Forum:Help me with my Venom Deck...

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Here's my Venom Deck card list. The Total cards in this deck is 44 and is also the maximum cards i'll put inside this deck. Pls dont suggest any hard-to-get or expensive cards as i'm on a budget. Tell me if there's any card(s) that need to be removed and any card(s) that i need to add in. Any help at all is appreciated!

The deck size has increase by 2... XD Lets just say 45 is maximum for now...

Deck List:

No Mystical Space Typhoon? Heresy (did I spell it right?) if you ask me. You could remove Field Barrier instead. With 3 copies of Venom Swamp and 1 Terraforming, you'll probably be able to pull out a new Swamp anyway, so there's no need for field barrier, I think. Ciao,

Baccus78 14:48, 24 July 2008 (UTC)

thanks for your advice... i'll try without field barrier but y mystical? it all depands on luck on which card u choose to destroy... and u think i should take out heavy storm? as it destroy all magic/trap on the field including venom swamp

oh yea. forgot to put the 4 tidles. the post on top is me. Kznightmare 06:58, 25 July 2008 (UTC)

Mystical Space Typhoon is good in any deck. BTW, what Heavy Storm, I can't see that you've put it in the decklist? But if you did have it, then yes, I agree that Heavy Storm could easily backfire on yourself. How about Giant Trunade instead? It doesn't hurt your own cards, though it won't hurt your opponent either. But at least it helps you clear out the opponent's field so that you can attack without fear. Hope that helps a little. Ciao,

Baccus78 08:01, 25 July 2008 (UTC)

Big Bang Shot helps? as it makes vennominaga piercing which would get 3 hyper-venom counter easier... Kznightmare 13:30, 25 July 2008 (UTC)

  • Big Bang Shot is rather a dead-draw. Venom Shot is slow and interrupts the flow of your counters. Remove them. Chris427 21:00, 25 July 2008 (UTC)

venom shot maybe dont put 3 in the deck but maybe 2. Because it helps me with counters and also possibly increase the attack of either vennominaga or vennominon. Kznightmare 07:39, 26 July 2008 (UTC)

hmm... now i think my deck is kinda lack of monsters... since there are very few venom monster, might as well use reptile monster with high attack like alien shocktrooper. Guys, think thats a good idea? Kznightmare 07:50, 26 July 2008 (UTC)

I think so. Good thinking on the Alien Shocktrooper, too. Ohh, just a tip, if your Vennominon or Venominaga goes to the graveyard by another player's card effect, then it might be worth having Monster Reincarnation, cause it can serve two purposes; bringing back your ace monster, and you can discard a reptile monster to power it up further. However, MR might be better in the side deck, against decks like Dark World and Mill, I'm not sure. Ciao,

Baccus78 09:54, 26 July 2008 (UTC)

dont think monster reincarnation is quite good as vennominon or vennominaga has the ability to revive itself... and even if i get it back to my hand, i would find it a hard time to summon it back with 2 tributes... anyways, wat do u think of 3 alien shocktrooper? is it too much or anything...? btw, thx baccus, u helped me alot on my deck... Kznightmare 12:10, 26 July 2008 (UTC)

Not as much as Chris did, and you're right about Monster Reincarnation, I thought at that time that it could help against mill decks, but it probably doesn't. Anyways, thanks for the compliments. BTW, you wouldn't wanna duel me on MSN, would you? I saw on your user page that you offer to do that, and I found it interesting (and I can assure you, I would never cheat). You may want to think over it a bit. Ciao,

Baccus78 13:02, 26 July 2008 (UTC)

Oh, and about the Shocktroopers, no, I think 3 is just enough. Good Luck with the deck!

