Talk:Plaguespreader Zombie

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Revision as of 22:51, 16 May 2009 by Dragonking (talk)
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Y'know that myth about zombies turning other living things into zombies by biting them? Well it is sort of implied that this is what Plaguespreader Zombie is supposed to do (hence "plague-spreader"). So it would be funny if someone synchro summoned Revived King Ha Des by synchronizing Plaguespreader Zombie with a Dark Ruler Ha Des equipped with Demotion and having Zombie World on the field, and did the same thing with Chthonian Emperor Dragon to synchro summon Doomkaiser Dragon. That way, it would almost like the plaguespreader spread his plague onto those monsters and converted them into zombies. It is almost like the fusion of Baby Dragon and Time Wizard where the mere combining of their bodies causes the dragon to age.--Dragonking 15:22, 20 December 2008 (UTC)

Now that they have Undead Skull Archfiend, a third funny synchro summon would be using Zombie World, Plaguespreader Zombie, a level 3 or lower monster, and Star blast to turn Summoned Skull or Archfiend Skull of Lightning into the undead skull.--Dragonking 22:51, 16 May 2009 (UTC)

Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare

OMG, my predictions were that it will be SR, cuz most (not so sure XD) of better cards which are R in OCG are released as SR (but yeah, not always *cought* DAD *cought* XD) in TCG. Yeah, great~. As always it won't be easy to get it when it comes :\
Nothing else expected from UDE >_> (Kirikami 18:56, 30 October 2008 (UTC))