Permanently protected module


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-- <pre>
@module Util
@description Holds commonly used simple functions.
@author [[User:Becasita]]
@contact [[User talk:Becasita]]
@todo Remove those last functions to a dedicated module
or simply remove them.

-- Export variable:
@data U
@description Variable to hold the library to be exported.
local U = {};

-- Functions:
-- mw functions:
local mwTextTrim = mw.text.trim;

@function U bold
@description Renders bold wikitext markup.
@parameter {string} s String to make bold.
@return {string} Bold formatted `s`.
@todo Escape ' ?
function U.bold( s )
	return ("'''%s'''"):format( s );

@function U italic
@description Renders italic wikitext markup.
@parameter {string} s String to italicize.
@return {string} Italicized `s`.
@todo Escape ' ?
function U.italic( s )
	return ("''%s''"):format( s );

@function U italicNoDab
@description Renders italics wikitext markup, except for the dab.
Also normalizes the space between the dab and the rest.
@parameter {string} s String to italicize, except its dab.
@return {string} Italicized `s`, except its dab.
@see [[#U.getDab]]
@see [[#U.removeDab]]
function U.italicNoDab( s )
	local dab = U.getDab( s );
	local noDab = U.removeDab( s );
	return table.concat( {
		("''%s''"):format( noDab ),
		dab ~= '' and dab or nil
	}, ' ' );

@function U trim
@description Trims white space from front and tail of string.
Returns nil if only whitespace. Also normalizes the space between
the dab and the rest.
@parameter {string|nil} s String to trim.
@return {string|nil} Trimmed `s`. If `s` ends up being only whitespace
or `s` is `nil`, it returns `nil`.
@see [[mw:Extension:Scribunto/Lua reference manual#mw.text.trim]]
function U.trim( s )
	if s and not s:match( '^%s*$' ) then
		return mwTextTrim( s );

@function U count
@description Counts the number of elements in a table.
@parameter {table} t Table to get counted.
@return {number} Number of elements in the table.
function U.count( t )
	local counter = 0;
	for key, value in pairs( t ) do
		counter = counter + 1;
	return counter;

@function U link
@description Creates a wikitext link.
@parameter {string} page Page name to link.
@parameter {string|nil} label Label for the link. If unspecified,
the label used will be `page` with its dab removed.
@return {string} Wikilink.
function page, label )
	return ('[[%s|%s]]'):format(
		page:gsub( '#', '' ),
		label or U.removeDab( page )

@function U getDab
@description Gets the dab text of a title, if it has dab.
@parameter {string} title Page title to get the dab from.
@return {string} Dab for `title`.
function U.getDab( title )
	return title:match( '%(([^%(]*)%)%s*$' ) or '';

@function U removeDab
@description Removes the dab text of a title.
@parameter {string} title Page title to get its dab removed.
@return {string} `title` with its dab removed.
function U.removeDab( title )
	return title:gsub( '%s*%(([^%(]*)%)%s*$', '' );

@function isSomething
@description Meta-function for type checkers.
@parameter {*} toCompare Anything to type-compare.
@parameter {*} compareTo Specific thing to be type-compared with.
@return {boolean} If `toCompare` and `compareTo` have the same type. 
local function isSomething( toCompare, compareTo )
	return type( toCompare ) == type( compareTo );

@function U isBoolean
@description Checks if it's a `boolean` type.
@parameter {*} v Any value to check if it's a `boolean`.
@return {boolean} If `v` type is `boolean`.
@see [[#isSomething]] 
function U.isBoolean( v )
	return isSomething( v, true );

@function U isFunction
@description Checks if it's a `function` type.
@parameter {*} v Any value to check if it's a `function`.
@return {boolean} If `v` type is `function`.
@see [[#isSomething]] 
function U.isFunction( v )
	return isSomething( v, function() end );

@function U isNil
@description Checks if it's `nil`.
@parameter {*} v Any value to check if it's `nil`.
@return {boolean} If `v` type `nil`.
@see [[#isSomething]] 
function U.isNil( v )
	return isSomething( v, nil );

@function U isNumber
@description Checks if it's a `number` type.
@parameter {*} v Any value to check if it's a `number`.
@return {boolean} If `v` type is `number`.
@see [[#isSomething]] 
function U.isNumber( v )
	return isSomething( v, 1 );

@function U isString
@description Checks if it's a `string` type.
@parameter {*} v Any value to check if it's a `string`.
@return {boolean} If `v` type is `string`.
@see [[#isSomething]] 
function U.isString( v )
	return isSomething( v, '' );

@function U isTable
@description Checks if it's a `table` type.
@parameter {*} v Any value to check if it's a `table`.
@return {boolean} If `v` type is `table`.
@see [[#isSomething]] 
function U.isTable( v )
	return isSomething( v, {} );

@function U isEmpty
@description Checks if it's a empty.
@parameter {*} v Any value to check if it's empty.
@return {boolean} If `v` type is empty.
@todo Keep this? Check dependencies.
function U.isEmpty( v )
	return (
		U.isString( v ) and mwTextTrim( v ) == ''
		U.isTable( v ) and U.count( v ) == 0

-- @name validate
-- @description Asserts if a value has content.
--[[function U.validate( v )
	-- If boolean, function or nil, just return them: 
	if U.isBoolean( v ) or U.isFunction( v ) or U.isNil( v ) then return v end
	-- If number, it is accepted if it's not 0: 
	if U.isNumber( v ) then return v ~= 0 and v end
	-- If string, it is accepted if it's not the empty string:
	if U.isString( v ) then return mwTextTrim( v ) ~= '' and v end
	-- If table, it is accepted if it has elements:
	if U.isTable( v ) then return  U.count( v ) ~= 0 and v end

@function U wrapInQuotes
@description Wraps a name in quotes, based on the language.
@parameter {string|nil} name A name to wrap in quotes.
@parameter {string} ln A language index.
@return {string} Wrapped `name`. If `name` is `nil`, returns the empty string.
@todo Accept `ln` as a language struct.
function U.wrapInQuotes( name, ln )
	if not UTIL.trim( name ) then
		return '';  --  Return empty string.

	return (ln ~= 'ja' and ln ~= 'zh')
		and table.concat( { '"', name, '"' } )
		or  table.concat( { '「', name, '」' } )

--[[function U.processArgs( frame, ... )
-- @name getArgs
-- @description Parses arguments.
-- @see [[Module:Arguments]]
function U.getArgs( ... )
	return require( 'Module:Arguments' ).getArgs( ... );

-- @name getName
-- @description Gets the localized name of a card, set or character.
-- @see [[Module:Name]]
function U.getName( ... )
	return require( 'Module:Name' ).main( ... );

-- @name getImgName
-- @description Gets the localized name of a card, set or character.
-- @see [[Module:Name]]
function U.getImgName( ... )
	return require( 'Module:Card image name' ).main( ... );

-- Return:
@exports Util library (`U`).
return U;
-- </pre>