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Carly Carmine (Tag Force)

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{{Infobox character
| image = Carly-TFSP.png| en_name = Carly Carmine| ja_name = カーリー {{Ruby|渚|なぎさ}}| romaji_name = Kārī Nagisa| ja_trans_name = Carly Nagisa| gender = Female| tfsp_deck occupation = Reporter| organization = [[Dark Signers]]| video_game_debut = ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4]]''| appears_in_psp =
* ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4]]''
* ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5]]''
* ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 6]]''
* ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Tag Force Special]]''
| ja_voice = }} '''Carly Carmine''', known as '''Carly Nagisa''' in the Japanese version, is a character in the ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! Tag Force]]'' series. This is a video game depiction of [[Carly Carmine]], a character from the ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's]]'' anime. ==Appearances=====Normal Carly===Carly's normal self is a Tier 1 character in ''Tag Force 4'' and ''Tag Force 5'', and a Tier 2 character in ''Tag Force 6''. She can become the player's partner at any point from the beginning of the game. In ''Tag Force 4'', instead of giving the player 3 copies of a card at the end of her storyline, Carly spreads her rewards over the course of her story. She gives the player 2 copies of 2 of her "[[Fortune Fairies]]" in her first three story events, and a third copy of each upon finishing the last event. Finishing Carly's storyline in ''Tag Force 5'' earns them 3 copies of "[[Future Visions]]". In ''Tag Force 6'' she gives the player 3 copies of "[[Miracle Stone (Tag Force 6)|Miracle Stone]]" instead. ===Dark Signer Carly===Appearing only in ''Tag Force 4'' and ''Tag Force 6'', the player can only find Dark Signer Carly on the overworld by seeing Carly in a new light after clearing another condition. In ''Tag Force 4'', the player must finish Jack's story first. In ''Tag Force 6'', they must either do [[UMD Recognition]] with [[Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force|the first Tag Force game]] or defeat Carly in duels 30 times. Clearing Dark Signer Carly's stories awards the player with 3 copies of "[[Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu]]". ==Profiles== ===Tag Force 4=== ====Normal Carly==== <blockquote>{{Ruby|度|ど}}のきつそうな{{Ruby|眼鏡|めがね}}をかけた{{Ruby|新聞|しんぶん}}{{Ruby|記者|きしゃ}}。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|記者|きしゃ}}のわりにインタビューやナレーションは{{Ruby|苦手|にがて}}らしく、{{Ruby|同僚|どうりょう}}からは「カミカミカーリー」などと{{Ruby|呼|よ}}ばれている。<br/>また{{Ruby|変|か}}わったアクセントと{{Ruby|語尾|ごび}}に「~だから」とつける{{Ruby|独特|どくとく}}の{{Ruby|言語|げんご}}{{Ruby|体系|たいけい}}をもっている。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|性格|せいかく}}は{{Ruby|躁鬱|そううつ}}が{{Ruby|激|はげ}}しい{{Ruby|感|かん}}じではあるが、{{Ruby|基本的|きほんてき}}に{{Ruby|前向|まえむ}}きでくじけない{{Ruby|性格|せいかく}}。<br/>{{Ruby|新聞|しんぶん}}{{Ruby|記者|きしゃ}}だけあってかなり{{Ruby|行動的|こうどうてき}}である。<br/>{{Ruby|愛車|あいしゃ}}の{{Ruby|中|なか}}を{{Ruby|見|み}}る{{Ruby|限|かぎ}}りではかなり{{Ruby|不規則|ふきそく}}で{{Ruby|荒|すさ}}んだ{{Ruby|生活|せいかつ}}をしているように{{Ruby|見|み}}えるが{{Ruby|住|す}}んでいるマンションはかなりまとも。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|一応|いちおう}}デッキは{{Ruby|所持|しょじ}}しているがデュエルよりも{{Ruby|占|うらな}}いアイテムとしての{{Ruby|利用|りよう}}が{{Ruby|多|おお}}く、よくデッキからカードを{{Ruby|引|ひ}}いて{{Ruby|自分|じぶん}}の{{Ruby|運勢|うんせい}}を{{Ruby|占|うらな}}っている。<br/>デュエルになると「{{Ruby|占|うらな}}い{{Ruby|魔女|まじょ}}」を{{Ruby|主体|しゅたい}}とする{{Ruby|戦術|せんじゅつ}}を{{Ruby|展開|てんかい}}するが{{Ruby|実力|じつりょく}}のほうはまだまだの{{Ruby|様子|ようす}}。</blockquote> <blockquote>A newspaper reporter that uses severe prescripted glasses.<br/><br/>She is not quite good at interviewing or narrating news, and her colleagues call her "Stuttering Carly".<br/>Has curious speech patterns - her accent is unusual, and she ends most of her sentences with "dakara".<br/><br/>Prone to mood swings, but her personality is largely optimistic.<br/>She acts more or less like a newspaper reporter would be expected to.<br/>Spends most of her time in her car, which makes her seem as if she lived in very poor conditions, but she has a fairly decent apartment for herself.<br/><br/>She has a Deck on herself at all times, but it is not used for dueling as much as it is used for fortune-telling - she draws cards from this Deck from time to time, to see what her fortune will be like and what she can do to change it.<br/>While dueling, her Decks focus on Fortune Fairy monsters, but even with the tactics she has been developing with these cards, she appears to be rather lacking in ability.</blockquote> ====Dark Signer Carly==== [[File:Carly-TF04-2.png|thumb|left|Dark Signer Carly.]] <blockquote>ジャック・アトラスとの{{Ruby|繋|つな}}がりを{{Ruby|求|もと}}めて「アルカディアムーブメント」に{{Ruby|潜入|せんにゅう}}した{{Ruby|彼女|かのじょ}}であったがサイコデュエリストのディヴァインに{{Ruby|見|み}}つかり、デュエルのダメージでビルの{{Ruby|高層|こうそう}}から{{Ruby|落下|らっか}}、{{Ruby|死亡|しぼう}}したかと{{Ruby|思|おも}}われたが{{Ruby|腕|うで}}に「ハチドリ」の{{Ruby|痣|あざ}}が{{Ruby|浮|う}}かび、ダークシグナーとして{{Ruby|蘇|よみがえ}}る。<br/><br/>ダークシグナーとなった{{Ruby|彼女|かのじょ}}はデュエル{{Ruby|中|ちゅう}}のみではあるが{{Ruby|以前|いぜん}}とは{{Ruby|正反対|せいはんたい}}ともいえる{{Ruby|性格|せいかく}}となり、{{Ruby|粗暴|そぼう}}で{{Ruby|残虐|ざんぎゃく}}な{{Ruby|言動|げんどう}}が{{Ruby|目立|めだ}}つようになった。<br/>また{{Ruby|視力|しりょく}}も{{Ruby|向上|こうじょう}}しているのか{{Ruby|眼鏡|めがね}}をかけていない。<br/><br/>デュエルでは「{{Ruby|占|うらな}}い{{Ruby|魔女|まじょ}}」が{{Ruby|変化|へんか}}した「フォーチュンレディ」を{{Ruby|使|つか}}う。<br/>{{Ruby|未来|みらい}}を{{Ruby|見通|みとお}}し、{{Ruby|操|あやつ}}るというどこかで{{Ruby|見|み}}たような{{Ruby|戦術|せんじゅつ}}を{{Ruby|得意|とくい}}とする。<br/>エースカードは「{{Ruby|地|じ}}{{Ruby|縛|ばく}}{{Ruby|神|しん}}{{Ruby|Aslla|アスラ}} {{Ruby|Piscu|ピスク}}」。<br/>{{Ruby|彼女|かのじょ}}に{{Ruby|力|ちから}}と{{Ruby|憎悪|ぞうお}}を{{Ruby|与|あた}}えた{{Ruby|巨大|きょだい}}なハチドリのモンスターである。<br/><br/>ちなみに{{Ruby|愛用|あいよう}}(?)の{{Ruby|D|ディー}}・ホイールは「ミネルヴァ」という{{Ruby|名前|なまえ}}である。</blockquote> {{clear left}} <blockquote>She infiltrated in the Arcadia Movement looking for information that could help Jack Atlas, but she was found by the Psycho Duelist Divine, who inflicted real damage to her in a duel that ended with her being flung out of the organization's multi-storied building. She was thought to have died, but a mark shaped like a hummingbird began glowing on her arm, and she was brought back to life as a Dark Signer.<br/><br/>After the duel that turned her into a Dark Signer, she began expressing a new personality that is completely different from how she was like before - she is now shockingly violent and vicious.<br/>Her eyesight improved greatly upon her transformation, so she no longer uses glasses.<br/><br/>Her Deck transformed as well, changing from Fortune Fairies to Fortune Ladies.<br/>As she can now see the future accurately, the Deck can be used effectively to handle various kinds of tactics.<br/>Her ace card is Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu.<br/>It is a gigantic hummingbird of hatred which granted her great power.<br/><br/>The D-Wheel she uses (?) is nicknamed Minerva.</blockquote> ===Tag Force 5=== <blockquote>{{Ruby|新聞|しんぶん}}{{Ruby|記者|きしゃ}}。<br/>{{Ruby|普段|ふだん}}は{{Ruby|度|ど}}のきつい{{Ruby|眼鏡|めがね}}をかけているため{{Ruby|見過|みす}}ごされがちだが、{{Ruby|素顔|すがお}}は{{Ruby|美人|びじん}}。<br/>キングの{{Ruby|座|ざ}}を{{Ruby|滑|すべ}}り{{Ruby|落|お}}ちた{{Ruby|後|あと}}のジャックを{{Ruby|励|はげ}}ましたり、いろいろと{{Ruby|世話|せわ}}を{{Ruby|焼|や}}いたりしている。<br/>「{{Ruby|頑張|がんば}}っている{{Ruby|人|ひと}}を{{Ruby|応援|おうえん}}する」{{Ruby|事|こと}}が{{Ruby|好|す}}き。<br/><br/>ジャックとは{{Ruby|相思相愛|そうしそうあい}}だが、お{{Ruby|互|たが}}いはっきりとはわかっていない。<br/>WRGPでは{{Ruby|取材|しゅざい}}そっちのけで、{{Ruby|恋|こい}}のライバルである{{Ruby|狭霧|さぎり}}やステファニーと{{Ruby|共|とも}}にサポートをしている。<br/><br/>テンションの{{Ruby|上|あ}}げ{{Ruby|下|さ}}げが{{Ruby|極端|きょくたん}}ではあるが、{{Ruby|基本的|きほんてき}}には、{{Ruby|立|た}}ち{{Ruby|直|なお}}りの{{Ruby|早|はや}}い{{Ruby|行動派|こうどうは}}の{{Ruby|人物|じんぶつ}}。<br/>{{Ruby|時|とき}}も{{Ruby|場所|ばしょ}}も{{Ruby|関係|かんけい}}なく{{Ruby|妄想|もうそう}}に{{Ruby|浸|ひた}}る{{Ruby|癖|くせ}}があり、また、{{Ruby|語尾|ごび}}に「~だから」とつける{{Ruby|独特|どくとく}}の{{Ruby|言語|げんご}}{{Ruby|感覚|かんかく}}を{{Ruby|持|も}}っている。<br/><br/>デッキはデュエルよりも{{Ruby|占|うらな}}いアイテムとしての{{Ruby|活用|かつよう}}が{{Ruby|多|おお}}く、{{Ruby|頻繁|ひんぱん}}にカードを{{Ruby|引|ひ}}いては{{Ruby|自分|じぶん}}の{{Ruby|運勢|うんせい}}を{{Ruby|占|うらな}}っている。<br/>デュエルになると「{{Ruby|占|うらな}}い{{Ruby|魔女|まじょ}}」を{{Ruby|主軸|しゅじく}}とする{{Ruby|戦術|せんじゅつ}}を{{Ruby|展開|てんかい}}するが{{Ruby|残念|ざんねん}}ながら、{{Ruby|実力|じつりょく}}には{{Ruby|疑問符|ぎもんふ}}がつく。</blockquote> <blockquote>A newspaper reporter.<br/>She has a beautiful face, but it is usually not paid much attention to because of her severe prescripted glasses.<br/>She has been encouraging Jack since he stopped being the King, and supports him directly from time to time.