Forum:List of cards to side in against common decks

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Can potentially cripple the deck continuously


Can cripple, but that deck contains cards (or a strategy) to save themself


Can work against

List of cards to side in to cripple Meta decks
Card Name Reason
> Consecrated Light Restricts basically every monster in this deck.
> Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror
> Royal Oppression This deck focuses heavily on Special Summons.
> Archlord Kristya
> Thunder King Rai-Oh The level 4 beatstick in this deck is 1800 ATK, it can't beat 1900 ATK. Stops Infernity Archfiend search. Can negate 1 Special Summon.
> Macro Cosmos This deck focuses heavily on the Graveyard.
> Dimensional Fissure
> Necrovalley
> The End of Anubis
> King Tiger Wanghu Stops almost all their monsters. Works even better when used with Burden of the Mighty, that way, it can even stop Archfiend and Dark Grepher.
> Skill Drain Stops Archfiend and Necromancer. That'll severely slow them down.
- Prohibition Call Launcher or Archfiend to hinder their general tactics.
- Swallow Flip Stops Infernity Archfiend.
- Discord This deck focuses heavily on Synchro Summons to OTK or gain field advantage.
- Grave of the Super Ancient Organism
- Dark Bribe Negate's an S/T Effect, also makes them Draw 1 card so they won't be Handless.
- Dust Tornado "Destroy Launcher as soon as it's activated, make your opponent a very sad person."
- Effect Veiler Stops the Archfiend-Launcher Loop.
- Compulsory Evacuation Device When the opponent Special Summons Infernity Archfield, return it to the hand and they cannot search for a card.
- Karma Cut Removes copies of cards to hinder their Synchro Summon ability.
- D.D. Crow
- Big Burn
- Summon Limit Greatly hinders their general tactics.
- Book of Eclipse Flips monsters face-down so they can't Synchro Summon yet, at End Phase it makes them Draw to make them not Handless.
+ Consecrated Light Restricts basically every monster in this deck, however it can be bypassed by cards like Book of Moon, Smashing Ground, Fissure, Lightning Vortex, Icarus Attack, etc.
+ Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror Restricts basically every monster in this deck, however it can be bypassed by cards like Icarus Attack, or they can just play by Swarm and Synchro without using Effects. It also doesn't stop Kalut.
- Trap Hole Screws with their Black Whirlwind xD
- Compulsory Evacuation Device Similar to Trap Hole (above), but also stops their Synchro Monsters.
- Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn Note how you can use the Opponent's Blackwings to power up your own Sirroco.
Gladiator Beasts
> Archlord Kristya This deck focuses heavily on Special Summons.
> Royal Oppression
+ Corridor of Agony It may seem like it would Cripple the deck, however it can be bypassed by cards like Dust Tornado. It also doesn't stop the Extra Deck monsters like Gyzarus.
+ Skill Drain It may seem like it would Cripple the deck, however it can be bypassed by the Book of Moon combo.
+ G.B. Hunter It may seem like it would Cripple the deck, however it can be bypassed by cards like Book of Moon and Smashing Ground.
- Swallow Flip Stops almost every Monster in this deck.
- Magnificent Dignity
- Divine Warning Stops every Monster in this deck. Works best against Gyzarus and Heraklinos, that way they stay in the Graveyard.
- Mirror of Oaths It doesn't negate the Effect, but it does destroy the monster, and you draw 1 card so you don't lose card advantage.
- Legendary Jujitsu Master Stops the GB from tagging out. Top decks the monster.
- D.D. Warrior Lady When attacked, she removes the monster that attacked. GBs generally run 1 Equeste, Bestiari, etc. and without that 1 monster, the deck would be hindered to a certain extent.
- Prohibition Call Bestiari and they won't be able to destroy S/T cards at all since it stops both Bestiari and Gyzarus, however it can be bypassed by cards like Dust Tornado.
- Jowls of Dark Demise Let the Opponent attack into this monster, Triggering it's Effect. Take control of the GB so they can't 'Tag-out'. This works even better if you have a GB in your own deck. That way, you can return your Opponent's GB that attacked to their deck to Summon your GB from your Deck. This strategy is used in a Mirror Match, but it works as a side strategy like this as well.
- Rafflesia Seduction
Flamvell Cat Synchro
> Archlord Kristya This deck focuses heavily on Special Summons.
> Macro Cosmos This deck focuses heavily on the Graveyard.
> Dimensional Fissure
> Necrovalley
> The End of Anubis
> Rivalry of Warlords This deck uses a Variety of Types, so this card would hinder the deck.
- Nobleman of Crossout Instantly removes from play all copies of Ryko/Super-Nimble Mega Hamster/Gravekeeper's Spy/etc.
- Discord This deck focuses heavily on Synchro Summons to OTK or gain field advantage.
