Forum:Rate my Girls Dark Deck

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Revision as of 18:33, 17 February 2009 by Duelist33 (talk) (Some Modifications are made)
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Okay, I have finally convinced my girlfriend that this game is designed so that you may always have the ability to modify your deck. It took her finally losing a bunch of matches with the same deck and her constantly seeing that I was modifying my deck before she did it, but she has done this. As, I have stated in previous posts she is realatively new to this game, and wasn't comfortable with making decks. This deck is one that had very little input from me, meaning that all I did was pick cards that I thought would be good and explain them to her in how they would work in her favor. She did most of this on her own. The name is a work in progress, so we are keeping it the same as it was before. I would like you guys to rate this and suggest any modifications you can think of.

  • Again, there is no hope in me convincing her to get rid of any of her Scrap-Iron Scarecrows so that is one that can't be suggested.
  • As you can see this deck is designed to clear her opponents field, and get her monsters to her side albiet slowly, but with a Beatstick Mentality. This is a strategy that I don't use very often so I am not familiar with cards that could help it. She is also going to have to take her time getting used to it, because she is a defensive player normally but that won't work for her this time.
  • The name was a work in progress but now it is not.

Duelist33 17:50, 14 February 2009 (UTC)

Ok i dont know where you play, but the quality of the deck is lacking

The first thing anyone can think of for a DARK deck is Allure of Darkness but unless you're willing spend a lot of cash, dont.

For monsters, take out An Owl of Luck, Barrier Statue of the Abyss, Dark Blade, Mad Archfiend and Obsidian Dragon cus its really takes up space for no reason.

Add in another copy of Dark Crusader, Dark General Freed, and Caius the Shadow Monarch and Vengeful Shinobi. Add 3 copies of any LVL 4 1900 ATK dark monster. There should be plenty. The two old vindictive magicians should be exchanged for 2 Night Assailants. They're better

For spells, field barrier, dark energy, black pendant is not needed. Instead add another mystic plasma zone, terraforming. Also add United We Stand.

Im not a very good trap decider but bottomless trap hole, compulsory evacution device and Phoenix Wing Wind Blast are good consderations

The sychros are ok at best, perhaps adding in Stardust for protection or red dragons archfiend for offense (its also dark)

  • For Starters Night Assailant is Limited in Advanced and Traditional so unless you play by the main rules and not the Limited and Forbidden rules than 2 night assailants is ok. Solastramage666 05:43, 15 February 2009 (UTC)

ok more tweeks

here's a better move use Magic Reflector and use it on the field spell. It will open a space in the magic-trap area i really like using dark monsters and u need 2-3 Dark Illusions to protect your dark monsters Use 3- Giant Germs to keep monsters out on the field. a Draining Shield can get u out of a pickle

Thanks to both of you

I am limited in some of those cards, but as I find them I will make sure to handle the adjustments accordingly. For whomever said that limited card, we don't play in tournaments, but we do follow the Advanced Format, so a limited or forbidden card won't work. A semi limited however will work. The problem is that I don't have it. I am getting ready to start a Ebay Account, therefore it will be a tad bit easier. Again any modifications you make will be given serious consideration thanks.

Duelist33 17:47, 15 February 2009 (UTC)

My take


Vengeful Shinobi x1
An Owl of Luck x1
Obsidian Dragon x1
Mad Archfiend x1
Barrier Statue of the Abyss x1
Dark Blade x1
Sinister Sprocket x1
Black Pendant x1
Dark Energy x1
Field Barrier x1
Terraforming x1
Robbin' Zombie x1
Robbin' Goblin x1 (Total -13)


Caius the Shadow Monarch x2
Giant Germ x3
Mystic Tomato x3
Sangan x1
Heavy Storm x1
Waboku x1 OR Threatening Roar x1


Substitute the Spellbinding Circle for a Waboku or a Threatening Roar.
Substitute the Battle Tuned for a either a Shrink/Rush Recklessly, or a Waboku/Threatening Roar.
Substitute the Mystic Plasma Zones for (expensive) Burden of the Mighty or (cheaper) Shrink/Rush Recklessly.
After these changes the deck should run much more smoothly. Only issue I see is draw power (which would normally be achieved by Allure of Darkness, but oh well...). Tell me how this runs. I'd also suggest experimenting with: Reasoning, Monster Gate, Destiny Hero - Dasher, Necro Gardna/Shield Warrior, Armageddon Knight, Prometheus, King of the Shadows (he's a GLD1 Gold UR, pretty easy to get). Especially the latter one can be an OTK move. You can try it as such:
+1 Reasoning
+1 Monster Gate
+2 Foolish Burial
+3 Destiny Hero - Dasher
+2 Armageddon Knight
+3 Necro Gardna/Shield Warrior (the former being much better)
+2 Prometheus, King of the Shadows.
That's +4 Spells and +10 monsters. To add these, remove the cards mentioned before, and also remove:
Old Vindictive Magician x2
Pitch-Black Warwolf x1