Baccus78 13:04, 26 July 2008 (UTC)

need to colelct a few more cards until my venom deck is complete.... so, a duel would be nice. Add my username at [email protected] find a time and we can duel! ^_^ Kznightmare 15:15, 26 July 2008 (UTC)

  • I only said two things. As for the deck, you're missing Premature Burial. Chris427 23:54, 26 July 2008 (UTC)

well i think monster reborn should be good enough.... btw, baccus, can u add me again in MSN? i think i didnt added you... whats your username in MSN? Kznightmare 02:13, 27 July 2008 (UTC)

    • NO! Premature Burial IS needed. Chris427 04:02, 27 July 2008 (UTC)

but why is premeture burial needed? Kznightmare 04:03, 27 July 2008 (UTC)

  • (Steam rises from Chris427's Head)......... BECAUSE IT IS NEEDED. Chris427 04:05, 27 July 2008 (UTC)

hey there chris, chill. dont get angry. I just dont see why Premature Burial is needed. Kznightmare 04:07, 27 July 2008 (UTC)

  • It's one of those no-brainer-must-need-cards because it's like Monster Reborn. It gives so much extra power and is very important to decks. Chris427 04:09, 27 July 2008 (UTC)

i'll try with premature burial for now. If i think it doenst give any advantage to me, i'll remove it straight away or just put it as side deck. Kznightmare 04:13, 27 July 2008 (UTC)

i wouldn't even attempt it to be honest. it'd be a fun deck to play but for tournies etc. it's not going to do well.

here's a list of things that crushed my venom deck, i had pretty much the same deck as you have now;

Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell - say goodbye to all Venom Swamps.

Nobleman of Extermination - this screwed me over big time, i couldn't special summon my Vennominaga the Deity of Poisonous Snakes because i had no more Rise of the Snake Deitys.

Reverse Trap - this one got me too, some guy's Luster Dragon had 2 counters, so it only had 900 attack right? well it wasn't funny when he used Reverse Trap, because it gained 1000 attack instead of losing it! so it was a 2900 attack monster!

DNA Surgery - some guy was using it for his Chimeratech Overdragon deck. luckily i destroyed it first, but it would have made a few trap cards completely pointless, if my monsters were turned to machine type.

Non-Spellcasting Area - this was pretty clever of the guy, he used it in conjunction with a normal type deck. which made my whole deck pointless. i couldn't lay a finger on the guy, my monsters were just too weak.

flip type decks not the 'FLIP:' ones, i mean the ones where the cards have the effect where they can flip face down. a couple of these i've played against, and it's not easy, but i had a couple Light of Interventions in my side deck to avoid this, but it still took a while to draw the damn card.

and right now, i'm tired, perhaps i'll add more later :D good luck. Iamthekyleb 04:53, 27 July 2008 (UTC)

  • TO THE DECK MAKER: Apparently you think Premature Burial is of no use. Frankly, you're extremely ignorant. I'm done with editing any of your decks. If you never really appreciated it, then that's just dandy. Chris427 05:10, 27 July 2008 (UTC)

chris427 you give useless information anyway. premature burial isn't necessary. it's quite frankly a waste. why bother with premature burial when you could have Spear Cretin because it acts as a defense against your life points, special summons a monster without having to pay for anything AND doesn't run the risk of being attached to an equip card, which, if the equip card would go, then so would the monster.

information from a guy with a shoddy 'H2O deck' and a 'bubbleburn deck' is definitely not worth taking.Iamthekyleb 05:31, 27 July 2008 (UTC)

  • I'm currently laughing at Spear Cretin over Premature Burial. I'm currently laughing at how someone like you is so easily insulting to the integrity of this game. Show that you have good advice before you judge others so easily. I am pretty sure my disappointment in this deck's creator was not of initial response. I'm done with the ignorant. Chris427 05:40, 27 July 2008 (UTC)

ah, so you laughed about why i would use spear cretin but you didn't care to show why premature burial would have been a better choice then? you should have at least some backing for your opinions. and at no point could i have 'insulted the integrity of this game', i think you must have just felt belittled or demeaned regarding my remark towards you. this wikia is designed to help users, not ridicule them for the choices they make. all you said, in it's simplest form, was premature burial is a good card cos it is powerful and important, this isn't advice, this is merely an utterance beyond cerebration from an individual of evident idiocy, in which you simply cannot refrain from trying to be some sort of 'omniscient yugioh master'. i was there since the beginning, i understand a lot, but there are new things to learn which is why i come here. you should take note of other people's advice and not just concentrate on your own and how you 'have to be right'. if you can't give reason to why you tell people they need to change cards around then don't bother saying anything, i think you should just quit wikia, you're useless to it.Iamthekyleb 06:37, 27 July 2008 (UTC)