- Magnificent Dignity Stops many monsters in this deck, including Flamvell Firedog, Super-Nimble Mega Hamster, X-Saber Airbellum, Gravekeeper's Spy, Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter, Sangan, etc.
- Divine Warning Stops many monsters in this deck, including Flamvell Firedog, Super-Nimble Mega Hamster, Gravekeeper's Spy, etc.
> Archlord Kristya This deck focuses heavily on Special Summons.
> Royal Oppression
+ Ancient Forest This deck focuses on Battle, however it can be bypassed by cards like Saber Slash.
+ Macro Cosmos This deck focuses heavily on the Graveyard, however it can be bypassed by cards like Saber Slash.
+ Dimensional Fissure
+ Necrovalley
+ The End of Anubis
- Prohibition Call XX-Saber Faultroll to hinders their general tactics.
- Gottoms' Emergency Call Note how you can Special Summon from either player's Graveyard.
- Thunder King Rai-Oh Stops their XX-Saber Darksoul, and stops their XX-Saber Gottoms/XX-Saber Hyunlei if they choose to Synchro Summon.
- D.D. Crow This deck focuses on the Graveyard.
- Crevice Into the Different Dimension
- Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World XX-Saber Gottoms/X-Saber Airbellum just got owned!
- Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World
- Trap Hole Stopping the first monster would stop the swarm that comes with it.
> Royal Oppression This deck focuses heavily on Special Summons.
> Macro Cosmos This deck focuses heavily on the Graveyard.
> Dimensional Fissure
> Necrovalley
> The End of Anubis
> Light-Imprisoning Mirror Restricts basically every monster in this deck, however it doesn't stop Honest's main effect.
- D.D. Crow This deck focuses heavily on the Graveyard.
- Big Burn
- Soul Release
- Crevice Into the Different Dimension
> Archlord Kristya This deck focuses heavily on Special Summons.
> Macro Cosmos This deck focuses heavily on the Graveyard.
> Dimensional Fissure
> Zombie World Restricts basically every monster in this deck, it also prevents the use of cards S/T like Wall of Thorns, Pollinosis, etc.
- Necrovalley This deck focuses heavily on the Graveyard, however there aren't too many effects that Target the Graveyard. Gigaplant does not Target.
- The End of Anubis
- Crevice Into the Different Dimension This deck focuses heavily on the Graveyard, especially on whichever plant the deck is based upon. Common ones include Gigaplant, Dandylion, Lonefire Blossom.
- Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
- D.D. Crow
- Big Burn
Quickdraw Plants
> Archlord Kristya This deck focuses heavily on Special Summons.
> King Tiger Wanghu This deck focuses on Summoning lots of weaklings and using them to Synchro Summon for a 'Big Guy'. This card prevents that from happening. Kills cards like Quickdraw Synchron, Dandylion & Fluff Tokens, Lonefire Blossom.
> Royal Oppression Unlike the regular Plant deck. This deck focuses heavily on Special Summons that don't occur in the Damage Step.
> Macro Cosmos This deck focuses heavily on the Graveyard.
> Dimensional Fissure
> Necrovalley
> The End of Anubis
- Nobleman of Crossout Instantly removes from play all copies of Ryko/Super-Nimble Mega Hamster/Gravekeeper's Spy/etc.
- Zombie World Restricts a lot of the monsters in this deck.
- Crevice Into the Different Dimension This deck focuses heavily on the Graveyard, especially on whichever plant the deck is based upon. Common ones include Gigaplant, Dandylion, Lonefire Blossom.
- Chain Disappearance
- Karma Cut
- Big Burn
> Skill Drain This deck relies on their Effect when being Summoned to gain card advantage. Stops the Gadgets and Machina Gearframe from doing this.
+ King Tiger Wanghu The monsters in this deck as mostly weak Gadgets. This card kills all Gadgets, however can be destroyed by cards like Smashing Ground, Fissure, etc.
+ Thunder King Rai-Oh This deck relies on adding cards to their and from the Deck to gain card advantage, however can be destroyed by cards like Smashing Ground, Fissure, etc.
- Deck Devastation Virus Kills all Gadgets for a while.
- System Down Removes them from play all their monsters on both the field and Graveyard. It does not Destroy. It's hilarious.
- Cyber Dragon To be used with Chimeratech Fortress Dragon. It clears your opponent's monsters and allows you to gain a potentially strong monster. Works well against Machina Gadgets, but may not work as well against Gadget Oppression.
> By Order of the Emperor This deck focuses heavily on their Effects.
> Skill Drain
> Zombie World This deck focuses heavily on Tribute Summons.
> Mask of Restrict
- Pulling the Rug Negates the effect and Destroys the monster.
- Intercept Unlike Pulling the Rug, it doesn't Negate the effect, but you gain the monster/the Opponent loses a relatively strong monster.
> By Order of the Emperor This deck focuses heavily on their Effects.
> Skill Drain
> Zombie World This deck focuses heavily on Tribute Summons.
> Mask of Restrict
- Pulling the Rug Negates the effect and Destroys the monster.