<br/>In her own words, she likes to help "those who are giving their best efforts".<br/><br/>She and Jack are in love with each other, but they do not really understand each other quite well just yet.<br/>Neglects reporting on the WRGP for the sake of providing support alongside Mikage Sagiri and Stephanie, her rivals for Jack's love.<br/><br/>A bit of a mood swinger. Her high points are very high, and her low points are very low, but her optimism lets her recover fairly quickly.<br/>Sometimes gets stuck in her imagination regardless of the place or time, and has a unique verbal tic of ending most sentences with "dakara".<br/><br/>While she does have a Deck of her own, it is used for fortunetelling more often than it is used for dueling - she draws cards from it often to predict her fortune.<br/>Her dueling tactics revolve around Fortune Fairy monsters, but how good they are is rather questionable.</blockquote> ===Tag Force 6=== ====Normal Carly==== <blockquote>{{Ruby|新聞|しんぶん}}{{Ruby|記者|きしゃ}}。<br/>{{Ruby|普段|ふだん}}は{{Ruby|度|ど}}のきつい{{Ruby|眼鏡|めがね}}をかけているため{{Ruby|見過|みす}}ごされがちだが、{{Ruby|素顔|すがお}}は{{Ruby|美人|びじん}}。<br/>キングの{{Ruby|座|ざ}}を{{Ruby|滑|すべ}}り{{Ruby|落|お}}ちた{{Ruby|後|あと}}のジャックを{{Ruby|励|はげ}}ましたり、いろいろと{{Ruby|世話|せわ}}を{{Ruby|焼|や}}いたりしている。<br/>「{{Ruby|頑張|がんば}}っている{{Ruby|人|ひと}}を{{Ruby|応援|おうえん}}する」{{Ruby|事|こと}}が{{Ruby|好|す}}き。ジャックの{{Ruby|人間的|にんげんてき}}な{{Ruby|成長|せいちょう}}に、{{Ruby|一番影響|いちばんえいきょう}}を{{Ruby|与|あた}}えている{{Ruby|人物|じんぶつ}}だろう。<br/><br/>ダークシグナー{{Ruby|化|か}}していた{{Ruby|時|とき}}の{{Ruby|記憶|きおく}}はなく、{{Ruby|魂|たましい}}が{{Ruby|解放|かいほう}}されて{{Ruby|戻|もど}}った{{Ruby|後|あと}}も、{{Ruby|変|か}}わらずジャックを{{Ruby|追|お}}いかけている。<br/>WRGPでは{{Ruby|取材|しゅざい}}そっちのけで{{Ruby|恋|こい}}のライバルである{{Ruby|狭霧|さぎり}}やステファニーと{{Ruby|共|とも}}にサポートをしている。<br/><br/>テンションの{{Ruby|上|あ}}げ{{Ruby|下|さ}}げが{{Ruby|極端|きょくたん}}ではあるが、{{Ruby|基本的|きほんてき}}には、{{Ruby|立|た}}ち{{Ruby|直|なお}}りの{{Ruby|早|はや}}い{{Ruby|行動派|こうどうは}}の{{Ruby|人物|じんぶつ}}。<br/>{{Ruby|時|とき}}も{{Ruby|場所|ばしょ}}も{{Ruby|関係|かんけい}}なく{{Ruby|妄想|もうそう}}に{{Ruby|浸|ひた}}る{{Ruby|癖|くせ}}があり、また、{{Ruby|語尾|ごび}}に「~だから」とつける{{Ruby|独特|どくとく}}の{{Ruby|言語|げんご}}{{Ruby|感覚|かんかく}}を{{Ruby|持|も}}っている。<br/><br/>デッキはデュエルよりも{{Ruby|占|うらな}}いアイテムとしての{{Ruby|活用|かつよう}}が{{Ruby|多|おお}}く、{{Ruby|頻繁|ひんぱん}}にカードを{{Ruby|引|ひ}}いては{{Ruby|自分|じぶん}}の{{Ruby|運勢|うんせい}}を{{Ruby|占|うらな}}っている。<br/>デュエルになると「{{Ruby|占|うらな}}い{{Ruby|魔女|まじょ}}」を{{Ruby|主軸|しゅじく}}とする{{Ruby|戦術|せんじゅつ}}を{{Ruby|展開|てんかい}}するが{{Ruby|残念|ざんねん}}ながら、{{Ruby|実力|じつりょく}}には{{Ruby|疑問符|ぎもんふ}}がつく。</blockquote> <blockquote>A newspaper reporter.<br/>She has a beautiful face, but it is usually not paid much attention to because of her severe prescripted glasses.<br/>She has been encouraging Jack since he stopped being the King, and supports him directly from time to time.<br/>In her own words, she likes to help "those who are giving their best efforts", and she is the one who helped Jack grow as a person the most.<br/><br/>She has no memories from her time as a Dark Signer, but once her soul was released and she came back to life, she went back to chasing after Jack.<br/>Neglects reporting on the WRGP for the sake of providing support alongside Mikage Sagiri and Stephanie, her rivals for Jack's love.<br/><br/>A bit of a mood swinger. Her high points are very high, and her low points are very low, but her optimism lets her recover fairly quickly.<br/>Sometimes gets stuck in her imagination regardless of the place or time, and has a unique verbal tic of ending most sentences with "dakara".<br/><br/>While she does have a Deck of her own, it is used for fortunetelling more often than it is used for dueling - she draws cards from it often to predict her fortune.<br/>Her dueling tactics revolve around Fortune Fairy monsters, but how good they are is rather questionable.</blockquote> ====Dark Signer Carly==== <blockquote>ジャックとの{{Ruby|繋|つな}}がりを{{Ruby|求|もと}}めて「アルカディアムーブメント」に{{Ruby|潜入|せんにゅう}}した{{Ruby|彼女|かのじょ}}であったがサイコデュエリストのディヴァインに{{Ruby|見|み}}つかり、デュエルのダメージで{{Ruby|高層|こうそう}}ビルの{{Ruby|窓|まど}}から{{Ruby|落下|らっか}}、{{Ruby|死亡|しぼう}}したかと{{Ruby|思|おも}}われたが{{Ruby|腕|うで}}に「ハチドリ」の{{Ruby|痣|あざ}}が{{Ruby|浮|う}}かび、ダークシグナーとして{{Ruby|蘇|よみがえ}}った。<br/><br/>ダークシグナーとなった{{Ruby|彼女|かのじょ}}はデュエル{{Ruby|中|ちゅう}}のみではあるが{{Ruby|以前|いぜん}}とは{{Ruby|正反対|せいはんたい}}ともいえる{{Ruby|性格|せいかく}}となり、{{Ruby|粗暴|そぼう}}でで{{Ruby|残虐|ざんぎゃく}}な{{Ruby|言動|げんどう}}が{{Ruby|目立|めだ}}つようになった。<br/>また{{Ruby|視力|しりょく}}も{{Ruby|向上|こうじょう}}しているのか{{Ruby|眼鏡|めがね}}をかけていない。<br/><br/>ディヴァインを{{Ruby|倒|たお}}した{{Ruby|後|のち}}、{{Ruby|蜂鳥|はちどり}}の{{Ruby|塔|とう}}におけるジャックとの{{Ruby|戦|たたか}}いまでの{{Ruby|間|あいだ}}、{{Ruby|何度|なんど}}も{{Ruby|正気|しょうき}}を{{Ruby|取|と}}り{{Ruby|戻|もど}}すことがあったのは、{{Ruby|復讐|ふくしゅう}}を{{Ruby|既|すで}}に{{Ruby|果|は}}たしていたことと、{{Ruby|現世|げんせ}}への{{Ruby|未練|みれん}}の{{Ruby|対象|たいしょう}}となるジャックへの{{Ruby|想|おも}}いによるものだろう。<br/>{{Ruby|最終的|さいしゅうてき}}には{{Ruby|彼女|かのじょ}}{{Ruby|自身|じしん}}の{{Ruby|想|おも}}いが{{Ruby|通|つう}}じ、{{Ruby|相討|あいう}}ちを{{Ruby|図|はか}}るジャックを{{Ruby|制|せい}}して、{{Ruby|自|みずか}}らのカードの{{Ruby|効果|こうか}}で{{Ruby|敗北|はいぼく}}、ジャックの{{Ruby|腕|うで}}の{{Ruby|中|なか}}で{{Ruby|正気|しょうき}}を{{Ruby|取|と}}り{{Ruby|戻|もど}}しながら{{Ruby|消滅|しょうめつ}}した。<br/><br/>デュエルでは「{{Ruby|占|うらな}}い{{Ruby|魔女|まじょ}}」が{{Ruby|変化|へんか}}した「フォーチュンレディ」を{{Ruby|使|つか}}う。<br/>{{Ruby|未来|みらい}}を{{Ruby|見通|みとお}}し、{{Ruby|操|あやつ}}るというどこかで{{Ruby|見|み}}たような{{Ruby|戦術|せんじゅつ}}を{{Ruby|得意|とくい}}とする。<br/>エースカードは「{{Ruby|地縛神|じばくしん}} {{Ruby|Aslla|アスラ}} {{Ruby|piscu|ピスク}}」。<br/>{{Ruby|彼女|かのじょ}}に{{Ruby|力|ちから}}と{{Ruby|憎悪|ぞうお}}を{{Ruby|与|あた}}えた{{Ruby|巨大|きょだい}}なハチドリのモンスターである。。</blockquote> <blockquote>She infiltrated in the Arcadia Movement looking for information that could help Jack, but she was found by the Psycho Duelist Divine, who inflicted real damage to her in a duel that ended with her being flung out of the organization's multi-storied building. She was thought to have died, but a mark shaped like a hummingbird began glowing on her arm, and she was brought back to life as a Dark Signer.<br/><br/>After the duel that turned her into a Dark Signer, she began expressing a new personality that is completely different from how she was like before - she is now shockingly violent and vicious.<br/>Her eyesight improved greatly upon her transformation, so she no longer uses glasses.<br/><br/>After defeating Divine, she faced Jack at the Hummingbird Tower, and perhaps because she had already avenged her own death, she could momentarily regain her senses.<br/>As they dueled and her real personality could communicate with Jack, the duel ended with her interrupting his attempt to finish off both players, causing only her own defeat. She soon disappeared into nothingness while held by Jack.<br/><br/>Her Deck transformed as well, changing from Fortune Fairies to Fortune Ladies.<br/>As she can now see the future accurately, the Deck can be used effectively to handle various kinds of tactics.<br/>Her ace card is Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu.<br/>It is a gigantic hummingbird of hatred which granted her great power.</blockquote> ===Tag Force Special=== <blockquote>{{Ruby|新聞|しんぶん}}{{Ruby|記者|きしゃ}}。<br/>{{Ruby|普段|ふだん}}は{{Ruby|度|ど}}の{{Ruby|強|つよ}}い{{Ruby|眼鏡|めがね}}をかけているため{{Ruby|見過|みす}}ごされがちだが、{{Ruby|素顔|すがお}}は{{Ruby|美人|びじん}}。<br/>キングの{{Ruby|座|ざ}}を{{Ruby|滑|すべ}}り{{Ruby|落|お}}ちた{{Ruby|後|あと}}のジャックを{{Ruby|励|はげ}}ましたり、いろいろと{{Ruby|世話|せわ}}を{{Ruby|焼|や}}いたりしている。<br/>「{{Ruby|頑張|がんば}}っている{{Ruby|人|ひと}}を{{Ruby|応援|おうえん}}する」{{Ruby|事|こと}}が{{Ruby|好|す}}き。ジャックの{{Ruby|人間的|にんげんてき}}な{{Ruby|成長|せいちょう}}に、{{Ruby|一番影響|いちばんえいきょう}}を{{Ruby|与|あた}}えている{{Ruby|人物|じんぶつ}}だろう。<br/><br/>ダークシグナー{{Ruby|化|か}}していた{{Ruby|時|とき}}の{{Ruby|記憶|きおく}}はなく、{{Ruby|魂|たましい}}が{{Ruby|解放|かいほう}}されて{{Ruby|戻|もど}}った{{Ruby|後|あと}}も、{{Ruby|変|か}}わらずジャックを{{Ruby|追|お}}いかけている。<br/>WRGPでは{{Ruby|取材|しゅざい}}そっちのけで、{{Ruby|恋|こい}}のライバルである{{Ruby|狭霧|さぎり}}やステファニーと{{Ruby|共|とも}}にサポートをしている。<br/><br/>テンションの{{Ruby|上|あ}}がり{{Ruby|下|さ}}がりが{{Ruby|極端|きょくたん}}ではあるが、{{Ruby|基本的|きほんてき}}には、{{Ruby|立|た}}ち{{Ruby|直|なお}}りの{{Ruby|早|はや}}い{{Ruby|行動派|こうどうは}}の{{Ruby|人物|じんぶつ}}。<br/>{{Ruby|時|とき}}も{{Ruby|場所|ばしょ}}も{{Ruby|関係|かんけい}}なく{{Ruby|妄想|もうそう}}に{{Ruby|浸|ひた}}る{{Ruby|癖|くせ}}があり、また、{{Ruby|語尾|ごび}}に「~だから」とつける{{Ruby|独特|どくとく}}の{{Ruby|言語|げんご}}{{Ruby|感覚|かんかく}}を{{Ruby|持|も}}っている。<br/><br/>デッキはデュエルよりも{{Ruby|占|うらな}}いアイテムとしての{{Ruby|活用|かつよう}}が{{Ruby|多|おお}}く、{{Ruby|頻繁|ひんぱん}}にカードを{{Ruby|引|ひ}}いては{{Ruby|自分|じぶん}}の{{Ruby|運勢|うんせい}}を{{Ruby|占|うらな}}っている。<br/>デュエルになると「{{Ruby|占|うらな}}い{{Ruby|魔女|まじょ}}」を{{Ruby|主軸|しゅじく}}とする{{Ruby|戦術|せんじゅつ}}を{{Ruby|展開|てんかい}}するが、{{Ruby|残念|ざんねん}}ながら{{Ruby|実力|じつりょく}}には{{Ruby|疑問符|ぎもんふ}}がつく。</blockquote> <blockquote>A newspaper reporter.<br/>She has a beautiful face, but it is usually not paid much attention to because of her severe prescripted glasses.