Park generic Duelists

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The park generic Duelists are a group of minor characters in Yu-Gi-Oh! The Sacred Cards, available for Dueling in the park.


There are six park generic Duelists that the player can battle.

  • One in the Southwest area.
  • Three in the Northwest area.
  • Two in the Northeast area.

Many of the generic Duelists inform the player of the location of other Duelists in the game:

  • When the player challenges the Duelist in the Southwest to a second game, he suggests that the player spend his time battling stronger Duelists and tells him that Weevil Underwood is in the park. After the player beat Weevil, the generic Duelist told the player about Bonz being beaten by the Ghouls.
  • The Duelist with an Afro in the Northwest refuses to Duel the player unless the player can give him information on Yugi Muto's whereabouts. They player said that Yugi often hangs out at the toy shop. After losing the generic Duelist, tells the player that Mai Valentine can be found at the building. He then relocates to the toy shop, where he gets defeated by Yugi.
  • After the player has met Marik, the white-haired Duelist in the Northwest told the player that Seto Kaiba was seen at the bridge.
  • The girl in the Northeast area asked the player if she is weak, after losing to him.
    • If the player replied that she is weak, she said that she agreed and decided to quit. She then gave the card "The Unhappy Maiden" to the player before leaving the area to go home.
    • If the player said she is not weak, she decided to keep trying and thanked him for the encouragement. When the player spoke to her again after meeting Marik Ishtar, she told him that Mako Tsunami could be found at the aquarium, which could be accessed after crossing the bridge.


All of the park generic Duelists use the following Deck.

# Card Card typeSummon TypeLevel ATK DEF Qty
104 "Curtain of the Dark Ones" MonsterDark Spellcaster2 600 500 3
130 "Weather Control" MonsterLight Fairy2 600 400 3
185 "Eyearmor" MonsterEarth Warrior2 600 500 3
191 "LaLa Li-oon" MonsterThunder Thunder2 600 600 3
207 "Droll Bird" MonsterWind Winged Beast2 600 500 3
210 "Hinotama Soul" MonsterFire Pyro2 600 500 3
338 "Mooyan Curry" Magic 1
485 "Korogashi" MonsterForest Insect2 550 400 3
516 "Muka Muka" MonsterEarth Rock2 600 300 3
524 "Star Boy" MonsterWater Aqua2 550 500 3
563 "Wretched Ghost of the Attic" MonsterDark Fiend2 550 400 3
598 "Little Chimera" MonsterWind Beast2 600 550 3
681 "House of Adhesive Tape" Trap 1
690 "Fake Trap" Trap 2
857 "Flame Dancer" MonsterFire Pyro2 550 450 3


The following cards can be won from the park generic Duelists by the ante rule, provided the player does not wager a low-level ante card. The chance of winning a card is indicated by the "%" (chance out of 100) and "2048th" (chance out of 2048) columns.

The bridge generic Duelists use the same ante pool.

# Card Card typeSummon TypeLevel ATK DEF % 2048th
166 "Mysterious Puppeteer" MonsterEarth Warrior4 1000 1500 2.88 59
182 "Masked Clown" MonsterDark Warrior2 500 700 2.88 59
184 "Genin" MonsterDreams Spellcaster3 600 900 2.88 59
193 "Turtle Tiger" MonsterWater Aqua4 1000 1500 2.88 59
196 "Arma Knight" MonsterWater Aqua4 1000 1200 2.88 59
236 "Guardian of the Labyrinth" MonsterDark Warrior4 1000 1200 2.88 59
258 "Beastking of the Swamps" MonsterEarth Aqua4 1000 1100 2.88 59
259 "Ancient Sorcerer" MonsterDark Spellcaster4 1000 1300 2.88 59
261 "Wicked Mirror" MonsterDreams Fiend2 700 600 2.88 59
402 "Monster Eye" MonsterFiend Fiend1 250 350 2.88 59
406 "Yaiba Robo" MonsterFiend Machine4 1000 1300 2.88 59
408 "Giant Mech-Soldier" MonsterFiend Machine6 1750 1900 2.88 59
409 "Metal Dragon" MonsterFire Machine6 1850 1700 2.88 59
424 "Sky Dragon" MonsterWind Dragon6 1900 1800 2.88 59
455 "Barrel Rock" MonsterEarth Rock4 1000 1300 2.88 59
496 "Wilmee" MonsterForest Beast4 1000 1200 2.88 59
518 "Boulder Tortoise" MonsterEarth Aqua6 1450 2200 2.88 59
520 "Turtle Bird" MonsterWind Aqua6 1900 1700 2.83 58
521 "Skullbird" MonsterWind Winged Beast6 1900 1700 2.83 58
526 "Neck Hunter" MonsterFiend Fiend6 1750 1900 2.83 58
533 "Kwagar Hercules" MonsterForest Insect6 1900 1700 2.83 58
545 "Skelgon" MonsterFiend Zombie6 1700 1900 2.83 58
555 "Tyhone #2" MonsterFire Dragon6 1700 1900 2.83 58
575 "Ancient One of the Deep Forest" MonsterForest Beast6 1800 1900 2.83 58
600 "Key Mace #2" MonsterDark Fiend4 1050 1200 2.83 58
618 "Warrior of Tradition" MonsterDark Warrior6 1900 1700 2.83 58
620 "Snakeyashi" MonsterForest Plant4 1000 1200 2.83 58
627 "Nekogal #2" MonsterForest Beast-Warrior6 1900 2000 2.83 58
645 "Royal Guard" MonsterEarth Machine6 1900 2200 2.83 58
766 "Pinch Hopper" MonsterForest Insect4 1000 1200 2.83 58
769 "Wall of Illusion" MonsterDreams Fiend4 1000 1850 2.83 58
777 "Spikebot" MonsterDark Machine5 1800 1700 2.83 58
791 "Gate Sword" MonsterFiend Warrior6 1800 1950 2.83 58
797 "Total Defense Shogun" MonsterDark Warrior6 1550 2500 2.83 58
802 "Baron of the Fiend Sword" MonsterDark Fiend4 1550 800 2.83 58