celestia, Lightsworn Angel

[ Picture of Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon ]
Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon

Black Ops Division
A military unit dedicated to sneakin behind enemy lines for the purposes of causing chaos and collecting information. At times they'll snatch treasures that are thought to be the work of magic.

Rinyan, Lightsworn Rogue
[ Picture of Rinyan, Lightsworn Rogue ]

The Greatest Power of the Lightsworn
The greatest weapon of the "Lightsworn" who judgess criminals, of crimes both large and small, with equal disdain. With incredible power that mows down everything in its path, "Judgment Dragon" is capable of crushing an entire nation by itself.

[ Picture of Judgment Dragon ]
Judgment Dragon

Koa'ki Meiru
Page 196
File Number 05

[ Picture of Iron Core Specimen Lab ]
Project C ~Koa'ki Meiru Researchers~
Nestled on the outskirts of Darkworld (Makai), there is an abandoned labratory. There, notes were discovered that detailed the findings about the structure known as the "Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru". Here, all that was written down on the research that remains readable will be exposed to the public...

Darkworld (Makai) History: Superbia 9th, XXXX
We're finally ready, and for our first step, we've decided to amuse ourselves by implanting it into a pile of scraps and a doll made of sand. The experiment was a success, and next we shall use it on living things with a will of their own.

[ Picture of Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru ]
Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru
Unable to make artifical beasts on our own, we used this core to create them by using it on living creatures. Its composition is... (Unintelligible)

[ Picture of Koa'ki Meiru Powerhand ]
Koa'ki Meiru Powerhand

[ Picture of Koa'ki Meiru Sandman ]
Koa'ki Meiru Sandman

Darkworld (Makai) History: Avaritia 17th, XXXX
After capturing the creature that was wandering outside the lab, we experimented on it, by implanting the core inside it. While there was some resistance, we were able to control it with no discernable problems.

[ Picture of Koa'ki Meiru Sea Panther ]
Koa'ki Meiru Sea Panther

[ Picture of Koa'ki Meiru Bergzak ]
Koa'ki Meiru Bergzak
After implanting the core, tests show an increase in the subject's muscular strength and cardio-pulmonary functions. Oh, with these enhancements, he might be quite useful as a sentry.

Darkworld (Makai) History: Invidia 49th XXXX
We took a little outing with the sentry protecting us. We encountered a demon, but fortunately we were able to capture it due to said sentry. We plan to immediately implant the "Iron Core" into the creature.

[ Picture of Koa'ki Meiru Doom ]
Koa'ki Meiru Doom

Koa'ki Meiru Valafar
We captured the red demon, and deemed it sufficient enough to implant the No. 3 "Iron Core" into. But it should be noted, the specimen exhibits considerable resistance.
[ Picture of Koa'ki Meiru Valafar ]

[ Picture of Core Reinforcement ]
Core Reinforcement
While the implant into the Red Demon was successful, the event seems to have caused the "Iron Core" to deteriorate. The demon was cryogenically frozen, while the core had to undergo reinforcement procedures.

Page 197
Darkworld (Makai) History: Luxuria 14th, XXXX
One of my co-workers says he's designed weapons that use the "Iron Core". Since he's already drawn up the blueprints, I decided to help 'im to pass the time.

[ Picture of Automatic Laser ]
Automatic Laser]

[ Picture of Nega-Ton Corepanel ]
Nega-Ton Corepanel
Regardless of a creature's wits or power, if they are caught in the light flowing from this device, they will be completely neutralized. ... However you need to target the enemy just as they start moving.

[ Picture of [[Core ]
Core Buster
We finally completed a piece of equipment that can only be used by the "Koa'ki Meiru". But, I'm in danger if I did a bad job... so I have to make sure the "Koa'ki Meiru" don't go out of control...

Darkworld (Makai) History: Gula 4th, XXXX
I'm lucky. For a dragon to appear here and now!
Well, now that this device to transport the core is complete, I head out with the sentry and the pile of scraps to capture a test subject.

[Picture of Core Transport Unit ]
Core Transport Unit

[ Picture of Urgent Synthesis ]
Urgent Synthesis

Koa'ki Meiru Drago
(We, well.?) My "Iron Core" took control of the Dragon. The swelling in its torso cannot hold it in check. I have finally earned the right to control all living things, hehehe...!
[ Picture of Koa'ki Meiru Drago ]

Darkworld (Makai) History: Acedia 13th, XXXX
A few days ago, I found a strange creature lying in front of the facility, possibly struck down by the "Nega-Ton Corepanel". Structurally, it appears to be rather close to a dragon... ... ...