<br/>She has been encouraging Jack since he stopped being the King, and supports him directly from time to time.<br/>In her own words, she likes to help "those who are giving their best efforts", and she is the one who helped Jack grow as a person the most.<br/><br/>She has no memories from her time as a Dark Signer, but once her soul was released and she came back to life, she went back to chasing after Jack.<br/>Neglects reporting on the WRGP for the sake of providing support alongside Mikage Sagiri and Stephanie, her rivals for Jack's love.<br/><br/>A bit of a mood swinger. Her high points are very high, and her low points are very low, but her optimism lets her recover fairly quickly.<br/>Sometimes gets stuck in her imagination regardless of the place or time, and has a unique verbal tic of ending most sentences with "dakara".<br/><br/>While she does have a Deck of her own, it is used for fortunetelling more often than it is used for dueling - she draws cards from it often to predict her fortune.<br/>Her dueling tactics revolve around Fortune Fairy monsters, but how good they are is rather questionable.</blockquote> ==Gifts== ===Tag Force 4=== {{Tag Force present responses| game = Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4| gender =Female| character_name = Carly Carmine (Normal) | duel_5_response = Wow, thanks!<br/>Just what I always wanted!| duel_5_items = * Yellow Card Protector* Rainbow Card Protector* Simple Card Holder* Gorgeous Card Holder* Dueling for Beginners* Duel Radar* Lucky Coin* Atlas Rising | duel_4_response = Oh, thanks. I was looking for one of these.| duel_4_items = * Orange Card Protector* Pink Card Protector* Green Card Protector* Beige Card Protector* White Card Protector* Elegant Card Holder* Chic Card Holder* Cute Card Holder* Gold Coin* Silver Coin* White Dice* Duel Calculator* Advanced Dueling | duel_3_response = Thanks.| duel_3_items = * Red Card Protector* Silver Card Protector* Gold Card Protector* Clear Card Protector* Wild Card Holder* Introduction to Dueling Tricks | duel_2_response = Um, gee.<br/>This is a bit...| duel_2_items = * Blue Card Protector* Purple Card Protector* Gray Card Protector* Brown Card Protector* Khaki Card Protector* Stylish Card Holder* Classic Card Holder* Anarchic Card Holder* Black Dice | duel_1_response = H-huh?!<br/>What do you call this?!| duel_1_items = * Black Card Protector* Cursed Dice* Amplifier* Death Match Duel Rope | hobby_5_response = Wow, thanks a million!<br/>I couldn't love this gift more even if I tried!| hobby_5_items = * Sneakers* Stuffed Toy Cat* Stuffed Toy Horse* Tarot Card* Crystal Ball* Fortune Sticks* Scented Candle* Shoulder Massage Ticket* Ring | hobby_4_response = Thanks.<br/>That's nice of you.| hobby_4_items = * Baseball Cap* Beanie* Beret* Silk Hat* Cowboy Hat* Bandanna* Straw Hat* Helmet* Boots* Leather Shoes* High Heels* Kids' Shoes* Sandals* Long Boots* Wooden Sandals* Stuffed Toy Seagull* Poker Cards* Crown* Scarf | hobby_3_response = Oh, um, thanks.| hobby_3_items = * Stuffed Toy Dog* Stuffed Toy Monkey* Stuffed Toy Bear* Stuffed Toy Dragon* Skateboard* Soccer Ball* Winged Shoes | hobby_2_response = Um... I mean, I appreciate the thought, but...| hobby_2_items = * Stuffed Toy Frog* Stuffed Toy Snake | hobby_1_response = Ugh... I hate to say this, but is this a joke?| hobby_1_items = * Bat* Boxing Gloves* Duel Gang Jacket | figures_5_response = Wow, thanks a million!<br/>I couldn't love this gift more even if I tried!| figures_5_items = * Vampire Lord Figure* Getsu Fuhma Figure* Obnoxious Celtic Guard Figure* Fairy King Truesdale Figure* Mei-Kou, Master of Barriers Figure* Dark Magician Girl Figure* Cyber Tutu Figure* Red Dragon Archfiend Figure | figures_4_response = Thanks.<br/>That's nice of you.| figures_4_items = * Dark Magician Figure* Gambler of Legend Figure* Apprentice Magician Figure | figures_3_response = Oh, um, thanks.| figures_3_items = * Freed the Matchless General Figure* Izanagi Figure* Legendary Flame Lord Figure* Marauding Captain Figure* Grandmaster of the Six Samurai Figure* Lucky Pied Piper Figure* Miracle Flipper Figure* Dharc the Dark Charmer Figure* D.D. Warrior Lady Figure* Allure Queen Figure* Dryad Figure* Maiden of the Aqua Figure* Thunder Nyan Nyan Figure* Injection Fairy Lily Figure* Aussa the Earth Charmer Figure* Hiita the Fire Charmer Figure* Wynn the Wind Charmer Figure* Eria the Water Charmer Figure* White Magician Pikeru Figure* Ebon Magician Curran Figure* Card Ejector Figure* Dian Keto the Cure Master Figure* Stardust Dragon Figure | figures_2_response = Um... I mean, I appreciate the thought, but...| figures_2_items = * Harpie Queen Figure* Mist Valley Shaman Figure* The Unhappy Girl Figure* Amazoness Paladin Figure* Shadow Tamer Figure* Fire Princess Figure | figures_1_response = Ugh... I hate to say this, but is this a joke?| figures_1_items =  | sundry_goods_5_response = Oh yay!<br/>Exactly what I wanted!| sundry_goods_5_items = * Eye Drops* Fountain Pen* Memory Card | sundry_goods_4_response = Thanks!<br/>How nice of you!| sundry_goods_4_items = * Socks* Letter Writing Set* Romantic Movie* Historical Movie* Documentary Movie* Horror Movie* Sci-Fi Movie* Superhero Movie* Suspense Movie* Musical Movie* Comedy Movie* Animated Movie | sundry_goods_3_response = Thanks.| sundry_goods_3_items = * Soap* Shampoo* Hair Conditioner* Hair Gel* Toothbrush* Razor* Lip Balm* Eye Patch* Domino Set* Perfume* Ear Cleaner* Toilet Paper* Clothespin | sundry_goods_2_response = Um... Sorry, but I don't need...or want...<br/>Ah, never mind.| sundry_goods_2_items = * Gloves* Earplugs* Fan* Hand Warmer* Back Scratcher* Wax* Glass* Bouquet* Chip | sundry_goods_1_response = Why even bother giving me this gift? What a waste of a perfectly good sentiment!| sundry_goods_1_items = * The Daily Duel* High Quality Chip* Junk | food_5_response = Wow! How did you know these are my favorite food on this whole earth?!| food_5_items = * Curry and Rice* Fried Rice* Apple* Banana* Energy Drink* Sushi* Lunch Box* Fancy Tea | food_4_response = Thanks!<br/>These are pretty yummy.| food_4_items = * Spaghetti* Pineapple* Strawberries* Tea* Rice Ball* Sandwich (Green)* Hamburger* Steamed Bun | food_3_response = Thanks.| food_3_items = * Beef Bowl* Ramen* Omelet and Rice* Salad* Kebab* Orange* Watermelon* Grapes* Melon* Water* Green Tea* Coffee* Milk* Cola* Juice* Cookie* Chocolate* Gum* Takoyaki* Pudding* Cake* Ice Cream Sundae* Rice Cake* Sandwich (Gold) | food_2_response = Actually, I'm not such a big fan of these.| food_2_items =  | food_1_response = Ugh!<br/>I can't stomach these.<br/>Keep it away from me!| food_1_items =  }} {{Tag Force present responses| game = Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4| gender = Female| character_name = Carly Carmine (Dark Signer) | duel_5_response = Such a lovely gift.<br/>I thank you.| duel_5_items = * Black Card Protector* Wild Card Holder* Cursed Dice* Introduction to Dueling Tricks* Atlas Rising | duel_4_response = I shall use this.| duel_4_items = * Blue Card Protector* Purple Card Protector* Gray Card Protector* Brown Card Protector* Khaki Card Protector* Stylish Card Holder* Classic Card Holder* Anarchic Card Holder* Black Dice* Amplifier* Death Match Duel Rope | duel_3_response = This is not completely useless...| duel_3_items = * Red Card Protector* Yellow Card Protector* Silver Card Protector* Gold Card Protector* Clear Card Protector* Rainbow Card Protector* Simple Card Holder* Gorgeous Card Holder* Duel Radar* Duel Calculator* Lucky Coin | duel_2_response = You intend to give THIS to me?| duel_2_items = * Orange Card Protector* Pink Card Protector* Green Card Protector* Beige Card Protector* White Card Protector* Elegant Card Holder* Chic Card Holder* Cute Card Holder* Gold Coin* Silver Coin* White Dice | duel_1_response = I must confess, I do not understand fools.| duel_1_items = * Dueling for Beginners* Advanced Dueling | hobby_5_response = Great. How thoughtful of you. Thank you.| hobby_5_items = * Stuffed Toy Dog* Stuffed Toy Monkey* Tarot Card* Crystal Ball* Fortune Sticks* Scented Candle* Shoulder Massage Ticket* Ring | hobby_4_response = This is...nice.| hobby_4_items = * Stuffed Toy Seagull* Bat* Boxing Gloves* Crown* Scarf | hobby_3_response = Very well.<br/>I shall accept your gift.| hobby_3_items = * Stuffed Toy Cat* Stuffed Toy Horse* Stuffed Toy Bear* Stuffed Toy Dragon* Skateboard* Soccer Ball* Winged Shoes | hobby_2_response = You have the most terrible sense of taste...