Substitute Sakuretsu Armor for Raigeki Break or Phoenix Wing Wind Blast.
Substitute Dust Tornado for Raigeki Break or Phoenix Wing Wind Blast.
Substitute Twister for Raigeki Break or Phoenix Wing Wind Blast.
(You should still substitute the cards I mention futher above.)
This, in my opinion, is a much more effective build, and is pretty cheap (except for the Necro Gardnas and the PWWBs). You can try either. Tell me the results! --Darth Covah (Talk | Contribs) 07:16, 16 February 2009 (UTC)

I'm confused

Some of these modifications you guys are making, are adding a bunch of tribute monsters and that does go against one of my major rules. How, do you tribute those to make them more accessible and what about immeidiately drawing all Tribute monsters. I will take some of you guys modifications, but some of them I can't understand, the purpose of this deck is to make her dark monsters a bit more powerful, yet all equip cards and boost cards for the dark monsters you are telling us to remove. I obviously don't see the strategy the same as you guys do so if you could all tell me what you are looking towards doing, I might be able to figure it out a bit better. Nothing offensive meant obviously just not seeing where you are all going with this. For example, to put in your Destiny Hero - Dasher you have to tribute a monster to summon it, then you have to tribute a monster to activate it's effect, and then once you attack with it, it becomes a 1000 defense monster which most level 3 and level 4 have no problem defeating it. So in a sense you tribute to monsters to make it a nice attack, but then you lose the monster in the next turn.

Duelist33 21:02, 16 February 2009 (UTC)

  • Take a look at some of the other suggestions. Armageddon Knight. It lets you send a DARK monster to the grave, such as Dasher. Now look at Dasher's other effect. It allows you to special summon any monster you draw as long as Dasher's in the grave. Something like tribute fodder or a high-level monster. I think that was the point of the Dashers and Foolish Burials and such. If I am incorrect, someone please correct me. --Bluedog (Talk) 21:28, 16 February 2009 (UTC)
  • Let me explain, then. The deck, in its original form, focuses mainly on ATK power, right? Well, let me tell you that although high ATK is a good point for a monster, it is far from everything. In the first form I propose, it starts to focus on maintaining field presence and superiority via effects - i.e. Caius' effect. Also, defense is added to aid against the large beatsticks your opponent may have. In general, know that it is better to deal with an opposing beatstick with an effect than trying to over-ATK it. Try getting a monster to trample a Five-Headed Dragon, for instance. Yikes. But a measly Man-Eater Bug pounds it into the ground. The first fix I propose makes the deck more potent in monster removal without compromising the integrity of your monsters, meaning you may have to sacrifice ATK power for effects, but you'll still make sure your monsters are not destroyed in battle.
The second form I propose focuses on graveyard effects, discard, self-mill, swarm and extremely high ATK. More or less similar to the original deck, but much faster and with many, many defenses in case something goes wrong. Now, since the first edits I present are rather straightforward, I'll analyze only the second set of changes, and the substituted cards:
Reasoning: Monster Levels in the deck follow a Gauss distribution (huh?) centered around LV4. In other words, you have mostly LV4 monsters, but there are many others ranging from LV2 to LV6. So it's rather easy to net a free SS from this card.
Monster Gate: Many of the monsters I added are weak ATK-wise, or have powerful effects in the Graveyard. Or you may simply need another DARK in the Grave. Then, you use this card, to get rid of a "useless" monster on the field and thin your deck while looking for a random substitute.
Foolish Burial: Sending Necro Gardnas/Shield Warriors and Destiny Hero - Dashers to the Grave is a very good thing. That's where they are most useful. You also thin the deck while doing so.
Armageddon Knight: Same as Foolish Burial, only this is also a monster, meaning that you can tribute it, mill it, SS it, discard it etc and get a DARK in the Grave.
Destiny Hero - Dasher: Let me explain what to do with this card: Drop it in the Grave. Dasher has an effect that allows you to SS a monster you drew in the Draw Phase by revealing it. That effect can only be activated by a Dasher in the Grave, and is once per Dasher only. So, it's only natural to want this card in the Grave. If, by any chance, you draw it or SS it by a card effect (i.e. Reasoning), it still has a potential 3100 ATK, more than enough to deal with any beatstick. And if it is destroyed, so be it! It is more useful in the Grave!
Necro Gardna: Mill this monster or discard/tribute it to get it to the Grave. Like Dasher, it has a neat Grave effect. It negates an attack!
Shield Warrior: If Gardnas are too expensive, get some of these. They also have a Grave effect, they work as an one-shot Waboku, but you still take battle damage.
Prometheus, King of the Shadows: The deck's powerhouse. Get one of these out with the opponent clear (something easy to do, because, if you recall, I added a lot of removal), remove all your DARKs to give this card MASSIVE ATK. In average, you'll want to remove 7 DARKs. That's 4000 ATK! Add some more monsters, or remove more DARKs and you have an OTK!
Raigeki Break: The answer to cards dead in the hand. Did you draw 2 Dashers that are totally useless? Ditch one for this card, get Dasher's Grave effect, and destroy an opponent's card too! What better way to make a dead card alive again?
Phoenix Wing Wind Blast: Like Raigeki Break, only that this card messes up your opponent's hand more than the field. So it is nastier ^_^.
Waboku: Defense. You want your monsters to survive till you establish control, and this card does that.
Threatening Roar. Like Waboku, only better. Chainable at any point, and doesn't allow attacks altogether, so that Red Dragon Archfiend will still not be able to touch your DEF position monsters.
Shrink: Aggressive defense. You'll say, "Isn't a +X ATK equip better?" NO. The opponent won't suicide on your reinforced Dark Crusader if he's acivated his effect once and is equipped with a Black Pendant, so you just get a beatstick that sits around, waiting to be removed. But Shrink is a Quick-Play, allowing you to turn the tide of the Battle Phase, usually dealing large damage AND destroying an opposing monster. 2 for 1, a trade everyone would like.
Rush Recklessly: Like Shrink, but since it targets your monsters, it gets around irritating card effects such as Dark Illusion and Thought Ruler Archfiend.
I think that's all. If for some reason you don't like the deck suggestions I made, it's ok. Maybe you prefer a simpler strategy. But I do think the deck, after the changes, still has the same mentality, but a lot more power. Try it and see. --Darth Covah (Talk | Contribs) 21:59, 16 February 2009 (UTC)