[ Picture of Koa'ki Meiru Initialize! ]
Koa'ki Meiru Initialize!

[ Picture of Core Compression ]
Core Compression

[ Picture of Koa'ki Meiru Maximus]
Koa'ki Meiru Maximus

Darkworld (Makai) History: Ira 666th, XXXX
The sixth transplant experiment... Again it went out of control... Today, the rock man was destroyed. ... Wait, who's that? My "Iron Core" couldn't possibly... could it...?

[ Picture of Koa'ki Meiru Guardian ]
Koa'ki Meiru Guardian

[ Picture of Core Blast ]
Core Blast

[ Picture of Iron Core Luster ]
Iron Core Luster

Skull Servant
Page 198
File Number 06
[ Picture of Ante ]
Everybody Loves Skull Servant!
Appearing in the early days of the "Official Card Game" was a fellow in a charming outfit, but meager ATK and DEF, which earned him many strange fans... "Skull Servant". Here, we'll go into detail about Skull Servant. Let's find out what bizzare charm Skull Servant holds for so many!!

Mr. "Skull Servant" writes "Thank you, my growing number of friends!"

Discovery from the Graveyard! A Look-A-Like of Mr. "Skull Servant"!
[ Picture of Skull Servant ]
Skull Servant
The look-alike wearing green clothes is Mr. "Wandering Doomed". The two of them being peas in a pod has become a topic of discussion in the "Skull Servant" Community.

The Wandering Doomed
[ Picture of The Wandering Doomed ]

[ Picture of King of the Skull Servants ]
King of the Skull Servants.
This figure, when surrounded by other Skull Servants, gives off the air and personality of a king. The Mr. Skull Servant in question seems to be saying "That's what I'll be one of these days... ... ... no?", as he gives a glance.

[ Picture of The Lady in Wight ]
The Lady in Wight.
A Superstar in the Skull Servant community. It is said she is "quite displeased" with being confused with Skull Servant while sleeping in the Grave.

[ Picture of Wightmare ]
An anticipated newcomer to the Skull Servant community. He seems to quite enjoy drinking tea, but he seems to always look so sad because it leaks out right after drinking it.

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Let's Look for Skull Servant, hidden in these cards.
Skull Servant actually shows up in a lot of places. Can you, fans of Skull Servant, quickly find him on these pictures?

Spirit Caller
(Degree of Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆)
[ Picture of Spirit Caller ]
The one is an easy question. It's pretty obvious where Skull Servant is. By the ways, the words Skull Servant said, here, were... "Sorry, I'm filling up the joint."

Pride of the Weak
(Degree of Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆)
[ Picture of Pride of the Weak ]
This is also easy. Though, for some, the strange expression seems quite contrary to Skull Servant's normal appearance, so one might be inclined to think "Maybe this isn't Skull Servant."? However, the suspicion leaves once they double check the picture.

Chthonian Blast
(Degree of Difficulty: ★★★☆☆)
[ Picture of Chthonian Blast ]
Who exploded, are they alright? It's a troubling shot. If one pays attention, they should be able to tell the one who exploded was Skull Servant. Incidentally, if Skull Servant is destroyed by this effect, the damage is 150.

Dark Eruption
(Degree of Difficulty: ★★★★☆)
[ Picture of Dark Eruption ]
Glancing, one thinks, "Is Skull Servant on this card". If you would, look at the illustration and think a bit. Sent flying in the upper left corner, across the moon, is our favorite guy. Skull Servant, however, wishes he wasn't recovered by this effect.

Zombie Master
(Degree of Difficulty: ★★★★★)
[ Picture of Zombie Master ]
Zombie Master is a key component in any Zombie-Type. Focusing your eyes on the center of the card, where the action is going on, one would be sure to say "Skull Servant isn't there". Well of course not. Look to the bottom left. He has an adorable, if anxious look that seems to ask, "Will I be next?"

Let's give Skull Servant our best regards!
Do you grasp the appeal of the very loved and adored "Skull Servant"? If encouragement continues, then even more cards that'll make "Skull Servant" even stronger won't be just a dream, and will come to life! Everyone, let's support him!

[ Picture of Self-Mummification ]
There are expectations of even more Skull Servant cards in the future. From here on out, Skull Servant is going to become pretty SUPER COOL!