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Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Internet Explorer: hold down Ctrl and click the Refresh or Reload button. Firefox: hold down ⇧ Shift while clicking Reload (or press Ctrl+⇧ Shift+R). Google Chrome and Safari users can just click the Reload button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.

/* Appends «useskin=monobook» to the URL. */
function _appendMonobook(){
    var url = window.location.href;
    return url + ((url.indexOf('?') > -1) ? '&' : '?') + 'useskin=monobook';

/* Trying to make some pages automatically display using the monobook skin. */
    switch (mw.config.get('wgPageName')) {
        case 'Historic_Forbidden/Limited_Chart':
        case 'User:Becasita/SubPages/Sandbox/13':
        case 'User:Becasita/SubPages/Sandbox/10':
            if ('action=edit') < 0) {
                window.location = _appendMonobook();

/* Add link to [[Special:Editcount]] on user contributions page. */
    var userName = $('[itemprop="name"]').text();
    var $link = $('<a>', {
        href: '/wiki/Special:Editcount/' + userName,
        title: 'Special:Editcount/' + userName,
        text: 'count'
    var _find = 'logs</a>';
    var _replace = _find + '&nbsp;| ' + $link.prop('outerHTML');
    return $(this).html().replace(_find, _replace);

/* Add button to [[Special:RecentChanges]] on the page header. */
    var _selector = '.wds-button.wds-is-squished.wds-is-secondary[data-tracking="wiki-activity"]';
    return $(_selector).before(function(){
        return $('<a>', {
            'class': 'wds-button wds-is-squished wds-is-secondary',
            href: '/wiki/Special:RecentChanges',
            'data-tracking': 'recent-changes',
            title: 'Recent Changes',
            html: $('<span>', {
                css: {
                    'font-weight': 'bolder',
                    'transform': 'scaleY(1.3) scaleX(1.2)'
                text: 'S:RC'

/* Add "Browse" button to the page dropdown menu. * /
    var _selector = 'div.wds-dropdown__content.wds-is-not-scrollable.wds-is-right-aligned ul.wds-list.wds-is-linked';
    return $(_selector).append(function(){
        return $('<li>', {
            html: $('<a>', {
                href: '/wiki/Special:Browse/' + wgPageName,
                'data-tracking': 'ca-browse-dropdown',
                accesskey: 'b',
                text: 'Browse'

/* Move the FastDelete buttons. */
    if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == 6) {
        // Move:
        $('[data-id="fastdelete"]').prependTo('.page-header__contribution-buttons .wds-button-group');
        // Strip «&nbsp;»:
        $('').html($('').html().replace('&nbsp;', ''));

/* Add link to [[Special:WhatLinksHere]] on the deletion banner. */
    var _selector = '.wds-banner-notification__text';   // Selector (class).
    var _selectorText = $(_selector).text();            // Its text.
    if (_selectorText.indexOf('undelete') > 1) {        // If it's an undelete banner:
        var $a = $(_selector + '> a:first-of-type');    // Then find the first <a>,
        var $aTitle = $a.prop('title');                 // Get its «title».
        var regex = /Undelete\/(.*?)$/m;                // Create regex to find the pagename.
        var pagename = regex.exec($aTitle)[1];          // Apply regex to the first <a> «title». 
        var path = 'Special:WhatLinksHere/' + pagename; // Concatenate to form the path.
        var $link = $('<a>', {                          // Create link (<a>) object.
            href: '/wiki/' + path,
            title: path,
            text: 'links'
        $a.after(" | " + $link.prop('outerHTML'));      // After the first <a>, add the new link.

/* Add links to pages I use often to the account dropdown menu. */
    var _selector = 'div.wds-dropdown__content.wds-global-navigation__dropdown-content.wds-is-right-aligned ul li';
    function _createElement(pagename, label){
        return $('<li>', {
            html: $('<a>', {
                'class': 'wds-global-navigation__dropdown-link',
                href: '/wiki/' + pagename,
                text: label
    var counter = 3;
    var pageName = mw.config.get('wgPageName');
    var pairs = {
        /* My pages: */
        'Regex':            'User:Becasita/SubPages/Regex',
        'Utilities':        'User:Becasita/SubPages/Utilities',
        'Notes':            'User:Becasita/SubPages/Notes/Galleries&Images',
        /* Special pages: */
        'Browse':           'Special:Browse/' + pageName,
        'Search by Prefix': 'Special:PrefixIndex/' + pageName,
        'Multiple Upload':  'Special:MultipleUpload',
        'What Links Here':  'Special:WhatLinksHere/' + pageName
    /* Add link to my contributions: */
    $(_selector).eq(1).after(_createElement('Special:Contributions/' + mw.config.get('wgUserName'), 'My Contributions'));
    /* Iterate over «pairs»: */
    for (var key in pairs) {
        $(_selector).eq(counter++).after(_createElement(pairs[key], key));

/* Add stuff to the bottom bar. */
    var _selector = '.WikiaBarWrapper ul li';
    function _createElement(path, label){
        return $('<li>', {
            html: $('<a>', {
                href: path,
                text: label
    $(_selector).last().after(_createElement(_appendMonobook(), 'Monobook')); // Adds option to switch to monobook.
    $(_selector).last().after(_createElement('#top', 'Top')); // Adds a «back to the top» button.

/* Squeeze the side bar on Lua, JS and CSS pages when editing. */
    var styles = {
        'margin-top': '-1px',
        'width': '624px',
        'height': '578px'