I like the modifications

Now that I understand where it is going, I was just seeing the modifications as I see them, and I obviously can't make a deck as well as you can. Because if that were the case, I wouldn't be on this forum asking advice for every deck I make up. I just didn't understand where you were going with them. Now, that I do it seems to have been explained a bit more clearer to me. I can't work all those modifications into it because I don't have that many cards, but what I can do is more then likely do most of Darth Covah's first way to run the deck. As, I do have alot of those. I will make the modifications as I can, and will continue to update this forum with the modifications. I wasn't looking at the Graveyard effects, but to understand better, pretty much treat Dasher as Quillbolt Hedgehog better in the Graveyard then on the field.

Duelist33 22:34, 16 February 2009 (UTC)

Some Modifications are made

She swept our buddy last night in a match, because she was able to get her cards out for the first time they way they are supposed to go. I was only able to make a few modifications at the moment and they have been modified in the Deck List, but I will make them here as well. An Owl of Luck was replaced for another Caius the Shadow Monarch I replaced her Battle Tuned with a Rush Recklessly and her Dark Energy with a Bottomless Trap Hole. What is horrible though is she got out her Gorz the Emissary of Darkness and his Emissary of Darkness token on our friend's turn but he Lightning Vortexed the field in his Main Phase 2. I am still looking to make the other modifications you have mentioned but am lacking the cards right now. — This unsigned comment was made by Duelist33 (talkcontribs) 17:36, 17 February 2009 (UTC)

  • These cards shouldn't be too hard to come by. Ask around and you'll have them in 3s in no time. --Darth Covah (Talk | Contribs) 17:52, 17 February 2009 (UTC)
  • Yeah, I know if I could have someone to trade with, where do you find the values of cards, because my friend the one I keep talking about is a tough dude to trade with. I gave up an entire Archetype of cards to get some Fusion Material Monsters, along with their fusion couterparts. On which I believe he ripped me off. Though the guy who runs the free play at my local hobby store just gave me like 5 Monster Reborns for nothing he counts them as Staples so he has a ton of them. Duelist33 18:33, 17 February 2009 (UTC)