| hobby_2_items = * Baseball Cap* Beanie* Beret* Silk Hat* Cowboy Hat* Bandanna* Straw Hat* Helmet* Sneakers* Boots* Leather Shoes* High Heels* Kids' Shoes* Sandals* Long Boots* Wooden Sandals* Stuffed Toy Frog* Stuffed Toy Snake | hobby_1_response = You dare give this to me?<br/>If you are seeking to anger me, I shall gladly comply.| hobby_1_items = * Poker Cards* Duel Gang Jacket | figures_5_response = Great. How thoughtful of you. Thank you.| figures_5_items = * Dark Magician Figure* Gambler of Legend Figure* Obnoxious Celtic Guard Figure* Fairy King Truesdale Figure* Apprentice Magician Figure* Dark Magician Girl Figure* Dian Keto the Cure Master Figure* Red Dragon Archfiend Figure | figures_4_response = This is...nice.| figures_4_items = * Vampire Lord Figure* Getsu Fuhma Figure* Mei-Kou, Master of Barriers Figure | figures_3_response = Very well.<br/>I shall accept your gift.| figures_3_items = * Freed the Matchless General Figure* Izanagi Figure* Legendary Flame Lord Figure* Marauding Captain Figure* Grandmaster of the Six Samurai Figure* Lucky Pied Piper Figure* Miracle Flipper Figure* Dharc the Dark Charmer Figure* D.D. Warrior Lady Figure* Allure Queen Figure* Dryad Figure* Maiden of the Aqua Figure* Thunder Nyan Nyan Figure* Injection Fairy Lily Figure* Aussa the Earth Charmer Figure* Hiita the Fire Charmer Figure* Wynn the Wind Charmer Figure* Eria the Water Charmer Figure* White Magician Pikeru Figure* Ebon Magician Curran Figure* Card Ejector Figure* Cyber Tutu Figure* Stardust Dragon Figure | figures_2_response = You have the most terrible sense of taste...| figures_2_items = * Harpie Queen Figure* Mist Valley Shaman Figure* The Unhappy Girl Figure* Amazoness Paladin Figure* Shadow Tamer Figure* Fire Princess Figure | figures_1_response = You dare give this to me?<br/>If you are seeking to anger me, I shall gladly comply.| figures_1_items =  | sundry_goods_5_response = This is...a most thoughtful gift.| sundry_goods_5_items = * Eye Drops* High Quality Chip | sundry_goods_4_response = I give you my thanks.| sundry_goods_4_items = * Socks* Gloves* Eye Patch* Earplugs* Fan* Hand Warmer* Back Scratcher* Wax* Fountain Pen* Glass* Bouquet* Letter Writing Set* Domino Set* The Daily Duel* Memory Card* Chip* Perfume* Ear Cleaner* Toilet Paper* Clothespin | sundry_goods_3_response = And you are giving this to me? I see...| sundry_goods_3_items = * Soap* Shampoo* Hair Conditioner* Hair Gel* Toothbrush* Razor* Lip Balm* Romantic Movie* Historical Movie* Documentary Movie* Sci-Fi Movie* Superhero Movie* Suspense Movie* Musical Movie* Comedy Movie* Animated Movie | sundry_goods_2_response = And why would you want to give me something such as this?| sundry_goods_2_items =  | sundry_goods_1_response = Did you think this would amuse me? You are sadly mistaken, fool.| sundry_goods_1_items = * Horror Movie* Junk | food_5_response = Oh...<br/>You know me well.| food_5_items = * Beef Bowl* Kebab* Orange* Watermelon* Juice* Lunch Box* Fancy Tea* Rice Cake | food_4_response = This looks...good.| food_4_items = * Spaghetti* Grapes* Melon* Tea* Cookie* Chocolate* Gum | food_3_response = Oh, thank you.| food_3_items = * Curry and Rice* Ramen* Omelet and Rice* Fried Rice* Salad* Apple* Banana* Pineapple* Strawberries* Water* Green Tea* Coffee* Milk* Cola* Energy Drink* Rice Ball* Sandwich (Green)* Hamburger* Steamed Bun* Takoyaki* Sushi* Pudding* Cake* Ice Cream Sundae* Sandwich (Gold) | food_2_response = Hmmm? Not my favorite, but I guess I'll accept.| food_2_items =  | food_1_response = What is this? A feeble ploy to annoy me?| food_1_items =  
 ===Tag Force 5=== {{Tag Force present responses| game = Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5| gender = Female | duel_5_response = Th-This is amazing!<br/>Can I really keep it?!| duel_5_items = * Yellow Card Protector* Rainbow Card Protector* Simple Card Holder* Gorgeous Card Holder* Dueling for Beginners* Duel Radar* Lucky Coin* Atlas Rising | duel_4_response = Oh, thanks, 《PLAYER》!| duel_4_items = * Orange Card Protector* Pink Card Protector* Green Card Protector* Beige Card Protector* White Card Protector* Elegant Card Holder* Chic Card Holder* Cute Card Holder* Gold Coin* Silver Coin* White Dice* Duel Calculator* Advanced Dueling | duel_3_response = Oh, I could use this!| duel_3_items = * Red Card Protector* Silver Card Protector* Gold Card Protector* Clear Card Protector* Wild Card Holder* Introduction to Dueling Tricks | duel_2_response = I wonder if this really would help in a duel.| duel_2_items = * Blue Card Protector* Purple Card Protector* Gray Card Protector* Brown Card Protector* Khaki Card Protector* Stylish Card Holder* Classic Card Holder* Anarchic Card Holder* Black Dice | duel_1_response = Unbelievable, 《PLAYER》!<br/>I'm starting to think you lack a duelist's common sense.| duel_1_items = * Black Card Protector* Cursed Dice* Amplifier* Death Match Duel Rope | hobby_5_response = Wow! I wanted this so bad it was driving me crazy!| hobby_5_items = * Sneakers* Stuffed Toy Cat* Stuffed Toy Horse* Tarot Card* Crystal Ball* Fortune Sticks* Scented Candle* Shoulder Massage Ticket* Ring | hobby_4_response = Thanks, 《PLAYER》!<br/>I can see we have the exact same interests!| hobby_4_items = * Baseball Cap* Beanie* Beret* Silk Hat* Cowboy Hat* Bandanna* Straw Hat* Helmet* Boots* Leather Shoes* High Heels* Kids' Shoes* Sandals* Long Boots* Wooden Sandals* Stuffed Toy Seagull* Poker Cards* Scarf | hobby_3_response = Oh, mm-hm mm-hm...<br/>I could use this!| hobby_3_items = * Stuffed Toy Dog* Stuffed Toy Monkey* Stuffed Toy Bear* Stuffed Toy Dragon* Skateboard* Soccer Ball* Crown* Winged Shoes | hobby_2_response = I don't know about this...| hobby_2_items =  | hobby_1_response = What's wrong with you, giving me stuff like this?!| hobby_1_items = * Stuffed Toy Frog* Stuffed Toy Snake* Bat* Boxing Gloves* Duel Gang Jacket | figures_5_response = Wow! I wanted this so bad it was driving me crazy!| figures_5_items = * Vampire Lord Figure* Getsu Fuhma Figure* Obnoxious Celtic Guard Figure* Fairy King Truesdale Figure* Mei-Kou, Master of Barriers Figure* Dark Magician Girl Figure* Cyber Tutu Figure* Red Dragon Archfiend Figure | figures_4_response = Thanks, 《PLAYER》!<br/>I can see we have the exact same interests!| figures_4_items = * Dark Magician Figure* Gambler of Legend Figure* Apprentice Magician Figure | figures_3_response = Oh, mm-hm mm-hm...<br/>I could use this!| figures_3_items = * Freed the Matchless General Figure* Izanagi Figure* Legendary Flame Lord Figure* Marauding Captain Figure* Grandmaster of the Six Samurai Figure* Lucky Pied Piper Figure* Miracle Flipper Figure* Dharc the Dark Charmer Figure* D.D. Warrior Lady Figure* Allure Queen Figure* Dryad Figure* Maiden of the Aqua Figure* Thunder Nyan Nyan Figure* Injection Fairy Lily Figure* Aussa the Earth Charmer Figure* Hiita the Fire Charmer Figure* Wynn the Wind Charmer Figure* Eria the Water Charmer Figure* White Magician Pikeru Figure* Ebon Magician Curran Figure* Card Ejector Figure* Dian Keto the Cure Master Figure* Stardust Dragon Figure | figures_2_response = I don't know about this...| figures_2_items = * Harpie Queen Figure* Mist Valley Shaman Figure* The Unhappy Girl Figure* Amazoness Paladin Figure* Shadow Tamer Figure* Fire Princess Figure | figures_1_response = What's wrong with you, giving me stuff like this?!| figures_1_items =  | sundry_goods_5_response = Ooh, good work there!<br/>Are you sure I can have this?| sundry_goods_5_items = * Eye Drops* Fountain Pen* Memory Card* Toilet Paper | sundry_goods_4_response = Hey, not bad!<br/>Thanks, 《PLAYER》!| sundry_goods_4_items = * Socks* Letter Writing Set* Romantic Movie* Historical Movie* Documentary Movie* Horror Movie* Sci-Fi Movie* Superhero Movie* Suspense Movie* Musical Movie* Comedy Movie* Animated Movie | sundry_goods_3_response = Oh, I could use this!| sundry_goods_3_items = * Soap* Shampoo* Hair Conditioner* Hair Gel* Toothbrush* Razor* Lip Balm* Eye Patch* Bouquet* Domino Set* Perfume* Ear Cleaner* Clothespin | sundry_goods_2_response = I wonder if this would be useful for something.| sundry_goods_2_items = * Gloves* Earplugs* Fan* Hand Warmer* Back Scratcher* Wax* Glass* Chip | sundry_goods_1_response = Unbelievable, 《PLAYER》!<br/>I'm not a trashcan, you know!| sundry_goods_1_items = * The Daily Duel* High Quality Chip* Junk | food_5_response = I am so happy! I mean, this is incredibly delicious!