Forum:40 vs. 50 Cards In A Deck.

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For the people who are adamant on decks being EXACTLY 40, here's the probability statistics for it. I'm sure you'll notice there's hardly any difference. I know I know, "just that little bit of difference can turn the tide of, or win you, or lose you, a duel." I've heard all that. But unless someone rigs their deck, ("shuffle's in their favor")or uses some special card for it, (e.g. Big Eye,) or is somehow taps into the heart of the cards, mathematically, it makes almost no difference. (I only think certain style decks require 40 e.g.: Exodia)

On your first 5 card pick-up - (5/40) obviously .125

On your first 5 card pick-up - (5/50) .1

Now compared to one card draws, these have very good probability dueling wise. For example, say someone is about to 2 Turn Kill you, (since they can't attack on their first turn) and you need a very good draw in your first turn, and if not, they will definitely beat you -->

Single card draw - 1/35 - 0.028571428571 - - - very bad odds

Single card draw - 1/45 - 0.0222... - - - again, very bad odds

There's no way that having 40 cards compared to 50 makes more than a small fraction of a chance. When it comes down to it, its been an epic duel, and there are only around... 10+ cards left, the odds get more in your (40 card people) favor, but still, not by much.

(This is all depending on the fact that they are not Lightsworn decks... those things are just annoying XD)

So, in conclusion, I hope no one was offended by this. I personally think ABOVE 50, is bad, but people who say 50 is horrible and you can't win consistently unless you have 40 max... is wrong, mathematically, and I'm sure at least once a person with a 50 card deck has whooped you (Come on, be Honest) <-- see what i did there? lol... I know from experience, and just sometimes you can think of any cards to take out if you have 50. 50 is not bad, i tried 40, I was in the middle of a duel thinking "there's one card that that can save me... WAIT NO I took that out to make my deck 40!!!"

My decks are 43-50 and SOMETIMES 40.

I know people will comment/dislike whatever to be a hater and try to prove me wrong. statistics don't lie though. ++++++most importantly --- everyone out there! learn how to shuffle your decks correctly. i hate seeing those same cards next to each other EVERY time. You know who you are.

Tell me what you guys think, just be calm and no "all caps rage" XD

- JGDuelist-Yugioh-Player <--- signature? someone teach me please....

Just put 4 tildes (~~~~) at the end of your post and that automatically changes to the signature for you when you click 'Publish'.
What matters is the opening hand (this includes your first draw, so 6 cards), single cards afterwards aren't really worth knowing as the differences generally are too small for most people to want to care about. I've posted some of these before:
40 card deck:
15.00% - The chance of opening with 1 exact card.
28.08% - The chance of opening with at least 1 of 2 exact cards.
39.43% - The chance of opening with at least 1 copy of a card you run 3 of.
64.96% - At least 1 of any 6 (e.g. Field Spell + Terraformings; or Broken card + searcher).
50 card deck:
12.00% - The chance of opening with 1 exact card.
22.78% - The chance of opening with at least 1 of 2 exact cards.
32.43% - The chance of opening with at least 1 copy of a card you run 3 of.
55.58% - At least 1 of any 6
60 card deck:
10.00% - The chance of opening with 1 exact card.
19.15% - The chance of opening with at least 1 of 2 exact cards.
27.52% - The chance of opening with at least 1 copy of a card you run 3 of.
48.41% - At least 1 of any 6
-Falzar FZ- (talk page|useful stuff) 12:53, May 15, 2012 (UTC)

Just checking but you're admitting that it's statistically better to use 40 cards but refuse to do it?
There aren't any decks that I've seen that need over 42 cards, hell, most (if not all) decks with 41-42 can be easily cut down to 40. (talk) 13:34, May 15, 2012 (UTC)

