Card Trivia:Tarai

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  • This monster is based on a metal washbin often used as a comedic trope in Japanese media.
    • The base kanji (陀羅威) of this monster's name is homophonous with the Japanese word for "washbasin" (盥 tarai), but is written with meaningful kanji characters to create a word play; the former two characters are Japanese characters typically used to transcribe Buddhist Sanksrit terms containing the sound dala, such as mandala, while the third character means "power". Taken together, the kanji name can be interpreted to mean "authority of the Buddha".
    • This monster's effect, destroying an Effect Monster in the Main Monster Zone (after its effect is activated on the field) and taking its place in the same zone as the destroyed monster, is based on the trope, in which the washbasin often falls on someone's head with perfect comedic timing, sometimes knocking them out.