Set Card Lists:Emperor of Darkness Structure Deck (TCG-PT)

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Card numberEnglish namePortuguese nameRarityCategory
SR01-PT000"Ehther the Heavenly Monarch""Ehther, o Monarca Celestial"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SR01-PT001"Erebus the Underworld Monarch""Erebus, o Monarca do Submundo"Ultra RareEffect Monster
SR01-PT002"Eidos the Underworld Squire""Eidos, o Escudeiro do Submundo"Super RareEffect Monster
SR01-PT003"Edea the Heavenly Squire""Edea, o Escudeiro Celestial"Super RareEffect Monster
SR01-PT004"Caius the Shadow Monarch""Caius, o Monarca das Sombras"CommonEffect Monster
SR01-PT005"Zaborg the Thunder Monarch""Zaborg o Trovão Monarca"CommonEffect Monster
SR01-PT006"Granmarg the Rock Monarch""Grandmarg, o Monarca da Rocha"CommonEffect Monster
SR01-PT007"Mobius the Frost Monarch""Mebius, o Monarca Frio como o Gelo"CommonEffect Monster
SR01-PT008"Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch""Thestalos, o Monarca da Tempestade de Fogo"CommonEffect Monster
SR01-PT009"Raiza the Storm Monarch""Raiza, a Monarca da Tempestade"CommonEffect Monster
SR01-PT010"Lucius the Shadow Vassal""Lucius, o Vassalo das Sombras"CommonEffect Monster
SR01-PT011"Mithra the Thunder Vassal""Mithra, o Vassalo do Trovão"CommonEffect Monster
SR01-PT012"Landrobe the Rock Vassal""Landrobe, o Vassalo da Rocha"CommonEffect Monster
SR01-PT013"Escher the Frost Vassal""Escher, o Vassalo Glacial"CommonEffect Monster
SR01-PT014"Berlineth the Firestorm Vassal""Berlineth, o Vassalo da Tempestade de Fogo"CommonEffect Monster
SR01-PT015"Garum the Storm Vassal""Garum, o Vassalo da Tempestade"CommonEffect Monster
SR01-PT016"Illusory Snatcher""Furtador Ilusório"CommonEffect Monster
SR01-PT017"Tragoedia""Tragoedia"CommonEffect Monster
SR01-PT018"Dandylion""Dente-de-leão"CommonEffect Monster
SR01-PT019"Mathematician""Matemático"CommonEffect Monster
SR01-PT020"Level Eater""Devorador de Níveis"CommonEffect Monster
SR01-PT021"Battle Fader""Desvanecer da Batalha"CommonEffect Monster
SR01-PT022"Rainbow Kuriboh""Kuriboh Arco-Íris"CommonEffect Monster
SR01-PT023"Pantheism of the Monarchs""Panteísmo dos Monarcas"Super RareNormal Spell
SR01-PT024"Domain of the True Monarchs""Domínio dos Verdadeiros Monarcas"CommonField Spell
SR01-PT025"March of the Monarchs""Marcha dos Monarcas"CommonContinuous Spell
SR01-PT026"Return of the Monarchs""Retorno dos Monarcas"CommonContinuous Spell
SR01-PT027"The Monarchs Stormforth""O Monarca Avança"CommonQuick-Play Spell
SR01-PT028"Strike of the Monarchs""Ataque dos Monarcas"CommonQuick-Play Spell
SR01-PT029"Tenacity of the Monarchs""Tenacidade dos Monarcas"CommonNormal Spell
SR01-PT030"Soul Exchange""Troca de Almas"CommonNormal Spell
SR01-PT031"Enemy Controller""Controlador de Inimigos"CommonQuick-Play Spell
SR01-PT032"Dicephoon""Furadadão"CommonQuick-Play Spell
SR01-PT033"Soul Charge""Carregar Alma"CommonNormal Spell
SR01-PT034"The Prime Monarch""O Monarca Primordial"CommonContinuous Trap
SR01-PT035"The First Monarch""O Primeiro Monarca"CommonContinuous Trap
SR01-PT036"Escalation of the Monarchs""Escalada dos Monarcas"CommonContinuous Trap
SR01-PT037"The Monarchs Awaken""O Despertar dos Monarcas"CommonNormal Trap
SR01-PT038"The Monarchs Erupt""A Erupção dos Monarcas"CommonContinuous Trap
SR01-PT039"By Order of the Emperor""Por Ordem do Imperador"CommonContinuous Trap
SR01-PT040"Pinpoint Guard""Guarda Localizador"CommonNormal Trap