Forum:Burning Hearts - The Beginning Of The End: Warrior Deck

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Deck Name: Burning Hearts - The Beginning Of The End

Main Deck Cards (42):

Monster Cards (20):

   * D.D. Warrior Lady X1
   * D.D. Assailant x2
   * Elemental Hero Wildheart x3
   * Marauding Captain X3
   * Gilford the Lightning x1
   * Exiled Force x2
   * Command Knight X2
   * Morphing Jar x1
   * Freed the Matchless General X2
   * Warrior Lady of the Wasteland x3 

Spell Cards (13):

   * The A. Forces x3
   * United We Stand x1
   * Monster Reborn x1
   * Premature Burial x1
   * Lightning Vortex x1
   * Brain Control x1
   * Heavy Storm x1
   * Mystical Space Typhoon x1
   * Nobleman of Crossout x1
   * Reinforcement of the Army x2 

Trap Cards (9):

   * Mirror Force x1
   * Sakuretsu Armor x2
   * Bottomless Trap Hole x2
   * Dark Bribe x3 
   * Dust Tornado x1

Side Deck (15):

   * Holy Knight Ishzark x2
   * Solemn Judgment x3
   * Swords of Revealing Lightx1
   * Amazoness Swords Woman x2
   * D.D. Assailant x1
   * Exiled Forcex1
   * Mataza the Zapper x3
   * Dust Tornado x2

DarknessEntity 04:09, 2 June 2008 (UTC)

Help and Comments

  • What do you want to do with this deck? What is its strategy? Please sign your posts with the 4 tildes, and remember that a Side Deck can only have either 0 cards, or 15, but not 6. 18:22, 30 May 2008 (UTC)

  • Always like Amazoness Swordswoman in a warrior deck. Another idea is Limit Rebirth to get more use out of your Exiled Force's.

Lightspeed1967 20:59, 30 May 2008 (UTC)

  • This deck rely on monster swamping and removing strong monster from the field through exiled force, D.D. Warrior Lady and D.D. Assailant, hence clearing a path for direct attacks. Also this deck boost my lower attack monster through The A. Force, Command Knight and Equip spell, almost every match I will see that my marauding captain attack point rises to 2000 at least. But the problem is that this deck is too inconsistent as I find it quite hard to have enough cards in hand to play(No Hand Advantage) because of my monster marauding captain monster swamping... Well I did think of adding Amazoness Swords Woman but putting her in means that i have to sacrifice 2 Mataza The Zapper which happens to be my favourite card although it is not very useful...

DarknessEntity 04:41, 2 June 2008 (UTC)

  • It's inconsistent cause you don't have any searchers or much drawing power. My "specialty" is zombies. The strong point of zombies is that I can special summon them like crazy from the graveyard and swarm the field. *To make that strong point more useful, I put in Card of Safe Return. Lets me draw a card every time a monster is special summoned from the graveyard. I have Giant Rats to get Pyramid Turtles out, which get anything else I want out.
  • See the connections? I don't know any for Warrior decks, but try to find something like the zombie combos if you want consistency.
  • Adding in Giant Rats can be a start, bringing out the Mataza the Zappers and Marauding Captains (and I think the Command Knights and Elemental WildHeart, not sure if they're earth)
  • Also, adding cards that bring others out is a (small but) useful way of slimming the deck down to increase the chances of getting other things you need.

Eminentjonfrost 02:33, 31 May 2008 (UTC)

  • To search your deck put in reinforcment of the army. With that card you can search marauding captain. Also a swift gaia the fierce knight can be usefull.

  • Yea, a warrior deck. Good work on ur deck, i also uses a similiar deck, but mine includes the mystic swordsman series.

  • Edited the deck, works more consistently now but have dead draws quite a few times... Help? I did try finding cards that increase drawing power but I can't find one thats not in the forbidden list...

DarknessEntity 04:09, 2 June 2008 (UTC)

i would knock of one of the freeds, bring in the mattaza

what happned to sasuke samurai???? its like no ones using it now...

sasuke samurai is such a great card especialy when your opponet has a nasty flip effect monster

book of moon goes great with him

no goblin attack force? no cliff the trap remover??? no matazza??? no sasuke samurai??

ill tell you this too... i dont like command knights, or magicians valkyria...... because al they do is stall for a short time and its a pain to bring them out unlike marauding captain.

i would knock off the command knight even though they give you a slight boost.


Goblin Attack Force side effect is too much, besides my deck boost the monsters attack if it goes into defence mode, the combo will be ruin. Well, cliff the trap remover's attack, def and effect isn't great. I always loved mataza so i guess i will try to make a space for him AGAIN.

DarknessEntity 04:13, 3 June 2008 (UTC)

Sasuke samurai? Isn't the mystic swordsman series better? Also, try morphling jar drawing power.