Set Card Lists:Premium Gold: Return of the Bling (TCG-IT)

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Card numberEnglish nameItalian nameRarityCategory
PGL2-IT001"Junk Giant""Gigante Rottame"Gold Secret RareEffect Monster
PGL2-IT002"Absolute King Back Jack""Re Assoluto Back Jack"Gold Secret RareEffect Monster
PGL2-IT003"Rose Lover""Amante Rosa"Gold Secret RareEffect Monster
PGL2-IT004"Rose Paladin""Paladina Rosa"Gold Secret RareEffect Monster
PGL2-IT005"Ghost Charon, the Underworld Boatman""Caronte Fantasma, il Traghettatore del Mondo Sotteraneo"Gold Secret RareEffect Tuner monster
PGL2-IT006"Blackwing - Kris the Crack of Dawn""Alanera - Kris l'Inizio dell'Alba"Gold Secret RareEffect Monster
PGL2-IT007"Blackwing - Pinaki the Waxing Moon""Alanera - Pinaki la Luna Crescente"Gold Secret RareEffect Tuner monster
PGL2-IT008"Peropero Cerperus""Cerpero Peropero"Gold Secret RareEffect Monster
PGL2-IT009"Tristan, Knight of the Underworld""Tristano, Cavaliere del Mondo Sotterraneo"Gold Secret RareEffect Monster
PGL2-IT010"Isolde, Belle of the Underworld""Isolde, Bellezza del Mondo Sotterraneo"Gold Secret RareEffect Monster
PGL2-IT011"Masked HERO Anki""Anki EROE Mascherato"Gold Secret RareEffect Fusion Monster
PGL2-IT012"Blackwing Tamer - Obsidian Hawk Joe""Domatore Alanera - Joe Sparviero di Ossidiana"Gold Secret RareEffect Synchro Monster
PGL2-IT013"Blackwing - Nothung the Starlight""Alanera - Nothung la Luce di Stelle"Gold Secret RareEffect Synchro Monster
PGL2-IT014"Dragocytos Corrupted Nethersoul Dragon""Dragocytos Drago Perdutanima Corrotto"Gold Secret RareEffect Synchro Monster
PGL2-IT015"Number 95: Galaxy-Eyes Dark Matter Dragon""Numero 95: Drago Materia Oscura Occhi Galattici"Gold Secret RareEffect Xyz Monster
PGL2-IT016"Cat Shark""Squalo Gatto"Gold Secret RareEffect Xyz Monster
PGL2-IT017"Number 14: Greedy Sarameya""Numero 14: Sarameya Avido"Gold Secret RareEffect Xyz Monster
PGL2-IT018"Number 21: Frozen Lady Justice""Numero 21: Signora Giustizia Congelata"Gold Secret RareEffect Xyz Monster
PGL2-IT019"Parallel Twister""Tornado Parallelo"Gold Secret RareNormal Spell
PGL2-IT020"Stardust Re-Spark""Ri-Scintilla Polvere di Stelle"Gold Secret RareNormal Trap
PGL2-IT021"Santa Claws""Babbo Artigli"Gold Secret RareEffect Monster
PGL2-IT022"Right Leg of the Forbidden One""Gamba Dx del Proibito"Gold RareNormal Monster
PGL2-IT023"Left Leg of the Forbidden One""Gamba Sx del Proibito"Gold RareNormal Monster
PGL2-IT024"Right Arm of the Forbidden One""Braccio Dx del Proibito"Gold RareNormal Monster
PGL2-IT025"Left Arm of the Forbidden One""Braccio Sx del Proibito"Gold RareNormal Monster
PGL2-IT026"Exodia the Forbidden One""Exodia il Proibito"Gold RareEffect Monster
PGL2-IT027"Sinister Serpent""Serpente Sinistro"Gold RareEffect Monster
PGL2-IT028"Card Trooper""Truppa della Carta"Gold RareEffect Monster
PGL2-IT029"Elemental HERO Neos Alius""Nuovo Neos EROE Elementale"Gold RareGemini monster
PGL2-IT030"Dandylion""Dente di Leone"Gold RareEffect Monster
PGL2-IT031"Debris Dragon""Drago delle Macerie"Gold RareEffect Tuner monster
PGL2-IT032"Mystical Beast of Serket""Bestia Mistica di Serket"Gold RareEffect Monster
PGL2-IT033"Glow-Up Bulb""Bulbo Luminoso"Gold RareEffect Tuner monster
PGL2-IT034"Metaion, the Timelord""Metaion, il Signore del Tempo"Gold RareEffect Monster
PGL2-IT035"Bujin Yamato""Bujin Yamato"Gold RareEffect Monster
PGL2-IT036"Traptrix Atrax""Trappolatrice Atrax"Gold RareEffect Monster
PGL2-IT037"Traptrix Myrmeleo""Trappolatrice Myrmeleo"Gold RareEffect Monster
PGL2-IT038"Traptrix Nepenthes""Trappolatrice Nepenthes"Gold RareEffect Monster
PGL2-IT039"Mathematician""Il Matematico"Gold RareEffect Monster
PGL2-IT040"Sylvan Sagequoia""Saggiasequoia Silvana"Gold RareEffect Monster
PGL2-IT041"Traptrix Dionaea""Trappolatrice Dionaea"Gold RareEffect Monster
PGL2-IT042"Goyo Guardian""Guardiano Goyo"Gold RareEffect Synchro Monster
PGL2-IT043"Armades, Keeper of Boundaries""Amedes, Custode dei Confini"Gold RareEffect Synchro Monster