- Intercept Unlike Pulling the Rug, it doesn't Negate the effect, but you gain the monster/the Opponent loses a relatively strong monster.
- Crevice Into the Different Dimension This deck can focus on certain cards in the graveyard (e.g. Treeborn Frog, Ronintoadin)
- D.D. Crow
- Chain Disappearance
- Karma Cut
- Deck Devastation Virus No more frogs for you! xD
> Archlord Kristya This deck focuses heavily on Special Summons.
> Macro Cosmos This deck focuses heavily on the Graveyard.
> Dimensional Fissure
> Necrovalley
> The End of Anubis
+ Consecrated Light Restricts quite a few monsters in this deck, however there are just as many EARTH monsters in this deck.
- Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer This deck focuses heavily on the Graveyard.
- D.D. Crow
- Big Burn
- Book of Life If Zombie World is in play, you can use this card to revive a monster, then remove an important monster from the Opponent's Graveyard.
List of cards to side in to cripple Common Themed decks
Card Name Reason
Disaster Dragon or Hopeless Dragon
> Zombie World This deck focuses heavily on having Dragon Type monsters. Stops cards like Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon and Stamping Destruction.
+ Grave of the Super Ancient Organism Many of the monsters in this deck are high level monsters and are Special Summoned by Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, however it can be bypassed by cards like Stamping Destruction.
- Necrovalley This deck focuses heavily on the Graveyard, however there aren't too many effects that Target the Graveyard. Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon does not Target.
- The End of Anubis
- Macro Cosmos This deck can focus on the Graveyard.
- Dimensional Fissure
- Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
> King Tiger Wanghu Destroys many of the monsters in Synchro builds and basically all monsters in Frog Driver FTK. However, it does not affect the Solid/Wetlands builds.
> Royal Oppression This deck focuses heavily on Special Summons.
> Skill Drain This deck focuses heavily on Effects.
- Deck Devastation Virus No more frogs for you! xD
- Necrovalley Stops Fishborg Blaster, Ronintoadin and Pot of Avarice, however instead of Synchro Summoning, they could use an alternate strategy and lock you down and attack directly or something.
- The End of Anubis
Six Samurai
> Gozen Match This deck uses all Attributes, so this card would greatly hinder the deck.
- Warrior Elimination No cost and Destroys all your Opponent's monsters.
Fish Synchro OTK
> Royal Oppression This deck focuses heavily on Special Summons.
- Eternal Drought (OCG Only) No cost and Destroys all your Opponent's monsters.
> Royal Oppression This deck focuses heavily on Special Summons.
- Starlight Road Works well against Batteryman Industrial Strength and Short Circuit.
- Zombie World Stops Thunder support cards such as Judgement of Thunder. It will also prevent the use of Batteryman Industrial Strength's destruction effect.
Evil Hero Dark Gaia OTK
> Skill Drain 0 ATK Dark Gaia xD
- Macro Cosmos This deck focuses quite a lot on the Graveyard with Dark Calling.
- Dimensional Fissure
- Zombie World Stops Dark Calling which is more of a threat than Dark Fusion. However, it can't stop Dark Fusion.
- Necrovalley
- Effect Veiler 0 ATK Dark Gaia, however cannot be used on Dark Fusioned Gaia right away.
- Battle Fader Ends Battle Phase, next turn Monarch or something.
- Honest Dark Gaia just got owned.
- Crevice Into the Different Dimension This deck focuses quite a lot on the Graveyard with Dark Calling.
- D.D. Crow
- Magic Cylinder They won't even see what hit them.
- Dimension Wall
- Flip Flop Frog Sends Dark Gaia back to the Extra Deck, is not a Flip Effect.
  • This is based on the General/Basic builds of each deck.
  • Also taking into account of the cards run in those decks (e.g. Gadgets run lots of Fissures and Smashing Grounds, so Thunder King Rai-Oh will not Cripple the deck) (e.g. Glads have tricks such as the Book of Moon trick against Skill Drain). However, this does not take into account of the opponent's Side Decks (e.g. ignores 3 Dust Tornados in their Side Deck).
  • Ignoring Staples as they are not Side Deck material.
  • If anyone would like to add (e.g. cards or top tier decks) or change things (e.g. move cards from cripple to works against) please post the ideas below. Falzar FZ 12:31, April 27, 2010 (UTC)
Make sure to add Consecrated Light to the Zombie pile, and Mirror of Oaths, Jujitsu Master, and D.D. Warrior Lady to GBs. -bewk 23:07, April 27, 2010 (UTC)
I would not say that Zombies are crippled by Consecrated Light. Just summon Pyramid Turtle and poof. 02:20, April 28, 2010 (UTC)Runer5h
Yea, my thoughts were all the Earth monsters in Zombies, so I didn't put it there. I'll add it to the "can work against" section though, and a few other things. Falzar FZ 05:51, April 28, 2010 (UTC)

