Card Tips:Magician's Circle

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  • Playing this card against a non-Spellcaster deck will not only benefit you by allowing you to Special Summon a monster. For example, your opponent is likely to have a weaker Spellcaster in their deck if any exist at all, such as Magician of Faith. If the opponent doesn't have any Spellcasters in their deck with 2000 or less ATK, you are allowed to verify by looking through their deck.
  • You can use this card to get out "Injection Fairy Lily." Plus, since that was a special summon, you can use "Inferno Reckless Summon" to special summon up to 2 more. This works especially well since there is a chance they will have a spellcaster with 2000 or less ATK, thus fullfilling the requirement that there needs to be a face-up monster on your opponent's side of the field to activate "Inferno Reckless Summon".
  • You can use this card in any Gravekeeper deck, especially since all Gravekeepers are Spellcasters with less than 2000 ATK.
  • Use when your opponent attacks with a attack monster and when DNA Surgery is on the field. If you have a Magician's Valkyria on the field, this card lets you speacial summon one more for a lockdown.