Curse of Anubis (set)

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Curse of Anubis
Curse of Anubis
  • Curse of Anubis
JapaneseCurse of Anubisカース・オブ・アヌビス -アヌビスののろい-
BaseCurse of Anubis -アヌビスの呪い-
Furiganaカース・オブ・アヌビス -アヌビスののろい-
RōmajiKāsu Obu Anubisu - Anubisu no Noroi -
Set information
Part of seriesCore Booster
  • CA (jp)
Number of cards52
Cover card
Yugioh-Card database ID
Release dates
JapaneseSeptember 28, 2000

Curse of Anubis

Curse of Anubis is a Japanese booster pack in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Card Game. It is the third booster pack in the OCG Series 2.

In other languages, the set Pharaoh's Servant is a combination of this set and Thousand Eyes Bible.



Each pack contains 5 cards and each box contains 30 packs.

The set contains 52 cards or 56 in the Master Set. This consists of:



Curse of Anubis
Unlimited Edition galleries
Card numberEnglish nameJapanese nameRarityCategory
CA-00"Jinzo"じんぞうにんげん-サイコ・ショッカー」Secret Rare
Ultra Parallel Rare
Effect Monster
CA-01"Steel Ogre Grotto 2"てつわんゴーレム」CommonNormal Monster
CA-02"Three-Headed Geedo"くびのギドー」CommonNormal Monster
CA-03"Parasite Paracide"せいちゅうパラサイド」Ultra Rare
Ultra Parallel Rare
Flip monster
CA-04"7 Completed"セブンカード」CommonEquip Spell
CA-05"Lightforce Sword"ひかりふうさつけんSuper RareNormal Trap
CA-06"Chain Destruction"連鎖破壊チェーン・デストラクションUltra Rare
Ultra Parallel Rare
Normal Trap
CA-07"Time Seal"ときふういんCommonNormal Trap
CA-08"Graverobber"はからし」CommonNormal Trap
CA-09"Gift of The Mystical Elf"「ホーリー・エルフのしゅくふくCommonNormal Trap
CA-10"The Eye of Truth"しんじつCommonContinuous Trap
CA-11"Dust Tornado"じんおおたつまきCommonNormal Trap
CA-12"Call of the Haunted"「リビングデッドのごえCommonContinuous Trap
CA-13"Solomon's Lawbook"「ソロモンのりっぽうしょRareNormal Trap
CA-14"Earthshaker"かくへんどうCommonNormal Trap
CA-15"Enchanted Javelin"「ホーリージャベリン」CommonNormal Trap
CA-16"Mirror Wall"ぎんまく鏡壁ミラーウォールSuper RareContinuous Trap
CA-17"Gust"とっぷうCommonNormal Trap
CA-18"Driving Snow"もう吹雪ふぶきCommonNormal Trap
CA-19"Armored Glass"「ガラスのよろいCommonNormal Trap
CA-20"World Suppression"かいへいていCommonNormal Trap
CA-21"Mystic Probe"ほうたんせきばんCommonNormal Trap
CA-22"Metal Detector"きんぞくたんCommonNormal Trap
CA-23"Numinous Healer"はくてん使CommonNormal Trap
CA-24"Appropriate"便びんじょうCommonContinuous Trap
CA-25"Forced Requisition"きょうせいせっしゅうCommonContinuous Trap
CA-26"DNA Surgery"「DNAかいぞうしゅじゅつCommonContinuous Trap
CA-27"The Regulation of Tribe"いちぞくおきてCommonContinuous Trap
CA-28"Backup Soldier"じゅうよういんCommonNormal Trap
CA-29"Major Riot"おおそうどうCommonNormal Trap
CA-30"Ceasefire"ていせんきょうていCommonNormal Trap
CA-31"Light of Intervention"せいなるかがやき」CommonContinuous Trap
CA-32"Respect Play"せいせいどうどうCommonContinuous Trap
CA-33"Imperial Order"おうきゅうちょくめいSuper RareContinuous Trap
CA-34"Magical Hats"「マジカルシルクハット」Super RareNormal Trap
CA-35"Nobleman of Crossout"まっさつ使RareNormal Spell
CA-36"Nobleman of Extermination"ぼくめつ使RareNormal Spell
CA-37"The Shallow Grave"あさすぎたはかあなRareNormal Spell
CA-38"Premature Burial"はやすぎたまいそうRareEquip Spell
CA-39"Inspection"けんえつCommonContinuous Spell
CA-40"Prohibition"きんれいRareContinuous Spell
CA-41"Morphing Jar 2"「カオスポッド」CommonFlip monster
CA-42"Flame Champion"「フレイムキラー」CommonNormal Monster
CA-43"Twin-Headed Fire Dragon"「ビッグバンドラゴン」CommonNormal Monster
CA-44"Darkfire Soldier 1"「バーニングソルジャー」CommonNormal Monster
CA-45"Mr. Volcano"「ミスターボルケーノ」CommonNormal Monster
CA-46"Darkfire Soldier 2"ほのおけんごうCommonNormal Monster
CA-47"Kiseitai"せいしんせいたいCommonEffect Monster
CA-48"Cyber Falcon"「メカファルコン」CommonNormal Monster
CA-49"Flying Kamakiri 2"「フライングマンティス」CommonNormal Monster
CA-50"Sky Scout"「バードマン」CommonNormal Monster
CA-51"Buster Blader"「バスター・ブレイダー」Ultra Rare
Ultra Parallel Rare
Effect Monster