| food_5_items = * Curry and Rice* Ramen* Fried Rice* Apple* Banana* Coffee* Energy Drink* Sushi* Lunch Box* Fancy Tea | food_4_response = Wow, that looks delicious!<br/>Thanks, 《PLAYER》!| food_4_items = * Spaghetti* Salad* Pineapple* Strawberries* Tea* Rice Ball* Sandwich (Green)* Hamburger* Steamed Bun* Takoyaki | food_3_response = Oh, I did a report on this before!| food_3_items = * Beef Bowl* Omelet and Rice* Kebab* Orange* Watermelon* Grapes* Melon* Water* Green Tea* Milk* Cola* Juice* Cookie* Chocolate* Gum* Pudding* Cake* Ice Cream Sundae* Rice Cake* Sandwich (Gold) | food_2_response = Eeeeuw... This is on my top-ten-foods-I-hate list!| food_2_items =  | food_1_response = Eeeeuw, gross! I don't report on strange and exotic foods, so why should I eat that?!| food_1_items =  }} ===Tag Force 6=== {{Tag Force present responses| game = Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 6| gender = Female| character_name = Carly Carmine(Normal) | duel_5_response = Th-This is amazing!<br/>Can I really keep it?!| duel_5_items = * Yellow Card Protector* Rainbow Card Protector* Simple Card Holder* Gorgeous Card Holder* Dueling for Beginners* Duel Radar* Lucky Coin* Atlas Rising | duel_4_response = Oh, thanks, 《PLAYER》!| duel_4_items = * Orange Card Protector* Pink Card Protector* Green Card Protector* Beige Card Protector* White Card Protector* Elegant Card Holder* Chic Card Holder* Cute Card Holder* Gold Coin* Silver Coin* White Dice* Duel Calculator* Advanced Dueling | duel_3_response = Oh, I could use this!| duel_3_items = * Red Card Protector* Silver Card Protector* Gold Card Protector* Clear Card Protector* Wild Card Holder* Introduction to Dueling Tricks | duel_2_response = I wonder if this really would help in a duel.| duel_2_items = * Blue Card Protector* Purple Card Protector* Gray Card Protector* Brown Card Protector* Khaki Card Protector* Stylish Card Holder* Classic Card Holder* Anarchic Card Holder* Black Dice | duel_1_response = Unbelievable, 《PLAYER》!<br/>I'm starting to think you lack a duelist's common sense.| duel_1_items = * Black Card Protector* Cursed Dice* Amplifier* Death Match Duel Rope | hobby_5_response = Wow! I wanted this so bad it was driving me crazy!| hobby_5_items = * Sneakers* Stuffed Toy Cat* Stuffed Toy Horse* Tarot Card* Crystal Ball* Fortune Sticks* Scented Candle* Shoulder Massage Ticket* Ring | hobby_4_response = Thanks, 《PLAYER》!<br/>I can see we have the exact same interests!| hobby_4_items = * Baseball Cap* Beanie* Beret* Silk Hat* Cowboy Hat* Bandanna* Straw Hat* Helmet* Boots* Leather Shoes* High Heels* Kids'Shoes* Sandals* Long Boots* Wooden Sandals* Stuffed Toy Seagull* Poker Cards* Scarf | hobby_3_response = Oh, mm-hm mm-hm...<br/>I could use this!| hobby_3_items = * Stuffed Toy Dog* Stuffed Toy Monkey* Stuffed Toy Bear* Stuffed Toy Dragon* Skateboard* Soccer Ball* Crown* Winged Shoes | hobby_2_response = I don't know about this...| hobby_2_items =  | hobby_1_response = What's wrong with you, known giving me stuff like this?!| hobby_1_items = * Stuffed Toy Frog* Stuffed Toy Snake* Bat* Boxing Gloves* Duel Gang Jacket | figures_5_response = Wow! I wanted this so bad it was driving me crazy!| figures_5_items = * Vampire Lord Figure* Getsu Fuhma Figure* Obnoxious Celtic Guard Figure* Fairy King Truesdale Figure* Mei-Kou, Master of Barriers Figure* Dark Magician Girl Figure* Cyber Tutu Figure* Red Dragon Archfiend Figure | figures_4_response = Thanks, 《PLAYER》!<br/>I can see we have the exact same interests!| figures_4_items = * Dark Magician Figure* Gambler of Legend Figure* Apprentice Magician Figure | figures_3_response = Oh, mm-hm mm-hm...<br/>I could use this!| figures_3_items = * Freed the Matchless General Figure* Izanagi Figure* Legendary Flame Lord Figure* Marauding Captain Figure* Grandmaster of the Six Samurai Figure* Lucky Pied Piper Figure* Miracle Flipper Figure* Dharc the Dark Charmer Figure* D.D. Warrior Lady Figure* Allure Queen Figure* Dryad Figure* Maiden of the Aqua Figure* Thunder Nyan Nyan Figure* Injection Fairy Lily Figure* Aussa the Earth Charmer Figure* Hiita the Fire Charmer Figure* Wynn the Wind Charmer Figure* Eria the Water Charmer Figure* White Magician Pikeru Figure* Ebon Magician Curran Figure* Card Ejector Figure* Dian Keto the Cure Master Figure* Stardust Dragon Figure | figures_2_response = I don't know about this...| figures_2_items = * Harpie Queen Figure* Mist Valley Shaman Figure* The Unhappy Girl Figure* Amazoness Paladin Figure* Shadow Tamer Figure* Fire Princess Figure | figures_1_response = What's wrong with you, giving me stuff like this?!| figures_1_items =  | sundry_goods_5_response = Ooh, good work there!<br/>Are you sure I can have this?| sundry_goods_5_items = * Eye Drops* Fountain Pen* Memory Card* Toilet Paper | sundry_goods_4_response = Hey, not bad!<br/>Thanks, 《PLAYER》!| sundry_goods_4_items = * Socks* Letter Writing Set* Romantic Movie* Historical Movie* Documentary Movie* Horror Movie* Sci-Fi Movie* Superhero Movie* Suspense Movie* Musical Movie* Comedy Movie* Animated Movie | sundry_goods_3_response = Oh, I could use this!| sundry_goods_3_items = * Soap* Shampoo* Hair Conditioner* Hair Gel* Toothbrush* Razor* Lip Balm* Eye Patch* Bouquet* Domino Set* Perfume* Ear Cleaner* Clothespin | sundry_goods_2_response = I wonder if this would be useful for something.| sundry_goods_2_items = * Gloves* Earplugs* Fan* Hand Warmer* Back Scratcher* Wax* Glass* Chip | sundry_goods_1_response = Unbelievable, 《PLAYER》!<br/>I'm not a trashcan, you know!| sundry_goods_1_items = * The Daily Duel* High Quality Chip* Junk | food_5_response = I am so happy! I mean, this is incredibly delicious!| food_5_items = * Curry and Rice* Ramen* Fried Rice* Apple* Banana* Coffee* Energy Drink* Sushi* Lunch Box* Fancy Tea | food_4_response = Wow, that looks delicious!<br/>Thanks, 《PLAYER》!| food_4_items = * Spaghetti* Salad* Pineapple* Strawberries* Tea* Rice Ball* Sandwich (Green)* Hamburger* Steamed Bun* Takoyaki | food_3_response = Oh, I did a report on this before!| food_3_items = * Beef Bowl* Omelet and Rice* Kebab* Orange* Watermelon* Grapes* Melon* Water* Green Tea* Milk* Cola* Juice* Cookie* Chocolate* Gum* Pudding* Cake* Ice Cream Sundae* Rice Cake* Sandwich (Gold) | food_2_response = Eeeeuw... This is on my top-ten-foods-I-hate list!| food_2_items =  | food_1_response = Eeeeuw, gross! I don't report on strange and exotic foods, so why should I eat that?!| food_1_items =  }} {{Tag Force present responses| game = Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 6| gender = Female| character_name = Carly Carmine (Dark Signer) | duel_5_response = Such a lovely gift.<br/>I thank you.| duel_5_items = * Black Card Protector* Wild Card Holder* Cursed Dice* Introduction to Dueling Tricks* Atlas Rising | duel_4_response = I shall use this.| duel_4_items = * Blue Card Protector* Purple Card Protector* Gray Card Protector* Brown Card Protector* Khaki Card Protector* Stylish Card Holder* Classic Card Holder* Anarchic Card Holder* Black Dice* Amplifier* Death Match Duel Rope | duel_3_response = This is not completely useless...| duel_3_items = * Red Card Protector* Yellow Card Protector* Silver Card Protector* Gold Card Protector* Clear Card Protector* Rainbow Card Protector* Simple Card Holder* Gorgeous Card Holder* Duel Radar* Duel Calculator* Lucky Coin | duel_2_response = You intend to give THIS to me?| duel_2_items = * Orange Card Protector* Pink Card Protector* Green Card Protector* Beige Card Protector* White Card Protector* Elegant Card Holder* Chic Card Holder* Cute Card Holder* Gold Coin* Silver Coin* White Dice | duel_1_response = I must confess, I do not understand fools.| duel_1_items = * Dueling for Beginners* Advanced Dueling | hobby_5_response = Great. How thoughtful of you. Thank you.| hobby_5_items = * Stuffed Toy Dog* Stuffed Toy Monkey* Tarot Card* Crystal Ball* Fortune Sticks* Scented Candle* Shoulder Massage Ticket* Ring | hobby_4_response = This is...nice.| hobby_4_items = * Stuffed Toy Seagull* Bat* Boxing Gloves* Crown* Scarf | hobby_3_response = Very well.<br/>I shall accept your gift.| hobby_3_items = * Stuffed Toy Cat* Stuffed Toy Horse* Stuffed Toy Bear* Stuffed Toy Dragon* Skateboard* Soccer Ball* Winged Shoes | hobby_2_response = You have the most terrible sense of taste...