Card Tips:Eclipse Wyvern

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Traditional Format[edit]

  • "Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon" is a good target for this card as this can greatly benefit most Dragon-Type Decks. A strategy for this would be to Summon "Darkflare Dragon" by banishing this card, thus adding "Red-Eyes" to your hand. Next, "Darkflare Dragon" can be banished to Summon "Red-Eyes". The reason is that "Lightpulsar Dragon" can be revived by "Red-Eyes".
  • "Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon" or "Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon" can be searched by this card and can be very useful in a "Dragon Graveyard Power" Deck.
    • During the time between sending this card to the Graveyard and banishing it, the target card will be banished, which is especially good in this case because both choices are Nomi monsters. Since whichever card is choose, it has no use until its Summoning conditions are met, the card can be kept out of the way until needed.
  • "Lightpulsar Dragon" or "Darkflare Dragon" can be Summoned by banishing this card from the Graveyard. This will allow one powerful Dragon to be on the field with an excellent supporting effect as well as an even more powerful Dragon in your hand like "Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon" or "Light and Darkness Dragon".
  • Most monsters eligible for this card's effect are Level 8 Dragons that can be Summoned by "Dragonic Tactics", so try to use this card for non-Level 8s and/or monsters that cannot be Special Summoned from the Deck like "Dark Armed Dragon".
  • The Trigger for the first part of this effect does not have to be sending this card from the field to the Graveyard. Using cards like "Darkflare Dragon" also work.
    • "Darkflare Dragon" can also banish this card from your Graveyard with its effect rather than its Special Summoning cost. This way there is an additional Dragon in your Graveyard rather than banishing a DARK monster from it.
      • If "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" is selected for this card's effect when it was sent to the Graveyard, "The White Stone of Legend" can be send to the Graveyard for the effect of "Darkflare Dragon", so that 2 "Blue-Eyes White Dragons" can be added to your hand at once.
  • Banish a DARK Dragon that can be Special Summoned like "Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon" or "Dark Horus", then use "Escape from the Dark Dimension" to Special Summon the banished monster to your field.
  • "Dragoncarnation" can be used to add the banished Dragon to your hand if your unable to banish or pull off this monster's second effect.

Traditional Format[edit]

  • While you have "Darkflare Dragon" or "Lightpulsar Dragon" in your hand, send one copy of this with "Future Fusion", along with "Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon" and three DARK monsters. Banish this card and one of the DARK monsters from your Graveyard to Special Summon "Darkflare"/"Lightpulsar". Add "Dark Armed Dragon" to your hand with this card's effect, then Special Summon "Dark Armed Dragon". If there are more Dragons in your hand, use the effect of "Darkflare" to discard and banish this card to add another powerful Dragon of your choice to your hand. Or, if "Lightpulsar" is Summoned, the effect of "Dark Armed Dragon" can be used to destroy "Lightulsar", triggering its effect to Summon another Dragon like "Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon".


