Alligator's Sword Dragon (Tag Force 1)

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Alligator's Sword Dragon
Doragon ni Noru Waibān
Dragon-Riding Wyvern
Attribute WIND
Type Dragon / Fusion / Effect
Level 5
ATK / DEF 1700 / 1500
Rarity Common
Internal number 5003
Password 03366982

"Baby Dragon" + "Alligator's Sword"
You can Inflict Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points with this card if the only Attributes of Monster Cards on your opponent's side of the field are EARTH, WATER, or FIRE.

Obtained by

"Alligator's Sword Dragon" is available in the following packs:

Related cards

"Alligator's Sword Dragon" is part of the following genres:

Other languages

Name Lore
French Dragon-épée d'alligator "Bébé Dragon" + "Épée d'alligator"
Vous pouvez infliger des dommages directs aux Life Points de votre adversaire avec cette carte si les seuls attributs des cartes Monstre présentes sur le terrain de votre adversaire sont TERRE, EAU ou FEU.
German Alligators Schwertdrache „Babydrache“ + „Alligators Schwert“
Du kannst mit dieser Karte die Life Points deines Gegners direkt reduzieren, wenn die einzigen Eigenschaften von Monsterkarten auf der gegnerischen Seite des Spielfelds ERDE, WASSER oder FEUER sind.
Italian Drago Spada dell'Alligatore "Cucciolo di Drago" + "Spada dell'Alligatore"
Con questa carta puoi infliggere Danno Diretto ai Life Points del tuo avversario se nel lato di Campo del tuo avversario sono presenti Carte Mostro I cui soli Attributi sono TERRA, ACQUA e FUOCO.
Spanish El dragón de espada de piel de caimán "Bebé Dragón" + "La espada de piel de caimán"
Puedes ocasionar Daño Directo a los Life Points de tu adversario si los únicos Atributos de Cartas de Monstruo en el lado del campo de tu adversario son TIRRA, AGUA, o FUEGO.