| hobby_2_items = * Baseball Cap* Beanie* Beret* Silk Hat* Cowboy Hat* Bandanna* Straw Hat* Helmet* Sneakers* Boots* Leather Shoes* High Heels* Kids' Shoes* Sandals* Long Boots* Wooden Sandals* Stuffed Toy Frog* Stuffed Toy Snake | hobby_1_response = You dare give this to me?<br/>If you are seeking to anger me, I shall gladly comply.| hobby_1_items = * Poker Cards* Duel Gang Jacket | figures_5_response = Great. How thoughtful of you. Thank you.| figures_5_items = * Dark Magician Figure* Gambler of Legend Figure* Obnoxious Celtic Guard Figure* Fairy King Truesdale Figure* Apprentice Magician Figure* Dark Magician Girl Figure* Dian Keto the Cure Master Figure* Red Dragon Archfiend Figure | figures_4_response = This is...nice.| figures_4_items = * Vampire Lord Figure* Getsu Fuhma Figure* Mei-Kou, Master of Barriers Figure | figures_3_response = Very well.<br/>I shall accept your gift.| figures_3_items = * Freed the Matchless General Figure* Izanagi Figure* Legendary Flame Lord Figure* Marauding Captain Figure* Grandmaster of the Six Samurai Figure* Lucky Pied Piper Figure* Miracle Flipper Figure* Dharc the Dark Charmer Figure* D.D. Warrior Lady Figure* Allure Queen Figure* Dryad Figure* Maiden of the Aqua Figure* Thunder Nyan Nyan Figure* Injection Fairy Lily Figure* Aussa the Earth Charmer Figure* Hiita the Fire Charmer Figure* Wynn the Wind Charmer Figure* Eria the Water Charmer Figure* White Magician Pikeru Figure* Ebon Magician Curran Figure* Card Ejector Figure* Cyber Tutu Figure* Stardust Dragon Figure | figures_2_response = You have the most terrible sense of taste...| figures_2_items = * Harpie Queen Figure* Mist Valley Shaman Figure* The Unhappy Girl Figure* Amazoness Paladin Figure* Shadow Tamer Figure* Fire Princess Figure | figures_1_response = You dare give this to me?<br/>If you are seeking to anger me, I shall gladly comply.| figures_1_items =  | sundry_goods_5_response = This is...a most thoughtful gift.| sundry_goods_5_items = * Eye Drops* High Quality Chip | sundry_goods_4_response = I give you my thanks.| sundry_goods_4_items = * Socks* Gloves* Eye Patch* Earplugs* Fan* Hand Warmer* Back Scratcher* Wax* Fountain Pen* Glass* Bouquet* Letter Writing Set* Domino Set* The Daily Duel* Memory Card* Chip* Perfume* Ear Cleaner* Toilet Paper* Clothespin | sundry_goods_3_response = And you are giving this to me? I see...| sundry_goods_3_items = * Soap* Shampoo* Hair Conditioner* Hair Gel* Toothbrush* Razor* Lip Balm* Romantic Movie* Historical Movie* Documentary Movie* Sci-Fi Movie* Superhero Movie* Suspense Movie* Musical Movie* Comedy Movie* Animated Movie | sundry_goods_2_response = And why would you want to give me something such as this?| sundry_goods_2_items =  | sundry_goods_1_response = Did you think this would amuse me? You are sadly mistaken, fool.| sundry_goods_1_items = * Horror Movie* Junk | food_5_response = Oh...<br/>You know me well.| food_5_items = * Beef Bowl* Kebab* Orange* Watermelon* Juice* Lunch Box* Fancy Tea* Rice Cake | food_4_response = This looks...good.| food_4_items = * Spaghetti* Grapes* Melon* Tea* Cookie* Chocolate* Gum | food_3_response = Oh, thank you.| food_3_items = * Curry and Rice* Ramen* Omelet and Rice* Fried Rice* Salad* Apple* Banana* Pineapple* Strawberries* Water* Green Tea* Coffee* Milk* Cola* Energy Drink* Rice Ball* Sandwich (Green)* Hamburger* Steamed Bun* Takoyaki* Sushi* Pudding* Cake* Ice Cream Sundae* Sandwich (Gold) | food_2_response = Hmmm? Not my favorite, but I guess I'll accept.| food_2_items =  | food_1_response = What is this? A feeble ploy to annoy me?| food_1_items =  }} ==Unlockables== ''Carly Nagisa[[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4|Tag Force 4]]'' in  * Carly gives the player 2 copies of 2 of her "Fortune Fairy" monsters after each of her first three story events, and gives a third copy of each for finishing her storyline as well as the Japanese versionpicture "No Looking Back!" ({{Ruby|前進|ぜんしん}}あるのみ!, is ''Zenshin aru nomi!'') * Finishing Carly's storyline as a character in Dark Signer earns the player 3 copies of "[[Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu]]" and the picture "Tragic Love" ({{Ruby|悲恋|ひれん}}, ''Hiren'') ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force5|Tag Force5]]'' games. This is a video game version  * Finishing Carly's storyline earns the player 3 copies of "[[Future Visions]]" and the anime characterpicture "Happy? Lucky?" (ハッピー?ラッキー?, ''Happī? Rakkī?'') ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 6|Tag Force 6]]'' * Finishing Carly Carmine's regular storyline earns the player 3 copies of "[[Miracle Stone (Tag Force 6)|Miracle Stone]]". * Finishing Carly's storyline as a Dark Signer earns the player 3 copies of "Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu". ==Ending scenes==<gallery>Carly Carmine.png | ''Tag Force 4 (Normal)''Carly Carmine - Tragic Love.png | ''Tag Force 4 (Dark Signer)''Carly-TF5-Ending.png | ''Tag Force 5''Carly-TF6-Normal-Ending.png | ''Tag Force 6 (Normal)''Carly-TF6-Dark-Signer-Ending.png | ''Tag Force 6 (Dark Signer)''</gallery> 
===Tag Force 4===
 ====Normal Carly Carmine==== {{Decklist|Carly Carmine 01name = Thrilling Fortune-Telling Deck| ja_name = ワクワク{{Ruby|占|うらな}}いデッキ| romaji_name = Wakuwaku Uranai Dekki| level = 1| store_properties = true
|normal monsters =
* [[Fortune Fairy Ann (Tag Force 4)|Fortune Fairy Ann]] x2* [[Fortune Fairy Chee (Tag Force 4)|Fortune Fairy Chee]] x2* [[Fortune Fairy En (Tag Force 4)|Fortune Fairy En]] x2(Favorite)* [[Fortune Fairy Hikari (Tag Force 4)|Fortune Fairy Hikari]] x2(Favorite)* [[Fortune Fairy Hu (Tag Force 4)|Fortune Fairy Hu]] x2(Favorite)* [[Fortune Fairy Swee (Tag Force 4)|Fortune Fairy Swee]] x2
|effect monsters =
* [[Card Ejector]] x2
* [[Giant Trunade]]
* [[Heavy Storm]]
* [[Luck Loan (Tag Force 4)|Luck Loan]](Favorite)
* [[Magical Dimension]] x2
* [[Magicians Unite]] x2
* [[Miracle Stone (Tag Force 4)|Miracle Stone]] x2 (Favorite) ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Monster Reborn]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]
* [[Solidarity]] x2
* [[Swords of Revealing Light]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Unacceptable Result (Tag Force 4)|Unacceptable Result]](Favorite)
|traps =
* [[Mirror Force]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
{{Decklist|Carly Carmine 02name = Heart-Pounding Fortune-Telling Deck| ja_name = ドキドキ{{Ruby|占|うらな}}いデッキ| romaji_name = Dokidoki Uranai Dekki| level = 1| store_properties = true
|normal monsters =
* [[Fortune Fairy Ann (Tag Force 4)|Fortune Fairy Ann]] x3* [[Fortune Fairy Chee (Tag Force 4)|Fortune Fairy Chee]] x3* [[Fortune Fairy En (Tag Force 4)|Fortune Fairy En]] x3* [[Fortune Fairy Hikari (Tag Force 4)|Fortune Fairy Hikari]] x3* [[Fortune Fairy Hu (Tag Force 4)|Fortune Fairy Hu]] x3* [[Fortune Fairy Swee (Tag Force 4)|Fortune Fairy Swee]] x3
|spells =
* [[Dark Factory of Mass Production]] x2
* [[Giant Trunade]]
* [[Heavy Storm]]
* [[Luck Loan (Tag Force 4)|Luck Loan]] x2
* [[Magical Dimension]] x2
* [[Miracle Stone (Tag Force 4)|Miracle Stone]] x3 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Monster Reborn]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]
* [[Swords of Revealing Light]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Unacceptable Result (Tag Force 4)|Unacceptable Result]] x2
|traps =
* [[Justi-Break]] x3
{{Decklist|Carly Carmine 03name = Anxious Fortune-Telling Deck| ja_name = ハラハラ{{Ruby|占|うらな}}いデッキ| romaji_name = Harahara Uranai Dekki| level = 2| store_properties = true
|normal monsters =
* [[Fortune Fairy Ann (Tag Force 4)|Fortune Fairy Ann]]* [[Fortune Fairy Chee (Tag Force 4)|Fortune Fairy Chee]]* [[Fortune Fairy En (Tag Force 4)|Fortune Fairy En]] x3* [[Fortune Fairy Hikari (Tag Force 4)|Fortune Fairy Hikari]] x3* [[Fortune Fairy Hu (Tag Force 4)|Fortune Fairy Hu]] x3* [[Fortune Fairy Swee (Tag Force 4)|Fortune Fairy Swee]] x3
* [[Jerry Beans Man]] x3
* [[Sonic Duck]] x3
* [[Giant Trunade]]
* [[Heavy Storm]]
* [[Luck Loan (Tag Force 4)|Luck Loan]] x2* [[Magical Dimension]] x2* [[Miracle Stone (Tag Force 4)|Miracle Stone]] x3 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Monster Reborn]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]
* [[Swords of Revealing Light]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Unacceptable Result (Tag Force 4)|Unacceptable Result]]
|traps =
* [[Bottomless Trap Hole]] x2
{{Decklist|Carly Carmine 04name = Vigorous Fortune-Telling Deck| ja_name = オラオラ{{Ruby|占|うらな}}いデッキ| romaji_name = Oraora Uranai Dekki| level = 6| store_properties = true
