Card Tips:Morphtronic Clocken

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  • Use "Swords of Revealing Light" while this card is in Defense Position to accumulate counters, and then Tribute this card to do large damage.
  • Use "Stumbling" to shift this card to Defense Position when summoned and to stop your opponent's monsters from killing it by turning them to defense as well.
  • Use this card with "Level Limit - Area B" or "Gravity Bind" to stop all Level 4 or higher monsters from attacking this card and allowing it to gain counters to inflict loads of damage
  • You can use a card like "Heart of Clear Water" to equip to Clocken to stall out for the necessary time in defense mode to deal massive damage to your opponent. Just don't switch Morphtronic Clocken to attack position while he is equiped with Heart of Clear Water because often his ATK will exceed that of the limit on Heart of Clear Water and it will be destroyed.
                                                                                                                   * First play Double Summon and Summon Morphtronic Boarden and Morphtronic Clocken. Then activate Machine Duplication and Summon two more Morphtronic Clockens. Now you have three Morph Counters after this. Send Gadget Driver to the Graveyard and switch the Battle Position of Morphtronic Boarden and the three Clockens to defense. With Boarden, the three Clockens cannot be destroyed by battle and can do very LARGE Damage with three Morph Counters per turn. You could also combine Morphtronic Magnen, in defense position, to protect Morphtronic Boarden.