PGL2-IT044"Lavalval Chain""Catena Lavalval"Gold RareEffect Xyz Monster
PGL2-IT045"Madolche Queen Tiaramisu""Magidolce Regina Tiaramisù"Gold RareEffect Xyz Monster
PGL2-IT046"Number 101: Silent Honor ARK""Numero 101: ARCA Onore Silente"Gold RareEffect Xyz Monster
PGL2-IT047"Downerd Magician""Maga Pasticciona"Gold RareEffect Xyz Monster
PGL2-IT048"Raigeki""Raigeki"Gold RareNormal Spell
PGL2-IT049"Book of Moon""Libro della Luna"Gold RareQuick-Play Spell
PGL2-IT050"Advanced Ritual Art""Arte Avanzata del Rituale"Gold RareRitual Spell
PGL2-IT051"Foolish Burial""Sepoltura Sciocca"Gold RareNormal Spell
PGL2-IT052"Charge of the Light Brigade""Carica della Brigata della Luce"Gold RareNormal Spell
PGL2-IT053"Rekindling""Riaccendere"Gold RareNormal Spell
PGL2-IT054"Preparation of Rites""Preparazione dei Riti"Gold RareNormal Spell
PGL2-IT055"Pot of Duality""Giara della Dualità"Gold RareNormal Spell
PGL2-IT056"Temple of the Kings""Tempio dei Re"Gold RareContinuous Spell
PGL2-IT057"The Grand Spellbook Tower""La Grandiosa Torre del Libro di Magia"Gold RareField Spell
PGL2-IT058"Rank-Up-Magic Barian's Force""Alza-Rango-Magico Forza di Barian"Gold RareNormal Spell
PGL2-IT059"Rank-Up-Magic Numeron Force""Alza-Rango-Magico Forza Numeron"Gold RareNormal Spell
PGL2-IT060"Rank-Up-Magic Astral Force""Alza-Rango-Magico Forza Astral"Gold RareNormal Spell
PGL2-IT061"Sylvan Charity""Carità Silvana"Gold RareNormal Spell
PGL2-IT062"Ceasefire""Cessate il Fuoco"Gold RareNormal Trap
PGL2-IT063"Ring of Destruction""Anello della Distruzione"Gold RareNormal Trap
PGL2-IT064"Chain Disappearance""Sparizione a Catena"Gold RareNormal Trap
PGL2-IT065"Compulsory Evacuation Device""Dispositivo di Salvataggio Obbligatorio"Gold RareNormal Trap
PGL2-IT066"Exchange of the Spirit""Scambio dello Spirito"Gold RareNormal Trap
PGL2-IT067"Karma Cut""Taglio Karmico"Gold RareNormal Trap
PGL2-IT068"Solemn Warning""Avvertimento Solenne"Gold RareCounter Trap
PGL2-IT069"Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare""Buco Trappola Incubo Trappolatrice"Gold RareNormal Trap
PGL2-IT070"Crush Card Virus""Virus Distruggi-Carte"Gold RareNormal Trap
PGL2-IT071"Veil of Darkness""Velo dell'Oscurità"Gold RareContinuous Spell
PGL2-IT072"Elemental HERO Prisma""Prisma EROE Elementale"Gold RareEffect Monster
PGL2-IT073"Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind""Alanera - Gale il Turbine"Gold RareEffect Tuner monster
PGL2-IT074"My Body as a Shield""Il mio Corpo come Scudo"Gold RareQuick-Play Spell
PGL2-IT075"Smashing Ground""Schiacciare"Gold RareNormal Spell
PGL2-IT076"Enemy Controller""Controlla-Avversario"Gold RareQuick-Play Spell
PGL2-IT077"Doomcaliber Knight""Cavaliere della Scoperta del Teschio"Gold RareEffect Monster
PGL2-IT078"Five-Headed Dragon""Drago a Cinque Teste"Gold RareEffect Fusion Monster
PGL2-IT079"Gladiator Beast Gyzarus""Gladiatore Bestia Gyzarus"Gold RareEffect Fusion Monster
PGL2-IT080"Blue-Eyes White Dragon""Drago Bianco Occhi Blu"Gold RareNormal Monster
PGL2-IT081"Gorz the Emissary of Darkness""Gorz, l'Emissario dell'Oscurità"Gold RareEffect Monster
PGL2-IT082"Master Hyperion""Maestro Hyperion"Gold RareEffect Monster
PGL2-IT083"Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World""Grapha, Signore Drago del Mondo Oscuro"Gold RareEffect Monster
PGL2-IT084"Sephylon, the Ultimate Timelord""Sephylon, il Signore del Tempo Finale"Gold RareEffect Monster
PGL2-IT085"Herald of Perfection""Araldo della Perfezione"Gold RareEffect Ritual Monster
PGL2-IT086"Naturia Beast""Naturia Bestia"Gold RareEffect Synchro Monster
PGL2-IT087"Naturia Barkion""Naturia Barkion"Gold RareEffect Synchro Monster
PGL2-IT088"Formula Synchron""Formula Synchron"Gold RareEffect Tuner Synchro Monster
PGL2-IT089"Dark Hole""Buco Nero"Gold RareNormal Spell
PGL2-IT090"Call of the Haunted""Richiamo del Posseduto"Gold RareContinuous Trap
PGL2-IT091"Starlight Road""Cammino Luce di Stelle"Gold RareNormal Trap