I'll assume that was a question directed to the topic creator (JGDuelist-Yugioh-Player).
Might as well mention that if I were to include the percentages for combos (which top tournament decks all use) the difference is far greater. So 40-42 is generally what I go by. -Falzar FZ- (talk page|useful stuff) 13:47, May 15, 2012 (UTC)
Yes I was, and that's a good point too. Most meta decks are reliant (or get great use from) combos that require multiple cards being available to pull off. (talk) 13:51, May 15, 2012 (UTC)
Like Falzar said, I also most using deck at 40 cards minimum. I rarely have a deck with 41 or 42 cards within. One of very few I have with 41 is "Tele-DAD" because I can't take out cheap card because many of them are good strategy and combine so I had to add in one card that can helping the theme better. --iFredCat 14:34, May 15, 2012 (UTC)

I know 40 card Decks are generally better, statistically, even though it is slight. 60 card decks are too crazy for me. I'm just trying to say, whenever i see someone post somewhere "Please Rate my Deck" on some sort of forum, when they have 50 cards, I dislike when people just automatically assume its a bad deck. I've asked people to take close looks at my main deck, (50) and even the most experienced duelists I know say it's a solid deck... I'm not angry by any means guys just getting that across XD. If you want I can post my deck on here (it'll take a few minutes) and you guys can go through filters and suggestions if you want. Shave it to forty if you want. Doesn't mean I agree, doesn't mean I don't respect your opinion if i Don't do what you suggest. I'm all Ears, IF, you want me to post it. ( (talk) 00:46, May 16, 2012 (UTC))

I guess I'll do it anyway . . . XD It's Neo-Spacian XD

( (talk) 01:08, May 16, 2012 (UTC))

Thanks for the big table thing, again, I'm not familiar with this site's forum/talking thingamabob XD -Gravity Bind is a game saver if in a tight situation. it buys time Future fusion isnt only with divine, its for whoever i need soon. Wild edge or Neos knight. Also with future fusion, it sends my 3 necroshades to the grave, if i dont have one in my hand. makes normal summoning neos or blade edge easy ( (talk) 01:48, May 16, 2012 (UTC))

Acknowledge, but it's just permanent lock-down, I would rather Threatening Roar over that card. Also, don't you get "Elemental HERO Air Neos"? He's a Contact Fusion of Hummingbird and Neos together (LP difference ATK boost) --iFredCat 01:58, May 16, 2012 (UTC)

I guess, but say I need more than one turn to buy time. Gravity Bind can come in handy. I have three Mystical Space Typhoons as well so, i can destroy it if I need to use them, and I'm sure my opponent will have a spell or trap destroyer. Threatening buys time for one turn. Also, I Have all Neo spacian singular fusions except Air. Can't find anyone who has it to trade with... I may just have to order it. Anyways, any suggestions for shaving or lowering my deck if you think necessary? (also I have another Marshmallon ans Sangan, Which makes 50) ( (talk) 02:17, May 16, 2012 (UTC))

Well, screw Gravity Bind - it only slowed your high level monsters down. I got all Neos fusions, Magma was last one I had to order online. So for your recipe; I would be better to going more focus on Neos beat down, then add 1 copy of each Neo-Spacian and their Fusion. Forgot Wildedge and Bladedge, they are just in the way. You can keep Necroid Shaman in just for Necroshade, as he is important. You maybe have to throw in E - Emergency Call over Reinforcement, as it can target Elemental HERO faster than just Warrior with Level 4 or lower. Ancient Rules over A Hero Emerges, as you can immediate summon Neos out of your hand, without tribute or anything. Guardian, Marauding Captain, ever Cross Porter are not needed in this recipe. Just throw in Neos Alius, as he's substitution for original one, can be summon twice to become himself, or good target for Gemini Spark. Many cards, I know, but if you're going my way - you maybe find that it's way better than the current recipe you're holding on. --iFredCat 02:31, May 16, 2012 (UTC)

Woah... 0.o I may do some of those things, but Blade Edge is very useful though! how is he just in the way? and isn't marauding more effective than Goblindberg? so why do you think marauding? As you can see I don't have Necroid shaman... And what if i don't need a ehero? (E emergency call vs reinforcement) i would need i marauding to spc summon or something? You need to elaborate more on WHY... ( (talk) 02:57, May 16, 2012 (UTC))