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Card Tips:Mass Driver

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== Traditional Format == * This card can be [[searcher|searched]] by "[[Dark Sage]]", "[[Ancient Gear Drill]]", "[[Alchemic Magician]]", "[[Angmarl the Fiendish Monarch]]", "[[Left Arm Offering]]", "[[Watch Dog]]" and "[[The Despair Uranus]]".
* This card can be [[Searcher|searched]] by "[[Rogue of Endymion]]", "[[Watch Cat]]", "[[Watch Dog]]", "[[The Despair Uranus]]", and other [[List of generic searchers#Spells|generic searchers]].
* Use with "[[Scapegoat]]" to do 1600 points of damage.
* Use with Hieratics to quickly replace monsters and use its effect again.
* Use in combination with "[[Dark Room of Nightmare]]" to inflict 700 damage per monster.
 * If you combine this card with "[[Volcanic Scattershot]]" and "[[Dark Room of Nightmare]]", you can deal a total of 1500 damage, per "Scattershot".  * You can have an OTK with this card, in combination with others. If "[[Mysterious Puppeteer]]" is on your side of the field (face-up), as well as "[[Ultimate Offering]]", you can continuously Summon a "[[Black Ptera]]" to your side of the field with Ultimate Offering, offsetting the Life Point Loss loss with "Mysterious Puppeteer", then Tribute "Black Ptera" with "Mass Driver", returning it to your hand, and allowing you to Summon it again and keep your opponent losing Life Points. 
* ''See [[Frog Burn FTK]] and [[Gigaplant OTK]]''.
 * You can play this card with "[[Six Samurai]] cards as well. First , activate "[[Gateway of the Six]]" , then Normal Summon either "[[Legendary Six Samurai - Shinai]]" or "[[Legendary Six Samurai - Mizuho]]", then Special Summon the other. Use "Gateway" to search out "[[Grandmaster of the Six Samurai]]" or "[[Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan]]" and Special Summon him. Activate "Mass driverDriver"and tribute "Grandmaster"/"Kizan" first, then Tribute "Shinai". "Shinai" will then let you return "Grandmaster"/"Kizan" back to your hand, ; Special Summon him and use Gateway (which now has four counters again) to get "Shinai" back into your hand. Special Summon "Shinai" and continue this process until your opponent's life points Life Points reach zero. * In an "[[X-Saber]]" Deck. A , a loop can be made by having 1 "[[XX-Saber Ragigura]]" and 1 "[[XX-Saber Faultroll]]" on the field and 1 "XX-Saber Faultroll" in the hand.
** Special Summon the "Faultroll", tribute "Ragigura" and 1 "Faultroll", Special Summon "Ragigura" with "Faultroll's" effect and retrieve the other "Faultroll", repeat.
* Two "[[Mental Over Archfiend]]s" can repeatedly loop each other to create an OTK loop.
===With "[[Imperial Iron Wall]]" also on the field:===
 * There is another OTK with this card. Have at least one tuner on the field , along with "[[Quillbolt Hedgehog]]" and ,"[[Imperial Iron Wall]]" , and "Mass Driver" to repeatedly send "Quillbolt" to the Graveyard , dealing 400 each time you send it , until your opponent's Life Points are at 0.  * There is also another OTK that has been made recently called "Yagan OTK". You need to have "[[Worm Xex]]", "[[Worm Yagan]]" in Graveyard ("Worm Xex" can send him to the Graveyard when he is Normal Summoned), "Imperial Iron Wall" , and , of course , "Mass Driver". Have "Worm Xex" on the field by himself along with "Worm Yagan", "Imperial Iron Wall" , and "Mass Driver" to repeatedly Special Summon him from the Graveyard, Tribute "Worm Yagan" with "Mass Driver" to deal 400 to your opponent's Life Points until he/she is at 0. 
* Have 2 [[Beast]]-type monsters and "Imperial Iron Wall" on your side of the field. Special Summon a "[[Chain Dog]]" and Tribute it for "Mass Driver", and repeat for an OTK.

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