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Forum:Should Burst Stream of Destruction be Banned?

I've looked over the discussion for ban-list cards, but didn't see any mentions of Burst Stream of Destruction, and I'm curious as to why. In a blue eyes focused deck (especially the starter deck that includes this card) it's almost ridiculously easy to ensure that you can summon a blue eyes, which means it's very difficult to prevent burst stream from being activated.

I do have a fair number of cards that I can use to protect single monsters against spells, and some more powerful ones like Magic Deflector, but since the same starter deck comes with A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon and I think a few other effects that can target my spells/traps, it can be very hard to actually use these to prevent burst stream from taking effect.

Plenty of people seem to list Dark Hole for banning, but that card at least has a more major downside (destroys all your own monsters as well), so needs to be set-up a lot more carefully, or be used as a panic button to try to level the playing field again. Burst stream seems to have the same advantage of dark hole, but with the only penalty being that your blue eyes can't attack in the same turn, but you can pretty much have any monster do the attacking instead since you'll be unopposed, and there are also plenty of tricks to get around the disadvantage such as using the Blue Eyes to Synchro Summon Azure Eyes Silver Dragon which can attack normally. -- Haravikk (talkcontribs) 12:00, December 12, 2013 (UTC)

I have never seen a deck that runs Blue-Eyes White Dragon run Burst Stream of Destruction. Ever. And I see a good number of Azure-eyes decks on DN. Don't be salty over the card, it hardly ever sees play anyways. Ninety-eight (talkcontribs) 13:34, December 12, 2013 (UTC)
I run a Hieratic-Blue-Eyes Deck, and I use it ALL THE TIME. The only time I ever draw it is when I need it (LOL). But I don't think it should be banned. I don't see a lot of other Blue-Eyes Decks, and when I do see one, they don't compare to a meta deck. NMBRHNTR64 (talkcontribs) 14:08, December 12, 2013 (UTC)

It is indeed powerful but if you dont have a BEWD on the field and you dont have a hand capable of summoning it, then this card can be a lethal Dead Draw. If u put more than 1 copy in ur deck, you would not want to start the duel with 2 copy of this in ur hand. In conclusion: yes it is a good card. Best use it then xyz BEWD into a rank 8 xyz and atk directly. Good card but not ban material by me. A card that SHOULD be banned is Compulsory Evacuation Device. Sometimes you spent 2 or more monster to summons ur ace, you spend almost all of ur hand and u see ur best monster being bounced back. Also u can use it on ur own monster so you can save it/re use it later. And all of this at no cost whatsoever.

Yano88 (talkcontribs) 14:33, December 12, 2013 (UTC)

While summoning the Blue Eyes is obviously a prerequisite, I don't think it's that hard to do. I mean the Saga of Blue-Eyes White Dragon starter deck includes pretty much everything you need thanks to searcher cards that either go for the blue eyes directly, or can be used to Maiden with Eyes of Blue. In fact, the latter card is pretty bad in its own right, as it can be very tricky to clear it without summoning the blue eyes in doing so. I'm just confused by why people would lament Dark Hole but not burst stream which just seems easier to setup since you don't really need to protect yourself against its effects.
Not sure why you consider Compulsory Evacuation Device to be worse; it's most threatening for combination type summonings, which is something that there don't seem to be a lot of other counters for. I mean, I suppose I'd quickly change my mind if it were someone with three of these, but then burst stream potentially eliminates all monsters, and you could take of three of those just as easily. Plus there are worse things IMO, like Bull Blader or Heroic Challenger - Night Watchman which can destroy cards outright, even if they can't win, and nowadays there seem to be plenty of monster destruction cards. -- Haravikk (talkcontribs) 15:19, December 12, 2013 (UTC)

Well Dark Hole > BSoD mainly because it can be splashed in any deck. The latter can only work in a BEWD deck. Major difference. A card that REALLY should be banned is Royal Tribute. Too easy to activate and can end a duel on the very first turn.

Hieratics are also and incredibly easy way to bring out Blue-Eyes, albeit with ATK and DEF set to 0, but that doesnt matter with Burst Stream. Something tells me that the only reason you are bringing up this card is cuz you probably got owned by it a few times and are harboring a grudge, but thats just MY guess. XD NMBRHNTR64 (talkcontribs) 16:41, December 12, 2013 (UTC)

Yano88 (talkcontribs) 15:44, December 12, 2013 (UTC)

Burst Stream of Destruction, like most cards that require a specifically named card on the field to activate, is going to net you dead draws. Even if it is easy to summon a Blue-Eyes White Dragon in theory, in practice, summoning a monster and keeping it on the field is usually harder than that, especially if you're using a card as transparent as Maiden with Eyes of Blue to summon it.
Yes, that card can summon a Blue-Eyes easily, but a good opponent won't just blindly attack into it to give you one, in which case you'll have to use your own cards to summon it. Then you have to worry about any Traps that may remove Blue-Eyes from the field at summon. This means that there's a decent chance that even after you put in resources to summon BEWD, you still won't be able to activate BSoD.
More importantly though, even if you do manage to keep BEWD in play, in how many cases is that BSoD going to be really useful? At 3000 ATK, BEWD can already deal with the majority of monsters you're likely going to face, and unless you're facing a swarm of 4 or 5 monsters, getting off a BSoD isn't very game-changing.
The card can't even help you OTK without using further resources due to the attacking restriction. Not only that, but there are so many more cards in the game that already have generic removal effects, that don't require you to run bad Main Deck cards (i.e. Extra Deck cards).
Burst Stream of Destruction is not overpowered in any way, and I wouldn't even call it a decent card.--YamiWheeler (talkcontribs) 19:03, December 12, 2013 (UTC)
I respectfully disagree. The only reason I have won many Duels was because of Burst Stream. I can't tell you how many times it has saved my a**. I have even OTKed because of it several times. And believe it or not, I have never dead drawn it once. When a Duel lasts long enough, it is a TOTAL game changer. You must consider all of the other cards that bring out Blue-Eyes easily, the Hieratics, Silver's Cry, even common cards like Call of the Haunted. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe it should be banned in any way, but I don't think you are giving this card nearly enough credit. I can see why it not being banned would be questioned. NMBRHNTR64 (talkcontribs) 19:48, December 12, 2013 (UTC)

Burst Stream of Destruction to be banned? Hmmm I don't really think it's powerful enough for that. Don't get me wrong but in theory it's quite possible to have Blue-Eyes out quite often when you draw it but if you are out of resources and you draw it over Dark Hole then your sunk. It's not a ban worthy card in the least, but like some other cards it's powerful under the right timing.

I think Royal Tribute should be banned, because bodies deck should be crippled like that at any point in the duel. Compulsary I'm on the wall about because it is powerful against Xyz and Synchro and puts an end to quite a lot of them. KasaiWolf (talkcontribs) 20:57, December 12, 2013 (UTC)

New banlist is out. Go check it :-D And drop in the garbage any Dragon Rulers you had.

Of course Burst Stream is left untouched but I guess no one had really any doubt about it.

Yano88 (talkcontribs) 18:07, December 13, 2013 (UTC)