Monarchs are vunrable to Intercept, Monarchs & Disaster Dragon / Hopeless Dragon are vunrable to Zombie World, Zombies are annoyed by Book of Life / Zombie Master & Lightsworns are weak to Light-Imprisoning Mirror-RESK- 12:54, April 28, 2010 (UTC)

Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror against Blackwings and Infernities and there are people that side deck Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn against Blackwings.--Hide Head Turtle 13:28, April 28, 2010 (UTC)

- For Intercept, they get to choose the targets for the effects first, but it still works since they lose the monster and you keep their monster.
> Zombie World owns REDMD so I suppose that cripples the deck.
- Book of Life is a bit situational, unless you have a Plague in your grave or if Zombie World is in play. Afterwards, it removes a Zombie so it works against them I guess.
Zombie Master just lets you grab more monsters, not much more than that, unless I missed something.
>, - For SIM, taking into account of those Icarus, etc. wait, that means Holy Light goes down to - as well.
- I've seen that done as well, since Sirroco powers up using the opponent's BWs.
Falzar FZ 13:56, April 28, 2010 (UTC)

By Order of the Emperor against Monarchs.--Hide Head Turtle 14:43, April 28, 2010 (UTC)

Fiendish Chain and most Koa'ki Meiru cards can cripple almost any deck --Azure Knight-Zeo 20:18, April 29, 2010 (UTC)

- Corridor of Agony from The Shining Darkness cripples GBs pretty bad, as GBs from the deck cannot use their tag effects and cannot attack. Ascriptmaster 05:42, May 2, 2010 (UTC)
Corridor of Agony is Corridor of Suffering, but thanks for reminding me to change it to the new name. Falzar FZ 05:45, May 2, 2010 (UTC)

Would like to see counter frog stradegys up there

Don't know how hot they will be but the potential is defninatly there for someone to create something wicked stupid with it.

I know that due to there special summoning mechanism alot of anti GB cards would be effective like Mirror of Oaths and along with the corridor card.

Don't know if there are really many cards that punish small monsters. Theres a few dragon ones but there really only usable if you have dragons. Steelfallenangel 21:28, April 28, 2010 (UTC)

I'll add a new section then. Falzar FZ 06:20, April 29, 2010 (UTC)
Prohibition works vs most things, Infernity Archfiend/Catapult, Black Whirlwind, Gladiator Beast Bestiari, :Judgment Dragon, Dark Armed Dragon, XX-Saber Faultroll....etc
Warrior Elimination-Six Sam, Exile of the Wicked-Infernity, Eternal Drought-Fish Sync OTK
Oh, and plants are weak to Zombie World as well (Pollinosis, Lord Poison, Gigaplant, Tytannial, Princess of Camellias)- 12:09, April 29, 2010 (UTC)
ok, updated. (excluding Prohibition from BWs, LSs and X-Sabers from taking into account of the other cards in those decks) Falzar FZ 12:23, April 29, 2010 (UTC)

Havnt tried this yet but The Gift of Greed may find some use agaisnt infernitys. Just don't know if letting your oppenent get two cards will be worth stopping a effect. Steelfallenangel 19:18, April 29, 2010 (UTC)