  • Premature Burial is Premature Burial. It started as a benign suggestion and was ultimately rejected in a apprehensive, unappreciative way. I pushed the importance of it simply because it exceeded many other cards in its useful synergy to the deck. At a cheap cost of 800 in today's 8000 lifepoint game, it is an extremely helpful card when Monster Reborn is not available. Spear Cretin, on the other hand, is a double-edged card that will bring back one of your opponent's monsters. This I do not approve mostly because powerful decks out there with powerful cards are a common thing. I hope that brief explanation would clear this up. This is why I became upset at this deck's user - not you. If you have reviewed my numerous edits and guidance for those around me for the past times I have been on this Wikia, you would understand that I am earnestly trying to help. Of course, it may seem to the first eye that I come off as rude - often sarcastic or excessively blunt. However, it is strongly not my intention to come off as someone to be pretentious or patronizing. I respect other people's advice and I would like to clear the ambiguity that I may have been domineering over you. Once again, that was not my intention. Moreover, I will not be quitting this Wikia as there are others who I have the incentive to help. Quitting would be selfish on my terms, and your suggesting of it is too. I believe that this argument has strayed far from the fact that we are trying to help this deck maker, and that I believe is what we should return to. And with a truce that has no feeling of a "Hah" on either end. Chris427 08:02, 27 July 2008 (UTC)

excellent, truce it is. you also used one of my favorite words - synergy - it's sitting in my top 3, along with pococurante and usurp, so *high five*

but, yugioh's always been 8000 hasn't it, and 800 life points is 10%, it's not the best thing to use unless you have a Draining Shield or a life point gaining card in your deck, but even then, nowadays some cards are so powerful and easy to get out, like Destiny Hero - Dogma, that cards like premature burial are unbelievably risky!

  • Naw. Raigeki was epic. Chris427 09:16, 27 July 2008 (UTC)

when i tried it out with this deck, people easily destroy Venom Swamp with cards like Mystical Space Typhoon, Twister, Heavy Storm, etc...(also replacing venom swamp with other field card) So, is there any card to help the prevention of the destruction of venom swamp?

Or should i just put field barrier in back? Kznightmare 09:58, 27 July 2008 (UTC)

  • The vulnerability is shocking, isn't it? Consider negations such as Solemn Judgment, Dark Bribe, Magic Drain, or its weaker counterpats: Magic Jammer/Trap Jammer. Or you can put back Field Barrier or consider a Magic Reflector. Chris427 10:10, 27 July 2008 (UTC)

yup! The vulnerability is too shocking! without venom swamp, the deck is completely useless. But then back it up with Alien Shocktrooper, Venom Cobra, and what do you think of Giga Gagagigo or Gogiga Gagagigo?

Bout Magic Reflector, thats a very old card and i dont think i'll be able to get it anymore. So, i think i'll just stick with Field Barrier... Do you'll suggest more than 1 field barrier?

Kznightmare 10:38, 27 July 2008 (UTC)

  • Shocktrooper is O.K., but don't use the other Aliens. They'll get in the way of your venom cards. Don't use Gogiga here - it'll probably get in the way too. Giga Gagagigo is sort of irrelevant to the whole venom thing, but you could try it. Chris427 20:33, 27 July 2008 (UTC)

Cyber Valley

Whats the point of me having Cyber Valley in this deck anyway??? Kznightmare 09:04, 28 July 2008 (UTC)

  • I don't know. Who said that? It's still a good card though - some extra draw power along with a Battle-phase-ender. Or it can help reuse your spells that were destroyed, say, Venom Swamp. Chris427 19:19, 28 July 2008 (UTC)