NameJapanese namePrimary typeSecondary typeAttributeLevelScaleATKDEF
Absorouter Dragonアブソルーター・ドラゴンEffect MonsterDARK712002800
Albion the Shrouded DragonくろりゅうアルビオンEffect MonsterDARK825002000
All-Eyes Phantom Dragonゴッドアイズ・ファントム・ドラゴンEffect Monster
Pendulum Monster
Anotherverse Dragonアナザー・バース・ドラゴンNormal MonsterLIGHT825002000
Archnemeses Eschatosアークネメシス・エスカトスEffect MonsterLIGHT1130002500
Arkbrave DragonアークブレイブドラゴンEffect MonsterLIGHT724002000
Armed Dragon LV10 Whiteアームド・ドラゴン LVレベル10-ホワイトEffect MonsterLIGHT1030002000
Armed Protector Dragonそうしんりゅうプロテクト・ドラゴンEffect MonsterLIGHT820002800
Bahalutiya, the Grand Radianceひかりてん穿せんバハルティヤEffect MonsterLIGHT720002400
Blue-Eyes Abyss Dragon深淵の青眼龍ディープ・オブ・ブルーアイズEffect MonsterLIGHT825002500
Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon青眼の亜白龍ブルーアイズ・オルタナティブ・ホワイト・ドラゴンEffect MonsterLIGHT830002500
Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon青眼の混沌龍ブルーアイズ・カオス・ドラゴンEffect Monster
Ritual Monster
Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragonブルーアイズ・カオス・MAXマックス・ドラゴンEffect Monster
Ritual Monster
Blue-Eyes Jet Dragonブルーアイズ・ジェット・ドラゴンEffect MonsterLIGHT830000
Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon青眼の光龍ブルーアイズ・シャイニングドラゴンEffect MonsterLIGHT1030002500
Blue-Eyes Solid Dragonブルーアイズ・ソリッド・ドラゴンEffect MonsterLIGHT825002000
Blue-Eyes Toon Dragonブルーアイズ・トゥーン・ドラゴンEffect MonsterToon monsterLIGHT830002500
Blue-Eyes White Dragon青眼の白龍ブルーアイズ・ホワイト・ドラゴンNormal MonsterLIGHT830002500
Borreload Riot Dragonヴァレルロード・ライオット・ドラゴンEffect Monster
Ritual Monster
The Bystial Alba Los深淵の獣ザ・ビーステッドアルバ・ロスEffect MonsterLIGHT1235003500
The Bystial Lubellion深淵の獣ザ・ビーステッドルベリオンEffect MonsterLIGHT825003000
Centur-Ion Gargoyle II竜騎兵センチュリオンガーゴイルツヴァイEffect MonsterDARK820003000
Chaos Dragon LevianeerこんげんりゅうレヴィオニアEffect MonsterDARK830000
Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End混沌帝龍カオス・エンペラー・ドラゴンしゅうえん使しゃEffect MonsterDARK830002500
Chaos Emperor, the Dragon of Armageddonしゅうえんりゅう カオス・エンペラーEffect Monster
Pendulum Monster
Clear Vice Dragonクリアー・バイス・ドラゴンEffect MonsterDARK8?0
Crystal Beast Rainbow Dragonきゅうきょくほうぎょくじゅう レインボー・ドラゴンEffect MonsterLIGHT830000
Dark Armed Dragonダーク・アームド・ドラゴンEffect MonsterDARK728001000
Dark End Evaporation Dragon闇と消滅の竜ダークエンドイヴァボレイション・ドラゴンEffect MonsterDARK826002100
Dark Hole Dragonブラック・ホール・ドラゴンEffect MonsterDARK830002000
Dark Horusダーク・ホルス・ドラゴンEffect MonsterDARK830001800
Darkest Diabolos, Lord of the LairあんこくおうディアボロスEffect MonsterDARK830002000
Darkstorm Dragonダークストーム・ドラゴンEffect MonsterGemini monsterDARK827002500
Deep-Eyes White Dragonディープアイズ・ホワイト・ドラゴンEffect MonsterLIGHT1000
Destrudo the Lost Dragon's Frissonぼうりゅうせんりつ-デストルドーEffect MonsterTuner monsterDARK710003000
Diabolos, King of the AbyssおうディアボロスEffect MonsterDARK728001000
Divine Dragon Lord FelgrandきょしんりゅうフェルグラントEffect MonsterLIGHT828002800
Divine Dragon Titanomakhiaしんりゅう ティタノマキアEffect MonsterLIGHT1030002000
Double Disruptor Dragonデュアルウィール・ドラゴンEffect MonsterDARK825001500
Dragon Core HexerりゅうかくじゅりょうしゃNormal MonsterTuner monsterDARK823003000
Dragon Spirit of WhiteしろれいりゅうEffect MonsterLIGHT825002000
Dragon of Pride and Soul誇りプライドたましいドラゴンEffect MonsterDARK825002500
Exploderokket Dragonエクスプロードヴァレット・ドラゴンEffect MonsterDARK720002000
Fantastical Dragon PhantazmayげんそうりゅうファンタズメイEffect MonsterDARK724001800
Felgrand DragonフェルグラントドラゴンEffect MonsterLIGHT828002800
Galactic Spiral DragonせんりゅうバルジEffect MonsterDARK825002500
Galaxy-Eyes Afterglow Dragon銀河眼の残光竜ギャラクシーアイズ・アフターグロウ・ドラゴンEffect MonsterLIGHT830002500
Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon銀河眼の光子竜ギャラクシーアイズ・フォトン・ドラゴンEffect MonsterLIGHT830002500
Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Primal銀河眼の時源竜ギャラクシーアイズ・タキオン・プライマルEffect MonsterLIGHT830002500
Gandora the Dragon of DestructionかいりゅうガンドラEffect MonsterDARK800