Dust Tornado should work against Infernities. Destroy Launcher as soon as it's activated, make your opponent a very sad person. Runer5h 19:39, April 29, 2010 (UTC)Runer5h

Tualatin works against any Deck that only has a single attribute like Blackwings and Infernity. 01:55, April 30, 2010 (UTC)

Archlord Kristya basically stops anything that special summons. Since we already have her in the list, shouldn't we also include Cactus Bouncer?-Hide Head Turtle 02:59, April 30, 2010 (UTC)

  • Instead of The Gift of Greed, I'll add Dark Bribe. It's makes them draw, and it Negates something.
  • The ruling of "You cannot activate "Infernity Launcher" and simultaneously activate its effect." is odd, but it allows Dust Tornado to step in so that's a good idea.
  • Tualatin would cripple Infernities, that is if they actually destroy your monsters by battle. Most of the time they Trish you first... multiple times, which is annoying. So I would add it to the - area.
  • I'd say that Cactus Bouncer is a bit too situational, you'll need another plant monster on the field for the effect to work, your opponent must not normal summon a ≥1800 monster so they can destroy it by battle (assuming they don't already control one), and your opponent must not use cards like Smashing Ground.
  • Falzar FZ 06:41, April 30, 2010 (UTC)

Gotta say I really like this thread FZ. Really great work. I was gonna ask for something like this a while ago but wanted to have some better understand of the newer metas before i did. Very useful overall. Steelfallenangel 03:37, May 1, 2010 (UTC)

You're actually the first one who used my preferred nickname here.
NP. Falzar FZ 10:27, May 1, 2010 (UTC)

Fixed your Dark Bribe link for ya ^^ 06:34, May 1, 2010 (UTC)

Um... yea, ty.
Falzar FZ 10:27, May 1, 2010 (UTC)

Light-Imprisoning Mirror against Lightlords.--Hide Head Turtle 10:18, May 1, 2010 (UTC)

I forgot to add that when it was mentioned above :P
Falzar FZ 10:27, May 1, 2010 (UTC)

Brain Golem against Lightlords.--Hide Head Turtle 11:46, May 1, 2010 (UTC)

You can add Banisher of the Light (crippling), Banisher of the Radiance (can work against), The Bistro Butcher (can work against), Summon Limit (can work against), The Gift of Greed (which is chainable and can work against), Grave of the Super Ancient Organism (maybe not, your choice, can work against) and Book of Eclipse (crippling) to the Infernities countering cards. Zeroblizzard 12:04, May 1, 2010 (UTC)Zeroblizzard

BEFORE YOU GO CRAZY ON ME, I think that the Gift of Greed should be put in the list because it stops them from activating any of the conditional effects, without requiring any other cards to be played. Yes, you should play Dark Bribe over The Gift the Greed, but you certainly shouldn't ignore it because it doesn't have any offensive capabilities. Zeroblizzard 12:20, May 1, 2010 (UTC)Zeroblizzard
  • Not too sure on the monsters. Since all you need to do is summon a slightly bigger monster and bash.
The Bistro Butcher might not work against well built Infernity decks, since they can stop it with their Necromancer
Summon Limit works a bit.
Book of Eclipse because it also flips the monsters face-down, so they can't synchro summon.
Not sure on the tactic on just making them draw cards, anyone else tried that against a well built infernity deck? (I'm thinking that it may help them in the long run, if more people say it works, then I'll add them)
  • Just noticed that Oppression wasn't on Infernities. Falzar FZ 12:27, May 1, 2010 (UTC)

Don't edit the list without asking the reasons first, a few of the reasons are: Skill Drain is - because there are many ways for GBs to bypass it (book of moon, e-con, etc tricks), Shadow I Mirror is - in BWs because of cards like Icarus and other annoying s/t they use. Grave of the Super Ancient Organism is - in Dragons because of cards like Stampling Destruction. Falzar FZ 12:32, May 1, 2010 (UTC)

Won't happen again. You might want to put the reasons on the list, though (to make it clear). Also, Vengeful Bog Spirit might work well against Infernities. Zeroblizzard 12:35, May 1, 2010 (UTC)Zeroblizzard
  • I don't think that card would make much of a difference. The main way to stop Infernities is to prevent them from Triple Trishing you. Also, instead of attacking, they can use their effects and attack next turn (e.g. easily get stardust and wait 1 turn, get Infernity Death Dragon and pop a monster with effect and not attack anyway, triple Trish and you're basically dead anyway)
  • Generally, if a card is Continuous or is a monster that is hard to beat against that deck, and it completely stops that deck's main strategy. Then it goes on the Cripple side.
  • Actually. New catagory. If there are loopholes in those Cont/Monster cards, or if a deck contains cards to stop them, then they go to the + list.
  • Feel free to ask why a card is in a certain category, or disagree (and state the reason).

