Card Tips:Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

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  • Use "Pot of Avarice" to return cards from your Graveyard back to your Deck.
  • Being a LIGHT Beast-Type monster, this can work well with "Ojama" monsters, particularly if the Deck contains only Beast-Type monsters, as it won't affect "Solidarity".
  • This card can be Special Summoned by "Debris Dragon". You can Normal Summon "Debris", bring this card back, and if you have "Doppelwarrior" in hand you can Special Summon it and Synchro Summon a "Scrap Dragon".
  • Ironically, this card sees more play OUTSIDE of the Lightsworn deck. They usually only use 1 or 2 as it is deemed too "slow". However in decks such as Plants and Flamvells it sees play in three, as it fuels your graveyard with "Dandylion" and "Spore" and provides fuel for "Rekindling".

Traditional Format