|normal monsters =
* [[Fortune Fairy En (Tag Force 4)|Fortune Fairy En]] x3* [[Fortune Fairy Hikari (Tag Force 4)|Fortune Fairy Hikari]] x3* [[Fortune Fairy Hu (Tag Force 4)|Fortune Fairy Hu]] x3
* [[Hunter Dragon]] x3
* [[Jerry Beans Man]] x3
* [[Sonic Duck]] x3
|spells =
* [[Amulet of Ambition]] x2
* [[Level Limit - Area B]] x2 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Messenger of Peace]] x3
* [[Miracle Stone (Tag Force 4)|Miracle Stone]] x3
* [[Monster Reborn]]
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]
====Dark Signer Carly====
 {{Decklist|Carly Carmine 11name = The Card that Looks at Destiny| ja_name = {{Ruby|運命|うんめい}}を{{Ruby|見|み}}る{{Ruby|札|ふだ}}| romaji_name = Unmei o Miru Fuda| level = 3| store_properties = true
|effect monsters =
* [[Catoblepas and the Witch of Fate]] x2
* [[Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu]] x2(Favorite)* [[Fortune Lady Dark]] x2(Favorite)
* [[Fortune Lady Earth]] x2
* [[Fortune Lady Fire]] x2(Favorite)* [[Fortune Lady Light]] x2(Favorite)
* [[Fortune Lady Water]] x2
* [[Fortune Lady Wind]] x2
* [[Fires of Doomsday]] x2
* [[Fortune's Future]]
* [[Future Visions]] x2(Favorite)
* [[Heavy Storm]]
* [[Magical Dimension]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
{{Decklist|Carly Carmine 12name = The Card that Manipulates Destiny| ja_name = {{Ruby|運命|うんめい}}を{{Ruby|操|あやつ}}る{{Ruby|札|ふだ}}| romaji_name = Unmei o Ayatsuru Fuda| level = 2| store_properties = true
|effect monsters =
* [[Fortune Lady Dark]] x3
{{Decklist|Carly Carmine 13name = The Card that Breaks Through Destiny| ja_name = {{Ruby|運命|うんめい}}を{{Ruby|断|た}}つ{{Ruby|札|ふだ}}| romaji_name = Unmei o Tatsu Fuda| level = 3| store_properties = true
|effect monsters =
* [[Catoblepas and the Witch of Fate]] x2
* [[Solitaire Magician]]
|spells =
* [[Brain Control]]
* [[Burden of the Mighty]] x2
* [[Fortune's Future]] x2 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Future Visions]] x2
* [[Heavy Storm]]
* [[Magical Dimension]]
* [[Monster Reborn]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
{{Decklist|Carly Carmine 14name = The Card that Toys with Destiny| ja_name = {{Ruby|運命|うんめい}}を{{Ruby|弄|もてあそ}}ぶ{{Ruby|札|ふだ}}| romaji_name = Unmei o Moteasobu Fuda| level = 4| store_properties = true
|effect monsters =
* [[Catoblepas and the Witch of Fate]] x2
* [[Torrential Tribute]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
===Tag Force 5===
 {{Decklist|Soname = Fairly-So Lucky Fortune Teller| ja_name = {{Ruby|中|ちゅう}}{{Ruby|吉|きち}}フォーチュンテラー| romaji_name = Chūkichi Fōchunterā| level = 2| store_properties = true
|effect monsters =
* [[Apprentice Magician]] x2([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Catoblepas and the Witch of Fate]] x2
* [[Crystal Seer]]
* [[Fortune Lady Dark]] x2(Favorite)* [[Fortune Lady Earth]](Favorite)* [[Fortune Lady Fire]] x2(Favorite)* [[Fortune Lady Light]] x2(Favorite)* [[Fortune Lady Water]] x2(Favorite)* [[Fortune Lady Wind]](Favorite)
* [[Magical Exemplar]] x2
* [[Solitaire Magician]]
|spells =
* [[Fortune's Future]] x2
* [[Future Visions]] x2(Favorite)
* [[Giant Trunade]]
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]
* [[Time Passage]] x2
|traps =
* [[Call of the Haunted]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Compulsory Evacuation Device]] x2
* [[Interdimensional Matter Transporter]] x2
* [[Slip of Fortune]] x2([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
{{Decklist|Barely name = Acceptably-Lucky Fortune Teller| ja_name = {{Ruby|小|しょう}}{{Ruby|吉|きち}}フォーチュンテラー| romaji_name = Shōkichi Fōchunterā| level = 2| store_properties = true| normal monsters =* [[Fortune Fairy Ann (Tag Force 5)|Fortune Fairy Ann]]* [[Fortune Fairy Chee (Tag Force 5)|Fortune Fairy Chee]]* [[Fortune Fairy En (Tag Force 5)|Fortune Fairy En]] x3* [[Fortune Fairy Hikari (Tag Force 5)|Fortune Fairy Hikari]] x3* [[Fortune Fairy Hu (Tag Force 5)|Fortune Fairy Hu]] x3* [[Fortune Fairy Swee (Tag Force 5)|Fortune Fairy Swee]] x3
* [[Jerry Beans Man]] x3
* [[Sonic Duck]] x3
* [[Heart of the Underdog]] x3
* [[Heavy Storm]]
* [[Luck Loan (Tag Force 5)|Luck Loan]] x2* [[Miracle Stone (Tag Force 5)|Miracle Stone]] x3
* [[Reload]] x2
* [[Swords of Revealing Light]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Unacceptable Result (Tag Force 5)|Unacceptable Result]]
|traps =
* [[Justi-Break]] x3([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Mirror Force]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
{{Decklist|Really name = Super-Lucky Fortune Teller| ja_name = {{Ruby|大|だい}}{{Ruby|吉|きち}}フォーチュンテラー| romaji_name = Daikichi Fōchunterā| level = 4| store_properties = true
|effect monsters =
* [[Beast King Barbaros]] x3
* [[Fortune Lady Water]] x2
* [[Fortune Lady Wind]]
* [[Kinka-Byo]] x2
* [[Summoner Monk]]
|spirit monsters =
* [[Kinka-byo]] x2
|spells =
* [[Different Dimension Gate]] x2
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]
* [[One for One]]
* [[Swords of Revealing Light]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Terraforming]] x2
|traps =
* [[Call Of The Haunted]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Compulsory Evacuation Device]] x2
* [[Mirror Force]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Slip of Fortune]] x2
* [[Torrential Tribute]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
{{Decklist|Something in Heaven was Killedname = A Catastrophically Terrible Day| ja_name = {{Ruby|大凶|だいきょう}}{{Ruby|仏滅|ぶつめつ}}{{Ruby|天中殺|てんちゅうさつ}}| romaji_name = Daikyō Butsumetsu Tenchūsatsu| level = 5| store_properties = true
|effect monsters =
* [[Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu]]
* [[Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca]]
* [[Giant Rat]] x3
* [[Gorz the Emissary of Darkness]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Hardened Armed Dragon]] x3
* [[Masked Dragon]] x3
* [[Sangan]]
* [[Spirit Reaper]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Tragoedia]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
|spells =
* [[Brain Control]]
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]]
* [[Pot of Avarice]] x2
* [[Swords of Revealing Light]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
|traps =
* [[Call of the Haunted]]
* [[Mirror Force]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Solemn Judgment]]
* [[Torrential Tribute]]
===Tag Force 6===
 ====Normal Carly Carmine==== Carly's third Deck uses 2 copies of "[[Mirror Force]]", which is Limited by default. {{Decklist|name = Fortune-Telling Warrior| ja_name = {{Ruby|占星|せんせい}}{{Ruby|戦士|せんし}}| romaji_name = Sensei Senshi| level = 1| store_properties = true
|normal monsters =
* [[Bunilla]] x3
* [[Fortune Fairy Ann (Tag Force 6)|Fortune Fairy Ann]]* [[Fortune Fairy Chee (Tag Force 6)|Fortune Fairy Chee]]* [[Fortune Fairy En (Tag Force 6)|Fortune Fairy En]] x3* [[Fortune Fairy Hikari (Tag Force 6)|Fortune Fairy Hikari]] x3* [[Fortune Fairy Hu (Tag Force 6)|Fortune Fairy Hu]] x3* [[Fortune Fairy Swee (Tag Force 6)|Fortune Fairy Swee]] x2
|effect monsters =
* [[Rescue Rabbit]] x3
* [[Enchanting Fitting Room]] x2
* [[Giant Trunade]]
* [[Luck Loan (Tag Force 6)|Luck Loan]] x2(Favorite)* [[Miracle Stone (Tag Force 6)|Miracle Stone]] x3(Favorite)* [[Monster Reborn]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]] x2
* [[Swords of Revealing Light]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Tri-Wight]] x2
* [[Unacceptable Result (Tag Force 6)|Unacceptable Result]]
|traps =
* [[Call of the Haunted]]
* [[Justi-Break]] x3
* [[Mirror Force]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Torrential Tribute]]
{{Decklist|Special Defense name = Nonaggressive Fortune-TellingTeller| ja_name = {{Ruby|専守|せんしゅ}}{{Ruby|占星|せんせい}}| romaji_name = Senshu Sensei| level = 1| store_properties = true
|normal monsters =
* [[Fortune Fairy Ann (Tag Force 6)|Fortune Fairy Ann]] x2* [[Fortune Fairy Chee (Tag Force 6)|Fortune Fairy Chee]] x2* [[Fortune Fairy En (Tag Force 6)|Fortune Fairy En]] x3* [[Fortune Fairy Hikari (Tag Force 6)|Fortune Fairy Hikari]] x3* [[Fortune Fairy Hu (Tag Force 6)|Fortune Fairy Hu]] x3* [[Fortune Fairy Swee (Tag Force 6)|Fortune Fairy Swee]] x2
|spells =
* [[Enchanting Fitting Room]]
* [[Giant Trunade]]
* [[Luck Loan (Tag Force 6)|Luck Loan]] x2
* [[Magical Dimension]] x2
* [[Miracle Stone (Tag Force 6)|Miracle Stone]] x3* [[Monster Reborn]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]] x2
* [[Secret Village of the Spellcasters]] x2
