Forum:Newest idea: Photon rabbit

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40 cards photon rabbits!

Monster Cards

  • galaxy eyes photon dragon x3
  • rescue rabbit x3
  • gorz
  • alexandrite dragon x3
  • gene warped warwolf x2
  • maxx c
  • effect veiler
  • tour guide x3


  • laggia
  • dolkka
  • daigusto emeral
  • vylon disigma
  • kachi kochi dragon
  • levair the sea dragon x2
  • utopia
  • wind-up zenmaines
  • ally of justice catastor
  • brionac
  • stardust dragon
  • black rose dragon
  • mist wurm

Spell Cards

  • monster reborn
  • pot of avarice
  • photon sanctuary x3
  • MST x2
  • heavy storm
  • book of moon
  • dark hole
  • forrbiden lance

Trap Cards

  • mirror force
  • dimensional prison
  • BTH
  • fiendish chain
  • Solemn warning x2
  • solemn

hi all! I came up with this idea for a competive deck using the amazing galaxy eyes photon dragon! This deck uses rabbit to summon 2 warwolf or 2 alexandrite and tribute them for galaxy eyes and while im doing this i am protected with few traps.First turn galaxy eyes is pretty easy here.i don't know what to add for consistency but i try to dump wyvern and banish it with ghost ship to get a GEPD into my hand. Honest explains himself. I try maxx c for draw power but yeah still. Please help. LG talk My own Guides 15:50, February 28, 2012 (UTC)

It sounds like a good idea, but always have an extra deck. Especially when you're playing Photon or Rabbit, there's the possibility of getting out that rank 8 holy marked card, or with rabbit pretty near any rank 4.
And you forgot to link the cards so it's harder to help. (talk) 06:34, February 29, 2012 (UTC)

Yeah thats possible but almost all cards here are well known.i might add an extra. LG talk My own Guides 13:30, February 29, 2012 (UTC)

I'm liking the look of this deck, especially that rabbit for once isn't being used to spam out Laggia or Dolkka.

I agree with the previous poster that an extra deck is needed, just because it opens up options. I'd also add a side deck as D.D. Crow, Veiler and Maxx "C" might be better off in a side deck. Other than that it's looking good, though you may want to add in a few Ninja Grandmaster Hanzos and Ninjitsu Arts of Supertransformations as they'll add even more ways to get GEPD to the field, and finally keep the Future Fusion, it's a nice little tech with no downsides to running it in this deck.--The FireFALL (talkcontribs) 14:59, February 29, 2012 (UTC)

Also I'd ditch the Eclipse Wyvern and Ghost Ships, for them to be effective you need to draw them and use them at exact points in time which 90% of the time aren't going to work. So the deck will most likely be better off without them. Also if you go the Hanzo route, add in a White Dragon Ninja, as it can be brought out via Super-Transformation and Sanctuary.--The FireFALL (talkcontribs) 15:09, February 29, 2012 (UTC)

Not really, i can just future or foolish eclipse then ghost ship. I can swap crow for different dimension reincarnation that combos well with wyvern, summon then attack and banish and galaxy eyes is free.also, maxx c is mained to provide consistency as i lack draw power. LG talk My own Guides 15:28, February 29, 2012 (UTC)

Again with the Wyvern and Ghost Ship it is still coming down to needing exactly the right cards in hand to use the effects. What happens if first turn you draw a Ghost Ship and no Future Fusion or Foolish? You're stuck with a useless card that's what. It's even worse if you draw both of them first turn, you may as well just scoop. That's why I wouldn't run them. I'd actually probably replace them with Photon Thrashers and a few Photon Leads.--The FireFALL (talkcontribs) 10:07, March 1, 2012 (UTC)

Or, you know, Gorz the Emissary of Darkness, Dark Hole, Tour Guide From the Underworld, it's not like they're staples or anything. I mean TGU's only amazingly useful in most decks, especially rabbit decks, it's not like he's running that. (talk) 10:55, March 1, 2012 (UTC)

UPDATE: added dinos for a backup plan, removed eclipse wyvern,ghost ship,foolish and future added gorz and a full extra LG talk My own Guides 19:15, March 1, 2012 (UTC)

I would say remove the dinos. And what's with 3x Laggia, 3x Dolkka with only 1 set of dinos? You do realise there are a large number of useful rank 4s right?
Daigusto Emeral
Evigishki Merrowgeist
Number 32: Marine Biting Dragon - Shark Drake
Number 50: Black Corn
Photon Butterfly Assassin
Tinplate Archduke
Sacred Omega (works with Alexandrite Dragon)
Verz Ouroboros
Vylon Disigma
Some of them require 3 but with those it's really just personal choice on which you want to put in, the others are useful in select situations. (talk) 01:13, March 2, 2012 (UTC)

UPDATE 2: got rid of kabazules and cyber dragon for 3 tour guides and modified extra LG talk My own Guides 13:29, March 2, 2012 (UTC)

Any tips? LG talk My own Guides 16:48, March 2, 2012 (UTC)

Photon Sanctuary

???.....I would keep the future fusion and maybe a Guardian of Order

My fault

Sorry for the above post didn't see that you had Photon Santucary in your deck... my other thoughts would be dragonic tactic and maybe divine dragon yeah he's not 2000 but light normal level four dragon both at 3.....that way you would have access to your dragon in your deck since you lack ways to search it.....and Number 25 at 2 is a must being alight 2500 beatstick....I would keep future fusion and what if you threw in one Lord of the D. Ok ok I'm pushing just some thoughts and Guardian of Order is just great. ... (talk) 05:17, April 4, 2012 (UTC)dragonwater69.171.178.81 (talk) 05:17, April 4, 2012 (UTC)

If you're running Tour Guide From the Underworld, then why not use Sangan along with it?

Tour Guide >> Sangan >> Rabbit >> Alexandrite/Warwolf >> GEPD

--Moja619 (talkcontribs) 18:23, April 4, 2012 (UTC)

This deck would be a great idea for a deck if we were back on the last ban list before march but now tour guide is limited to 1

thanks very much people but this is my deck that i need help with LG talk My own Guides 03:33, April 5, 2012 (UTC)