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Forum:Dragon Synchro zombie Synchro

With this Deck I have alot problems especially with Decks like Deformers, Black wings, and Elemental Heros. I wanted to Make this into a DragonSynchro deck with Stardust and Red Dragon Archfiend /Buster

I wanna Turn this deck into a Synchro for DoomKaiser. I have problems with monsters with 2400+ Atk. and if anyone can make the zombie deck into the format above that would be helpful

  • I fixed it for you, including spelling. You had a coding error, which was very simple. As for suggestions, add cards that will alter ATK, like Prideful Roar. Also, there is a trap card that when you summon a Zombie-type monster from your opponent's grave, you can destroy two cards. I think it is something like Trap of the Imperial Tomb. Messengerofthedark 19:05, 30 May 2009 (UTC)Messengerofthedark
Yup, that's what it's called - Trap of the Imperial Tomb. Runer5h 19:11, 30 May 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

Where would I add these cards in?