Card Trivia:Ancient Fairy Dragon

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  • "Ancient Fairy Dragon" is similar to Leo's "Power Tool Dragon" in that both search for a type of Spell Card and each dragon's effect involves destroying that Spell Card.
  • In both the games and the anime, this card is considered the greatest threat to the "Earthbound Immortals", since they gain their power from Field Spells. This would also explain why the Dark Signers had this card, to keep it from being used against them. This was also the reason the "Earthbound Immortals" had captured her to begin with.
  • Out of the five Signer Dragons, this card has the highest combined ATK and DEF.
  • Ancient Fairy Dragon's wings resemble the leaves of "Ancient Leaf".
  • This is the only Signer Dragon to be directly weakened when used in a Turbo Duel, as its first effect would be moot: Field Spells other than Speed World/Speed World 2 can't be used in a Turbo Duel, and said Field Spells are indestructible anyway.