Set Card Lists:Enemy of Justice (TCG-SP)

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Card numberEnglish nameSpanish nameRarityCategory
EOJ-SP001"Destiny HERO - Doom Lord""HÉROE del Destino - Doom Lord" (as "Héroe del Destino - Doom Lord")CommonEffect Monster
EOJ-SP002"Destiny HERO - Captain Tenacious""HÉROE del Destino - Captain Tenacious" (as "Héroe del Destino - Captain Tenacious")CommonEffect Monster
EOJ-SP003"Destiny HERO - Diamond Dude""HÉROE del Destino - Diamond Dude" (as "Héroe del Destino - Diamond Dude")Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
EOJ-SP004"Destiny HERO - Dreadmaster""HÉROE del Destino - Dreadmaster" (as "Héroe del Destino - Dreadmaster")Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
EOJ-SP005"Cyber Tutu""Cíber Tutu"CommonEffect Monster
EOJ-SP006"Cyber Gymnast""Cíber Gimnasta"CommonEffect Monster
EOJ-SP007"Cyber Prima""Cíber Bailarina"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
EOJ-SP008"Cyber Kirin""Cíber Kirin"CommonEffect Monster
EOJ-SP009"Cyber Phoenix""Cíber Fénix"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
EOJ-SP010"Searchlightman""Hombrereflector"CommonFlip monster
EOJ-SP011"Victory Viper XX03""Viper Victory XX03"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
EOJ-SP012"Swift Birdman Joe""Swift Birdman Joe"CommonEffect Monster
EOJ-SP013"Harpie's Pet Baby Dragon""Dragón Bebé, Mascota de la Arpía"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
EOJ-SP014"Majestic Mech - Senku""Mecha Majestuoso - Senku"CommonEffect Monster
EOJ-SP015"Majestic Mech - Ohka""Mecha Majestuoso - Ohka"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
EOJ-SP016"Majestic Mech - Goryu""Mecha Majestuoso - Goryu"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
EOJ-SP017"Royal Knight""Caballero Real"CommonEffect Monster
EOJ-SP018"Herald of Green Light""Heraldo de la Luz Verde"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
EOJ-SP019"Herald of Purple Light""Heraldo de la Luz Púrpura"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
EOJ-SP020"Bountiful Artemis""Artemis Pródiga"CommonEffect Monster
EOJ-SP021"Layard the Liberator""Layard el Liberador"CommonEffect Monster
EOJ-SP022"Banisher of the Radiance""Desterrador del Resplandor"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
EOJ-SP023"Voltanis the Adjudicator""Voltanis el Árbitro"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
EOJ-SP024"Guard Dog""Perro Guardián"CommonFlip monster
EOJ-SP025"Whirlwind Weasel""Comadreja Remolino"CommonFlip monster
EOJ-SP026"Avalanching Aussa""Aussa Avalanchadora"CommonEffect Monster
EOJ-SP027"Raging Eria""Eria Furiosa"CommonEffect Monster
EOJ-SP028"Blazing Hiita""Hiita Ardiente"CommonEffect Monster
EOJ-SP029"Storming Wynn""Wynn Tormentosa"CommonEffect Monster
EOJ-SP030"Batteryman D""Hombre Pila D"CommonEffect Monster
EOJ-SP031"Super-Electromagnetic Voltech Dragon""Dragón Voltech Súper-Electromagnético"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
EOJ-SP032"Elemental HERO Phoenix Enforcer""HÉROE Elemental Phoenix Enforcer" (as "Héroe Elemental Phoenix Enforcer")Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
EOJ-SP033"Elemental HERO Shining Phoenix Enforcer""HÉROE Elemental Phoenix Enforcer Brillante" (as "Héroe Elemental Phoenix Enforcer Brillante")Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
EOJ-SP034"Elemental HERO Mariner""HÉROE Elemental Mariner" (as "Héroe Elemental Mariner")CommonEffect Fusion Monster
EOJ-SP035"Elemental HERO Wild Wingman""HÉROE Elemental Wild Wingman"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
EOJ-SP036"Elemental HERO Necroid Shaman""HÉROE Elemental Necroid Shaman"CommonEffect Fusion Monster
EOJ-SP037"Misfortune""Infortunio"CommonNormal Spell
EOJ-SP038"H - Heated Heart""H- Corazón Ardiente"CommonNormal Spell
EOJ-SP039"E - Emergency Call""E- Llamada de Emergencia"CommonNormal Spell
EOJ-SP040"R - Righteous Justice""R- Justicia Honesta"CommonNormal Spell
EOJ-SP041"O - Oversoul""O- Sobrealma"CommonNormal Spell
EOJ-SP042"Hero Flash!!""Flash Hero!!" (as "Flash HERO!!")Rare
Ultimate Rare
Normal Spell
EOJ-SP043"Power Capsule""Cápsula de Poder"CommonNormal Spell
EOJ-SP044"Celestial Transformation""Transformación Celestial"CommonQuick-Play Spell
EOJ-SP045"Guard Penalty""Penalizar la Guardia"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Quick-Play Spell
EOJ-SP046"Grand Convergence""Gran Convergencia"CommonQuick-Play Spell
EOJ-SP047"Dimensional Fissure""Fisura Dimensional"CommonContinuous Spell
EOJ-SP048"Clock Tower Prison""Prisión de la Torre del Reloj"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Field Spell
EOJ-SP049"Life Equalizer""Igualador de Vida"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Normal Trap
EOJ-SP050"Elemental Recharge""Recarga Elemental"CommonNormal Trap
EOJ-SP051"Destruction of Destiny""Destrucción del Destino"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Normal Trap
EOJ-SP052"Destiny Signal""Señal del Destino"CommonNormal Trap
EOJ-SP053"D - Time""D- Time"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Normal Trap
EOJ-SP054"D - Shield""D- Escudo"CommonNormal Trap
EOJ-SP055"Icarus Attack""Ataque de Ícaro"CommonNormal Trap
EOJ-SP056"Elemental Absorber""Absorbedor Elemental"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Continuous Trap
EOJ-SP057"Macro Cosmos""Macro Cosmos"CommonContinuous Trap
EOJ-SP058"Miraculous Descent""Descenso Milagroso"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Continuous Trap
EOJ-SP059"Shattered Axe""Hacha Destrozada"CommonContinuous Trap
EOJ-SP060"Forced Back""Retirada Forzada"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Counter Trap