* [[Solidarity]] x2
* [[Swords of Revealing Light]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Unacceptable Result (Tag Force 6)|Unacceptable Result]] x2
* [[Wonder Wand]] x3
|traps =
* [[Justi-Break]] x2
* [[Mirror Force]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
{{Decklist|name = Fortune-Telling Attack| ja_name = {{Ruby|占星|せんせい}}{{Ruby|攻撃|こうげき}}| romaji_name = Sensei Kōgeki| level = 1| store_properties = true
|normal monsters =
* [[Fortune Fairy Ann (Tag Force 6)|Fortune Fairy Ann]] * [[Fortune Fairy Chee (Tag Force 6)|Fortune Fairy Chee]]* [[Fortune Fairy En (Tag Force 6)|Fortune Fairy En]] x3* [[Fortune Fairy Hikari (Tag Force 6)|Fortune Fairy Hikari]] x3* [[Fortune Fairy Hu (Tag Force 6)|Fortune Fairy Hu]] x3* [[Fortune Fairy Swee (Tag Force 6)|Fortune Fairy Swee]] x2
|spells =
* [[Dark Hole]]
* [[Giant Trunade]]
* [[Luck Loan (Tag Force 6)|Luck Loan]] x2* [[Miracle Stone (Tag Force 6)|Miracle Stone]] x3
* [[Monster Reborn]]
* [[Swords of Revealing Light]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Unacceptable Result (Tag Force 6)|Unacceptable Result]]
|traps =
* [[Birthright]] x3
* [[Limit Reverse]] x3
* [[Magic Cylinder]] x2
* [[Mirror Force]] x2([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
{{Decklist|name = Fortune-Telling Sovereign| ja_name = {{Ruby|占星|せんせい}}{{Ruby|君主|くんしゅ}}| romaji_name = Sensei Kunshu| level = 4| store_properties = true
|normal monsters =
* [[Fortune Fairy Ann (Tag Force 6)|Fortune Fairy Ann]] * [[Fortune Fairy Chee (Tag Force 6)|Fortune Fairy Chee]]* [[Fortune Fairy En (Tag Force 6)|Fortune Fairy En]] x3* [[Fortune Fairy Hikari (Tag Force 6)|Fortune Fairy Hikari]] x3* [[Fortune Fairy Hu (Tag Force 6)|Fortune Fairy Hu]] x3* [[Fortune Fairy Swee (Tag Force 6)|Fortune Fairy Swee]] x1
* [[Hunter Dragon]] x3
* [[Jerry Beans Man]] x3
* [[Sonic Duck]] x3
|fusion monsters =
* [[SanwitchMystical Sand]]
|xyz monsters =
* [[Baby Tiragon]]
* [[Monster Reborn]] x3
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]] x2
* [[Raigeki]] x3([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Swords of Revealing Light]]
|traps =
* [[Royal Decree]] x3
====Dark Signer Carly====
 {{Decklist|name = Fortune Cookie DeckHunter| ja_name = フォーチュン・ハンター| romaji_name = Fōchun Hantā| level = 2| store_properties = true
|effect monsters =
* [[Apprentice Magician]] x2
* [[Catoblepas and the Witch of Fate]] x2
* [[Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscuCrystal Seer]] x2* [[Fortune Lady Dark]] x2(Favorite)* [[Fortune Lady Earth]] x2
* [[Fortune Lady Fire]] x2
* [[Fortune Lady Light]] x3x2 (Favorite)* [[Fortune Lady Water]] x3x2* [[Fortune Lady Wind]]* [[Magical Exemplar]] x2
* [[Solitaire Magician]]
* [[Summoner Monk]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
|spells =
* [[Fortune's Future]] x2* [[Future VisionVisions]] x2(Favorite)
* [[Giant Trunade]]
* [[Monster Reborn]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]] x2
* [[One for One]]
* [[Solidarity]] x2
* [[Star Changer]] x2
* [[Terraforming]] x2
* [[Time Passage]]
* [[Wonder Wand]] x2
|traps =
* [[Call of the Haunted]]* ([[Compulsory Evacuation DeviceDestiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Enlightenment]]* [[Inherited FortuneCompulsory Evacuation Device]]x2
* [[Interdimensional Matter Transporter]]
* [[Slip of Fortune]] x2
{{Decklist|name = Fortune Hunter DeckCookie| ja_name = フォーチュン・クッキー| romaji_name = Fōchun Kukkī| level = 1| store_properties = true
|effect monsters =
* [[Apprentice Magician]] x2
* [[Catoblepas and the Witch of Fate]] x2
* [[Crystal Seer]]
* [[Fortune Lady Dark]] x2
* [[Fortune Lady Earth]]x2
* [[Fortune Lady Fire]] x2
* [[Fortune Lady Light]] x2x3* [[Fortune Lady Water]] x2x3* [[Fortune Lady Wind]]* [[Magical Exemplar]] x2
* [[Solitaire Magician]]
* [[Summoner Monk]]
|spells =
* [[Fortune 's Future]]x2* [[Future VisionVisions]] x2
* [[Giant Trunade]]
* [[Monster Reborn]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]] x2
* [[One for One]]
* [[Solidarity]] x2
* [[Star Changer]] x2
* [[Terraforming]] x2
* [[Time Passage]]
* [[Wonder Wand]] x2
|traps =
* [[Call of the Haunted]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Compulsory Evacuation Device]] x2([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])* [[Enlightenment]]* [[Inherited Fortune]]
* [[Interdimensional Matter Transporter]]
* [[Slip of Fortune]] x2
{{Decklist|name = Fortune Orb Deck| ja_name = フォーチュン・オーブ| romaji_name = Fōchun Ōbu| level = 4| store_properties = true
|effect monsters =
* [[Beast King Barbaros]] x3
* [[Fortune Lady Wind]]
* [[Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast]] x2
* [[Summoner Monk]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
|spirit monsters =
* [[Kinka-byo]] x2
* [[Summoner Monk]]
|spells =
* [[Different Dimension Gate]] x2
* [[Forbidden Chalice]] x2
* [[Fortune 's Future]] x2* [[Future VisionVisions]] x3
* [[Giant Trunade]]
* [[Monster Reborn]] ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]] x2
* [[One for One]]
* [[Terraforming]] x2
|traps =
* [[Call of the Haunted]]
* [[Compulsory Evacuation Device]] x2
* [[Mirror Force]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Slip of Fortune]] x2
{{Decklist|name = Fortuneless Deck| ja_name = フォーチュンレス| romaji_name = Fōchunresu| level = 5| store_properties = true
|effect monsters =
* [[Dark Simorgh]] x3([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Fortune Lady Dark]] x3
* [[Fortune Lady Fire]]
* [[Fortune Lady Wind]] x3
* [[Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast]] x3
* [[Vortex Trooper]] x3
|spirit monsters =
* [[Kinka-byo]] x2
|fusion monsters =* [[Vortex TrooperBlaze Fenix, the Burning Bombardment Bird]]* [[Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon]]* [[Cyber Blader]]* [[Cyber End Dragon]]* [[Cyber Twin Dragon]]* [[Dark Balter the Terrible]]* [[Gaia Drake, the Universal Force]]* [[Gatling Dragon]]* [[Meteor Black Dragon|Meteor B. Dragon]]* [[Naturia Exterio]]* [[Reaper on the Nightmare]]* [[Ryu Senshi]]* [[Super Vehicroid - Stealth Union]]* [[The Last Warrior from Another Planet]]* [[Thousand-Eyes Restrict]] x3
|spells =
* [[Fortune 's Future]] x3* [[Future Vision]]Visions]] x3
* [[Giant Trunade]]
* [[Metamorphosis]]
* [[Monster Reborn]]([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Mystical Space Typhoon]] x2
* [[One for One]] x3
 ===''Tag Force Special''=== {{Decklist|Carly Carmine 01name = The Luckiest Fortune-Teller| ja_name = 占い最幸No.1| romaji_name = Uranai Saikō Nanbā Wan| level = 2
|normal monsters =
* [[Fortune Fairy Ann (Tag Force Special)|Fortune Fairy Ann]] x2* [[Fortune Fairy Chee (Tag Force Special)|Fortune Fairy Chee]] x2* [[Fortune Fairy En (Tag Force Special)|Fortune Fairy En]] x3* [[Fortune Fairy Hikari (Tag Force Special)|Fortune Fairy Hikari]] x3* [[Fortune Fairy Hu (Tag Force Special)|Fortune Fairy Hu]] x3* [[Fortune Fairy Swee (Tag Force Special)|Fortune Fairy Swee]] x3
|effect monsters =
* [[Box of Friends]] x3([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
|spells =
* [[Dark Factory of Mass Production]] x2
* [[Heart of the Underdog]] x3
* [[Inferno Reckless Summon]]
* [[Luck Loan (Tag Force Special)|Luck Loan]] x3* [[Miracle Stone (Tag Force Special)|Miracle Stone]] x3
* [[One for One]]
* [[Unacceptable Result (Tag Force Special)|Unacceptable Result]] x3
|traps =
* [[Ominous Fortunetelling]] x2
* [[Slip of Fortune]] x2([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
{{Decklist|Carly Carmine 02name = Fortune Lady In Love| ja_name = 恋するフォーチュンレディ| romaji_name = Koisuru Fōchun Redi| level = 4
|effect monsters =
* [[Catoblepas and the Witch of Fate]] x2
* [[Wonder Wand]] x2
|traps =
* [[Bending Destiny]] x2([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Enlightenment]]
* [[Inherited Fortune]]
* [[Slip of Fortune]] x2([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
{{Decklist|Carly Carmine 03name = The Luckiest Barbaros| ja_name = バルバロ最幸No.1| romaji_name = Barubaro Saikō Nanbā Wan| level = 6
|effect monsters =
* [[Beast King Barbaros]] x3
* [[Fortune Lady Water]] x2
* [[Fortune Lady Wind]] x2
|spirit monsters =* [[Kinka-byo]] x3([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
|spells =
* [[Different Dimension Gate]] x2
|traps =
* [[Compulsory Evacuation Device]] x3
* [[Torrential Tribute]] x3([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
==References=={{ReflistCarly Carmine pages}} {{Characters|TF04, TF05, TF06, TFSP}}
autopatrol, mover