Falzar FZ 12:40, May 1, 2010 (UTC)

Why do people hate Infernitys so much? -_________-

Also, in the Infernitys section, Book of Eclipse is noted down twice...

Wanghu could possibly be used against Infernitys since Beetle and Necromancer are below 1400ATK points. Add in a Burden and Archfiend cant survive too... Akyrix 15:20, May 1, 2010 (UTC)

People are hating on them so much because there brand new and some havn't had alot of experiance playing agaisnt them and they remind some people of that horrible time of the synchro kitty plopping down double DSFs and owning your field.

Decks that people feel that can't have some degree of control over make people jumpy and they want to know all the ins and outs of how to effectivally combat them. Steelfallenangel 19:33, May 1, 2010 (UTC)

I copy a similar line up before editing/adding the name, I might have copied it up, then forgot to change it xD
Wanghu is currently > on QD Plants (QD is SSd face-up, Dandy tokens SSd face-up, etc) and Gadgets (must be Normal Summoned Face-up to get their effects). It wasn't on Infernities because they can set their Necromancer, I could add it to -. Falzar FZ 00:03, May 2, 2010 (UTC)

Machina? OjaOwnage 19:50, May 1, 2010 (UTC)

Oh I guess gadgets covers machina OjaOwnage 19:52, May 1, 2010 (UTC)

Machina Gadget can be added, similar to QD Synchro, if the card needed are somewhat different. Falzar FZ 00:03, May 2, 2010 (UTC)

To the unknown poster, I saw a youtube video on an overview of Infernities after randomly seeing this page on my yugioh wikia home page. I then suggested some cards that would combat those strategies. FZ, keep up the good work, but could you add the explanation for why the cards get their statuses (like how consecrated light and shadow imprisoning mirror get icarus attacked)?Zeroblizzard 03:51, May 2, 2010 (UTC)Zeroblizzard

For Consecrated Light and SIM, they're in the + list
Referring to Blackwings, excluding staples,
Consecrated Light can be stopped by: Book of Moon, Smashing Ground, Fissure, Lightning Vortex, Icarus Attack
SIM can be stopped by: Icarus Attack or they can just continue to duel without effects. It does not stop Kalut. There is actually a DrainWings build.
as for whoever changed Lightlord to Lightsworn, I don't really mind. I used Lightlord because it sounded a lot cooler. Falzar FZ 05:26, May 2, 2010 (UTC)

Ha loving to see brain golem up that agaisnt lightsworm. People who ran that deck thought that card would be pointless till it crippled them a few times. Not amazing but a solid sidedeck. Steelfallenangel 06:49, May 2, 2010 (UTC)

Adding Necrovalley as Infernity crippler. Also adding Crevice Into the Different Dimension and Karma Cut. Falzar FZ 12:10, May 2, 2010 (UTC)

Why isnt Kycoo in the Infernitys section...

Also, are we ignoring staples like Bottomless Trap Hole, MST and stuff?

Staples aren't typically side deck options. Zeroblizzard 13:06, May 2, 2010 (UTC)Zeroblizzard

AAND, why no Discord in Infernitys section!? Cant imagine playing Infernitys without saying "Synchro" Akyrix 12:23, May 2, 2010 (UTC)

Good suggestion. Zeroblizzard 13:06, May 2, 2010 (UTC)Zeroblizzard
On a related note, do all of the cards mentioned in this list have mentions in their tips pages that they are good against the decks mentioned here (if not, we might want to work on that)?Zeroblizzard 13:10, May 2, 2010 (UTC)Zeroblizzard

Theres a rather old card that may find some use nowadays agaisnt gb and a few other decks. Chain Destruction may be useful at stalling a oppenents stradegy. I know that a few cards can still swarm heavily from the graveyard but forcing all copies of that card to go to the graveyard will slow a stradegy down alittle.

It combos well with karma cut or necrovalley. Probally not a crippling card but a effective card.