Well actually, i just put in Cyber Valley for a reason that i forgot. But then good point there Chris... I guess it'll be worth trying... Kznightmare 08:11, 29 July 2008 (UTC)

My two cents

Hi im also running a venom deck so heres a few cards I can recommend (from my experience with the deck these cards may or may not be useful to you):

Ok let me explain why these card can be useful Interplanetary Invader "A" has 0 ATK which can work for you in two ways. One: it can be helpful for pulling out a higher attacking Reptile monster with Damage = Reptile (Venom Boa is ideal) two because it has 0 ATK it cannot be Destroyed by Venom Swamp. Plus it can take monsters away from your Opponent which makes them lose Field Advantage. Vengeful Bog Spirit + Venom swamp = ownage why vengeful makes it so all the monsters the opponent Summons take a 1000 atk decrease before there allowed to attack (it can be more if you have Venom Serpent, Venom Snake or Venom Boa in play) this set up makes it very hard for your opponent to be offensive. Metal Reflect Slime uses stem from stalling to Tribute fodder (for boa or the king) to even redirecting destruction from Smashing Ground and Fissure and like Interplanetary venom swamp can't destroy it so it doesn't hinder the card. You can also use Scapegoat but that in my opinon has less uses in this deck than Metal Reflect Slime.

Anyway I hope these cards will help your deck out so good luck (if you want to see my venom deck just go to my user page). Batboy267 15:16, 30 July 2008 (UTC)

Light of Intervention

I've recently added Light of Intervention to my Venom Deck. I just put it in so that the venom counter could be distributed through Venom Swamp or any other cards that add venom counters. Face down monster cannot receive any Venom Counter, thats the reason why i added Light of Intervention.

Any suggestion? Should or should i not put Light of Intervention in? Kznightmare 12:20, 2 August 2008 (UTC)

I suggest

--Rare Hunter28 13:50, 2 August 2008 (UTC)Rare Hunter28

That u eliminate the Invader "A" and add in a little extra muscle(Alien Shocktrooper). Invader "A" is rather a painful effect that may cost you from 1800 to 2500 damage for a monster? come on, I think it's better to draw an Alien Shocktrooper which might be capable of handling a couple of monsters on his own. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Here's another card that can help this deck that just came out: Evil Dragon Ananta however be VERY careful when using this card for in a venom deck it's a double edged sword. My suggestion: only use at the very beginning of a duel to blow up cards (when you have 1-2 Reptiles in your grave and/or field combined) or at the end of the duel as a last resort. If your using this for the latter make sure it is the only good move you can make because if you play this card and it backfires then the duel is prety much over for you. Des Feral Imp is another card that you might consider it has many uses including the following:

You get the idea this card allows you to recycle your cards this can do wonders sense alot of your cards can be searched from your deck. hope this helps Batboy267 07:28, 3 August 2008 (UTC)

well, im not too sure about Alien Shocktrooper because it is effected by Venom Swamp... Kznightmare 12:15, 3 August 2008 (UTC)

Further Improving my Venom Deck

I want to further improve my venom deck to a higher level. Possibilities are quite low but i'll give it a shot and make it tournament level. If you guys got any suggestion on how to make it as high as a tournament level deck, suggest it here!! (pls dont say this deck has reach its limit as a deck has endless posibilities!!)

Kznightmare 13:34, 3 August 2008 (UTC)

Ok theres one thing that all tournament level decks have that your deck doesn't right now and that is having a side deck. Side decks are needed in decks to cover a decks weaknesses and to help counter other deck types. I won't tell you what to put in it but heres a tip think of cards that are run often that would really be a problem to duel against and put cards to counter the deck type or cards (ex. say im facing a Monarch deck good side cards for it would be Forced Back and By Order of the Emperor) or if you don't want to do that you can just fill it with general cards (can't go wrong with that) but anyway make a side deck and your deck will be even stronger! Batboy267 21:13, 3 August 2008 (UTC)