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"Darklord Nurse Reficule", one of the two options this deck has to cure your opponent to death.

An Anti-Cure deck (also known as "Nurse Burn" or "Simochi Burn") revolves around the effects of "Darklord Nurse Reficule" and "Bad Reaction to Simochi" which reverse any LP gain for your opponent into damage. A small number of cards in the game features the drawback of giving your opponent Life Points in order to activate and resolve their actual effect; in this deck type, the actual healing bit of the effect text is used to create a somewhat different and yet effective burn deck.

Playing Style[edit]

There are many different permutations of Spell, Trap, and Monster effects in order to deal 8000 points of damage within a single turn. However, the most effective and quickest method of doing so in an "Anti-Cure" deck is healing your opponent.

The number of different cards which easily increase your opponent's Life Points makes this Deck easily adaptable to the quick game seen recently along with presenting effects that can prove to be quite beneficial. From a card economy standpoint, a normal Spell that inflicts burn damage does around 1000 damage and normally even has some sort of drawback. This means that such a burn deck would need to use eight of these burn cards to kill the opponent, which is incredibly slow. In contrast, the drawback heal of certain Trap cards is normally way bigger than 1000 Life Points, easily reaching 3000 instead. In such a scenario, only three of these cards need to be activated, allowing for an overall faster deck.

Both playmakers can be activated or played during your opponent's turn, since "Bad Reaction to Simochi" is a Trap and "Darklord Nurse Reficule" can be summoned during your opponent's Main Phase via the effect of "Condemned Witch". The go-to-strategy is to fetch yourself one of the cards that reverse heal effects into damage. Playing multiple copies of "Darklord Nurse Reficule" and "Bad Reaction to Simochi" is already a good start. "Darklord Nurse Reficule" is also further searchable via "Condemned Witch" and "Banishment of the Darklords", and can also be revived by "Darklord Contact".

After placing the play-enabler on the board, you have to proceed by placing the backrow. Spells and Traps make a huge portion of this deck and this invites cards like "Card of Demise" for drawpower. Simply play "Card of Demise" after placing everything in the backrow that could help you getting the victory, draw up to three more cards and pick the best ones of these three to fill the last slots in the Spell/Trap zone. With three cards of any combination of "Gift Card" and/or "Tri-and-Guess" you will have amassed 9000 damage on board. To trigger that you always lose the "Tri-and-Guess" effect, simply put fifteen Link monsters into the Extra Deck and take an Extra Deck monster type that the enemy will surely use. Another burn candidate is "The Paths of Destiny", which might deal burn damage to yourself, but will always burn the opponent for 2000 damage in this deck, and will therefore be lethal with any combination of two of the aforementioned cards. "The Eye of Truth" is another life-giving option, but since it only burns for 1000 and is therefore rather slow, fitting it is entirely optional. The chances of causing an OTK in the early game with this deck are rather good.

This deck can also run a number of generic draw options: "Pot of Duality" might fetch you exactly the right card to kill the opponent and the drawback of not being able to Special Summon for the turn is almost irrelevant in "Anti-Cure". "Upstart Goblin" is even better in this deck than in any other, since it draws a card while dealing 1000 damage to your opponent. "Pot of Desires" has a certain risk involved in playing it, since it can banish the necessary heal-reversers and leave you with a dysfunctional deck; still, drawing two can give you exactly what you need to finish the opponent in one turn in this deck. Lastly, "Reckless Greed" is also a viable option, since drawing during the draw step will be the least of your worries if you don't get your combo off.

The "Anti-Cure" deck obviously can also include some normal burn cards. "Ring of Destruction" can destroy a pesky monster whilst doing burn damage, "Blazing Mirror Force" can destroy multiple monsters and cause more burn damage, but is required to wait until the opponent attacks, "Lava Golem" gets rid of monsters via Tributing and does, you guessed it, burn damage. There are certainly other candidates for this category, just keep in mind that the "Anti-Cure" deck is more efficient with its gimmick than with normal burn cards. "Psychic Eraser Laser" and "Ichiroku's Ledger Book" can be used for additional removal that also triggers your burn effects.

As a general rule, be sure to activate "Bad Reaction to Simochi" last in the chain or you will give your opponents LP instead of damaging them. Furthermore, you can activate the traps during your opponent's Draw Phase and Standby Phase to prevent most of the unwelcome surprises that could disrupt this OTK. If you have more than one "Bad Reaction to Simochi" in your hand, set them all because your opponent could chain cards like "Mystical Space Typhoon" and destroy a "Bad Reaction to Simochi". If they do this after you activate and chain three "Gift Cards", they will double their LP instead! Activate the second if they chain to destroy the first. Pay close attention to the fact that your opponent can chain "Mystical Space Typhoon" during their Draw and Standby Phases.

Recommended cards[edit]


  • While not suffering from floodgates that other decks are affected by, any card that interrupts searching and drawing can still hinder you.
  • Also, your chain of effects cannot be interrupted or else it will most likely cost you the game. A well timed "Mystical Space Typhoon" against a "Bad Reaction to Simochi" can cause your opponent to gain the life you were trying to burn them for, as well as a well timed "Forbidden Chalice" or "Breakthrough Skill" against "Darklord Nurse Reficule" can also cause this to happen.
  • A "Jinzo", "Seven Tools of the Bandit", "Mystical Space Typhoon" or a sizeale amount of "Counter Trap Cards" that negate or stop the effects of Traps will stop this combo dead in its tracks. Make sure that your opponent is unlikely to have any method of countering or defending against your trap cards before activating all these effects. Once those cards like "Jinzo" or "Royal Decree" are on the field, there is only a limited number of things you can do to destroy them.