Just a thought. Havn't play tested it heavily do to no one in my area having it. Steelfallenangel 19:50, May 2, 2010 (UTC)

Chain Destruction rarely works against GBs because they don't usually run copies of the same monster.--Hide Head Turtle 01:22, May 3, 2010 (UTC)

Probally true nowadays but back when I used to have a copy was before they had the ultamite recycler and when Bestiari and Darius were still at 3 so it would have been more effective then. Thats why I said I wasn't sure about it against current builds. I doubt it would be majorly effective but I could see moderatly effective. Steelfallenangel 05:02, May 3, 2010 (UTC)

  • Updating/Redraw Table. Includes Reasons.
Falzar FZ 07:46, May 3, 2010 (UTC)
Adding Rafflesia Seduction and Jowls of Dark Demise to GBs. Falzar FZ 05:48, May 5, 2010 (UTC)

Discord for Flamvell Cat.--Hide Head Turtle 07:13, May 5, 2010 (UTC)

Added, and fixed a row thing. Falzar FZ 07:19, May 5, 2010 (UTC)

What about G.B. Hunter as a counter against Gladiator Beasts? It's surprising to see such obvious tech absent from the list. --Gadjiltron 11:05, May 5, 2010 (UTC)

LOL, how could I have forgotten that one >_< Falzar FZ 11:11, May 5, 2010 (UTC)

Then, how about Dimension Fortress Weapon against Lightworns?--Hide Head Turtle 12:59, May 5, 2010 (UTC)

I wouldn't use that against LSs. It's only effective in the start of the duel when there's nothing in the Graveyard. But Garoth, Jain, Ryko, Honest can all beat it easily. If it's some time later in the duel, when there's quite a bit of things in the Graveyard to use already, they wouldn't care if they can mill or not as they have most of what they need. Falzar FZ 13:24, May 5, 2010 (UTC)

The End of Anubis against... I don't know, anything that uses the graveyard. (Lightsworns, Infernities, Blackwings, especially Vayu, Zombies, REDMD will only be able to ss from the hand, Fishborg Blaster can't be revived.) Hide Head Turtle 13:38, May 5, 2010 (UTC)

Something like that?
Along with Fishborg, Pot of Avarice and Ronintoadin can't be used.
REDMD doesn't target when Special Summoning from hand or grave Falzar FZ 13:56, May 5, 2010 (UTC)
Chain Disappearance is already there, but currently only under against Quickdraw Plants. If there are any other ones, please specify.
Mind Crush isn't that good... imo. If more people think otherwise, convince me to add a third list, called "cards that can be sided against all themed decks"
Falzar FZ 12:55, May 7, 2010 (UTC)
then how about Trap Dustshoot DaywalkerAA 12:58, May 7, 2010 (UTC)
It's a good card; unless it's against Infernities. Apart from that, it should be considered to be a staple. Falzar FZ 13:08, May 7, 2010 (UTC)

Adding Magnificent Dignity to GBs and Flamvell Cat. Falzar FZ 13:25, May 7, 2010 (UTC)

I saw a card the other day that I believe may be effective agaisnt most decks that D.D. Crow would be

Power Pickaxe

Basically a reusable D.D. crow that also gives a small attack boost after activation. Due to its card nature its not as unstopable as the crow but the longer it survives the more its use becomes at usually at best it would be just as good for that turn. Steelfallenangel 17:52, May 7, 2010 (UTC)

what about guardian sphinx? it screws with everyone, especiallly the flamvells :) --Bwinggale 21:43, May 7, 2010 (UTC)

Guardian Sphinx is too slow.You had to Tribute Set it first and can only use his effect next turn.That said,people could spam Gladiator Beast Gyzarus,Judgment Dragon,Dark Armed Dragon,Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier or Goyo Guardian to get rid of it. 01:12, May 8, 2010 (UTC)

goyo would get bounced and therefore would not work--Bwinggale 05:03, May 8, 2010 (UTC)

goyo would not get bounced. Guardian sphinx effect only activates when flip summoned, not when flipped by an attack. -dest- 09:42, May 8, 2010 (UTC)

Unlike D.D. Crow. Power Pickaxe cannot be chained to an opponent's effect. Also, you will require a strong monster sometimes for this card to be effective at removal. There are more ways to stop the card because it's an Equip Spell, the most common would probably be Book of Moon and MST.
Yea, it's the Flip Summon thing that makes it bad. If you want bounce and screw with your opponent cards. Legendary Jujitsu Master is the best imo. Falzar FZ 10:02, May 8, 2010 (UTC)

How can Necrovalley stop Kalut??--Leonhartzz 10:57, May 8, 2010 (UTC)

