Forum:A Good Deck ?!

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I know it is a long shot...
But, I have a young friend on Yugioh DN who is looking for a better deck.
He wants something that will win 95% of the duels he has.
He likes to play rated games and so far he has done very well.
But, of course he has noticed that as his rank gets higher
the duels get harder and so do the decks he faces.
I assume he is facing tier 1 decks at this point.
Of course, he also doesn't want to use the same decks he hates facing off
against. I assume much like myself he might feel like a hypocrite if he
uses decks that he hates facing...

So, I'm not sure what to tell him. I have been playing yugioh for a long time
I had gone to tournaments when Monarchs were tier 1!
I hated Monarchs, every single deck you could try and use against them
normally failed. But, hey... that was a long time ago in a galaxy far
far away! Monarchs are no longer tier 1, the torch has passed.

So, enough of my rambling...
my friend wants to know if there is a non Meta deck that he can use
that can defeat other Meta decks that are out there.

I realize as a long term player that every deck has a weakness.
So, it might not be possible to give him what he wants...
Just thought I'd check with everyone here first.
Thanks. (talk) 03:43, March 27, 2013 (UTC)AceCloudKicker

I'd personally recommend Macro or Chain Burn if you want to reduce the Deck cost. I'm not sure if the actual anti-meta Decks would be considered "meta" in his/your eyes, but those are prone to being significantly expensive. Macro has the ability to cancel out several Grave-reliant Decks like Mermails, but has the problem of relying on a continuous S/T. Chain Burn is largely backed by the surprise factor, but can be easily sided against. --Gadjiltron (talkcontribs) 00:29, March 28, 2013 (UTC)

Final Countdown. As long as your luck isn't appalling, you'll absolutely trash nearly everyone. Battlemaniac (talkcontribs) 21:29, March 28, 2013 (UTC)

Ah, that's right. Considering costs, on the other hand, finding the card Final Countdown itself and possibly Messenger of Peace could be difficult. --Gadjiltron (talkcontribs) 08:49, March 29, 2013 (UTC)

If there was a non-meta deck that could consistently beat meta decks, by definition it would automatically become a meta deck itself (An example is how "Dino-rabbit" highly resembled the structure of an anti-meta deck). However, if you figure out what most your opponents are using (E-drags?) then you can build a deck that specifically is designed to beat them, but if your opponent is using anything else you most likely will lose (but if 75% of your duels are the deck yours is designed to counter, a 3-1 win/loss ratio is still very good). (talk) 15:18, March 29, 2013 (UTC) Yoshi

I'd have to agree with Gadjiltron with Macro, you can also try Stun oriented decks. They tend to work against a lot of meta decks. Hastydemon2 (talkcontribs) 17:03, April 3, 2013 (UTC)

Thanks gang. My thoughts exactly. Excellent point about "Dino-Rabbit"
I have seen those decks in play and they do use some Anti-Meta elements
such as Macro Cosmos...
then of course there is the factor of win / loss ratio
my friend get frustrated that his decks seem to lose more often then they win.

I learned myself a long time ago, that if you want to win...
you either need a Meta deck or a good Anti-Meta deck.
Or...something "odd-ball" such as a burn or final countdown "troll" deck.

But, everything has a weakenss, it really does come down to:
What is your opponent(s) using?
How can you beat them?

I can certainly suggest the Macro Cosmos idea and or a Final Countdown deck
and see what he thinks. Thanks to all. (talk) 22:48, April 8, 2013 (UTC)AceCloudKicker