Card Tips:Ultimaya Tzolkin

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  • Use cards that Set themselves (such as the "Scrap-Iron" cards) and cards that Set other cards (such as "Dust Tornado") to get good use out of this card's effect.
  • You can easily Special Summon this card by using "Quickdraw Synchron" alongside other easily-summoned Level 5 monsters (such as "Cyber Dragon", "Apocatequil" or "The Tricky") due to its easy-to-use special summon effect. Also, since this card isn't formally Synchro Summoned, you can disregard the Condition effects of "Quickdraw" (or any other monster, for that matter).
  • You can summon this card using two copies of "Apocatequil" and 1 "Lightwave Tuning." Without a Tuner on the field, "Apocatequil" is Level 4 and a viable target for "Lightwave Tuning". However, once one "Apocatequil" is a Tuner it will trigger the effects of both making them Level 5 and giving you the necessary materials for "Ultimaya."
  • You can summon this card in a "T.G." deck by Special Summoning T.G. Striker and chain with T.G. Warwolf. Then, Normal Summon T.G. Catapult Dragon and use it's effect to summon T.G. Jet Falcon. Next, Synchro Summon T.G. Hyper Librarian and then T.G. Wonder Magician. Then, you will get not only a requirements to summon Ultimaya Tzolkin, but use a Jet Falcon's burn effect, Hyper Librarian's draw eff, and Wonder Magician's Spell/Trap destroying eff.
  • Even though you cannot use Gagaga Magician as a Synchro Material, you can still use Gagaga Magician to Special Summon this card, as Ultimaya Tzolkin's Special Summon is not a proper Synchro Summon. Use any Level 5-8 Tuner and then use Gagaga Magician's effect to change its Level to the appropriate Level and then send them to the Graveyard to Special Summon Ultimaya Tzolkin.
  • A easy summon of this card can be achieved by summoning a "Quickdraw Synchron" and then activating "Abyssal Stungray" allowing for a level 5 tuner and non-tuner of corresponding level to be on the field at the same time.