LOL, it doesn't. I might have been intending to add something else. (I doubt I meant it stops Dark Eruption from adding Kalut to hand)
adding Divine Warning to GBs and Cat. Falzar FZ 11:31, May 8, 2010 (UTC)

how does flip flop frog return cards to the hand when it gets attacked then?--Bwinggale 18:24, May 8, 2010 (UTC)

See Forum:Flip Flop Frog attacked Face-down.--Hide Head Turtle 22:41, May 8, 2010 (UTC)

Adding Cyber Dragon to Gadgets. Falzar FZ 05:42, May 12, 2010 (UTC)

Batteryman OTK Counters?

This deck has amazing power to it. For starters, Royal Oppression shuts down the Special Summons Batterymen love to swarm with, and Zombie World can hamper Thunder-type support cards such as Judgment of Thunder. In addition, Starlight Road and Stardust Dragon stop the most powerful destruction effects Batterymen have, Batteryman Industrial Strength and Short Circuit. Ascriptmaster 02:02, May 17, 2010 (UTC)

Adding Nobleman of Crossout to Cat Synchro and Quickdraw Plants.
Adding Batterymen deck. Stardust Dragon is a staple, so I'm not adding that.
Falzar FZ 08:13, May 17, 2010 (UTC)

Here's another point for Zombie World I forgot. Since monsters in the Graveyard are also Zombie-type, Batteryman Industrial Strength cannot activate its effect because it must remove a Thunder-type from the Graveyard to activate its effect, (It can still be summoned, however.) Ascriptmaster 20:35, May 18, 2010 (UTC)

Also your opponent cannot Tribute Summon Batteryman Charger. Ascriptmaster 20:36, May 18, 2010 (UTC)
Ok, added.
Adding Skill Drain to Infernities.
lol, Infernity hate xD it has much more than every other list. Falzar FZ 05:45, May 19, 2010 (UTC)

Compulsory Evacuation Device against Blackwings: It bounces their first summon and that hinders the subsequent special summons. It also deals with the Synchro Monsters that they churn out, e.g. Stardust Dragon, Blackwing Armor Master, etc.--Hide Head Turtle 06:18, May 19, 2010 (UTC)

yea, similar to why Trap Hole is used. Falzar FZ 06:38, May 19, 2010 (UTC)
Adding Compulsory Evacuation Device to Infernities
Adding new decks, Frognarchs and Evil Hero Dark Gaia OTK
Falzar FZ 12:38, May 28, 2010 (UTC)

Skill Drain is listed twice under Dark Gaia OTK as a ">" and a "-". Also, I think you should change the reason for King Tiger Wanghu under Frogs to something other that a simple "assuming it's the synchro build". For example, it could be "Destroys many of the monsters in a Synchro build. Does not affect the Solid/Wetlands build." or something like that. Ascriptmaster 20:27, May 29, 2010 (UTC)

The second Skill Drain was supposed to be Effect Veiler, my bad.
Yea, I'll change that. Along with Synchro Builds it stops Frog Driver FTK. Falzar FZ 23:18, May 29, 2010 (UTC)


Am I the only person that hasn't dueled Frogs. I don't have a side deck for them.--Airbellum 23:11, May 29, 2010 (UTC)

Frogs are only good because of the new Ronintoadin, that might be why. Falzar FZ 23:21, May 29, 2010 (UTC)

How about Herald of Perfection? -Peacekung555

It's not really side deck material. A ritual monster needs so many cards to be effective, the cost for that card's effect would further increase that amount of cards needed. Falzar FZ 14:13, June 5, 2010 (UTC)

  • Thought I'd update this now that X-Sabers are getting popular, most the the update is from this. On another note, Jeff Jones' Happy Herald deck is awesome, so awesome, that I'm not going to even think of countering it. I'm going to try let decks like that win xD Falzar FZ (talkcontribs) 09:37, June 30, 2010 (UTC)
  • That IS too awesome, and probably can't really be countered without massive resources. Also, do Glads tend to run a lot of Dust Tornado? If they don't you will need to take out that part of the description for Corridor of Agony (but it still is a + because it can't stop Gyzarus as it says). I also think Jujitsu should be a "+" because of this Article on Side Decking on Step 3: "Jujitsu Master has lower DEF, but it eliminates the threat. G.B. Hunter only delays the threat: once your opponent destroys G.B. Hunter he’ll attack again with the Gladiator Beast you blocked."