Perfect Circle

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Perfect Circle Decks rely on using "Light and Darkness Dragon", with the added support of "Monarch" and "Destiny HERO" monsters, especially with "Destiny HERO - Disk Commander".

Typical combos include using "Destiny Draw" to send "Destiny HERO - Malicious", "Destiny HERO - Disk Commander" or "Destiny HERO - Dasher" to the Graveyard, using "Call of the Haunted" or "Monster Reborn" to Special Summon "Destiny HERO - Disk Commander" and then Tribute it to Tribute Summon a "Monarch", typically "Caius the Shadow Monarch", but the choice of "Monarchs" to use in the Deck is up to the creator.

"Even though Destiny HERO - Disk Commander" becoming Forbidden has slowed down this Deck, it is still playable in the Advanced Format. Combining Dark Monsters such Mystic Tomato to special summon another dark monster for tribute fodder and Armageddon Knight (To dump dark monsters into the grave) as well as Allure of Darkness, the deck is still viable to use.

There is an additional Strategy to this Deck. See "Monarch Toolbox".

Typical cards