Dino Rabbit

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This deck is considered a Classic Deck, this page is used to tell the history of a deck rather than how it is played now. This can happen either from mechanics of the game changing, changes from the "TCG" or "OCG" Forbidden/Limited List, or the deck has slowly lost it's ability to be played over time due to years of no support or neglect.

Dino Rabbit, also known as Evolzar Rabbit or Guide Rabbit, focuses on using "Rescue Rabbit" to Special Summon Level 4 Dinosaur Normal Monsters such as "Sabersaurus" and "Kabazauls" from the Deck to Xyz Summon "Evolzar Laggia" and "Evolzar Dolkka" to utilize their powerful negation effects. "Tour Guide From the Underworld" supplements the play style by Xyz Summoning Rank 3 Xyz Monsters, such as "Leviair the Sea Dragon" to recycle banished Rabbits, "Number 17: Leviathan Dragon" for a beatstick and "Wind-Up Zenmaines" for a defensive wall.

Due to the September 2013 TCG list, this deck was hit hard by limiting "Rescue Rabbit" and a few support cards, making this deck nearly unplayable in the TCG. However, it remained playable in the OCG, being temporarily semi-limited in September 2012 and becoming unlimited in October 2014. It was unlimited in the TCG in the October 2017 lists, but by then the strategy had fallen out of favor as the release of Dinosmasher's Fury Structure Deck meant that Dinosaur Decks could more easily Xyz Summon "Evolzar" monsters using the new Dinosaur support cards instead.



  • Rescue Rabbit - The main card of the deck; its ability to Special Summon 2 Level 4 Dinosaur Normal Monsters instantly enables the Xyz Summon of an "Evolzar" Xyz Monster.
  • Tour Guide From the Underworld - Another one of the main cards of the deck, primarily enabling the Xyz Summon of "Leviair the Sea Dragon" to Special Summon a banished "Rescue Rabbit" to use its effect again, or any other useful Rank 3 monster.
  • Sangan - Can easily search Rescue Rabbit or techs like Maxx "C" or Effect Veiler for this deck. Can also be searched itself via Tour Guide. This card is banned in the March 2013 lists for both the TCG and OCG.
  • Night Assailant - Another potential target for "Tour Guide" with a helpful destruction effect.
  • Sabersaurus - The main Dinosaur Normal Monster of the Deck to be Summoned by Rescue Rabbit. Can also be used as a beatstick when needed.
  • Kabazauls - The secondary Dinosaur Normal Monster. Commonly played alongside "Sabersaurus" to allow for a second use of "Rescue Rabbit".
  • Jurrac Guaiba - Provides another way to go into "Laggia" and "Dolkka". Combos well with "Forbidden Lance" allowing it to destroy stronger monsters in battle.
  • Maxx "C" - Adds draw power. Counters decks focused on Special Summoning.
  • Spirit Reaper - Stalls the opponent while you gather the pieces you need to execute combos. Can also serve as an alternate Xyz Material to Xyz Summon "Leviair", "Leviathan", or "Zenmaines".
  • Thunder King Rai-Oh - Popular tech choice, due to excessive Xyz Summoning and searching effects routine in the metagame. This card was limited in the September 2013 TCG list.


  • Forbidden Lance - The main Spell of the deck; it fills out a lot of weakness the deck has, protecting the "Evolzar" monsters from Spells or Traps that "Laggia" would otherwise have to negate, or allowing "Jurrac Guaiba" to destroy stronger monsters in battle.
  • Dimensional Fissure - Shuts down a lot of Graveyard reliant decks, and has a minimal effect on Dino Rabbit decks since they often don't rely on the Graveyard. This card was limited in the September 2013 TCG list.
  • Pot of Avarice - Recycles the Deck's Normal Monsters to use with "Rescue Rabbit" again. This card was banned in the September 2013 TCG list.


  • Fiendish Chain - An all-around popular card in the meta at the time to stop key monster effects or attacks.
  • Dimensional Prison - Also a popular monster removal tool that can bypass cards that can protect against effect destruction, such as "Stardust Dragon" and "Wind-Up Zenmaines".
  • Macro Cosmos - Like "Dimensional Fissure" above, it single-handedly shuts down Graveyard reliant decks. This card was limited in the September 2013 TCG list.
  • Starlight Road - Good counter against mass-destruction effects such as "Dark Hole" and "Heavy Storm", especially the latter since most Dino-Rabbit decks are running large Trap lineup for heavy control elements. This card has lost popularity when "Heavy Storm" was banned in the September 2013 TCG list.
  • Soul Drain - Like "Dimensional Fissure" and "Macro Cosmos", it prevents many popular Graveyard-based effects. This card was limited in the September 2013 TCG list.



  • Cards that remove "Rescue Rabbit" from the field or negate its effects, such as "Compulsory Evacuation Device" and "Effect Veiler" will prevent it from using its effects.
  • Due to the prevalence of Spells and Traps in the metagame, players often Xyz Summon "Evolzar Laggia" first, which is vulnerable to monster effects. "Foolish Chain" can stop many of them, but it cannot be activated in response to an effect during the Damage Step, such as that of "Snowman Eater".
  • "Chain Disappearance" can be used to banish "Tour Guide From the Underworld" or "Rescue Rabbit", although this can be mitigated by "Leviair the Sea Dragon".
  • Since the "Evolzar" monsters have a maximum ATK of 2400, any Decks that can Summon a large number of recurring beatsticks with ATK of 2500 or more can also be threatening for this Deck. Popularity-wise, Chaos Dragon is the most prominent, but "Malefic" decks are harder to handle, due to "Malefic Cyber End Dragon" having 4000 ATK which even "Forbidden Lance" is incapable of handling.
  • Skill Drain renders all "Evolzar" effects useless, in addition to several other monsters that a Dino Rabbit deck will typically use, such as "Spirit Reaper".
  • This Deck's heavy reliance on Traps can be stopped by "Royal Decree".
  • "Rivalry of Warlords" ensures that no "Evolzar" monsters can be Xyz Summoned at all, and can even prevent "Rescue Rabbit" from activating its effect.