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Beckon to Darkness

DM4 / DM7 / DM8

Beckon to Darkness
Yami e no Temaneki
Card type Magic
Number 693
Deck Cost 15

A spell that causes the banishment of a monster to darkness.
If attacked, it destroys a monster on the foe's field.

Password 08065530


Obtained by

"Beckon to Darkness" is included in the Initial Deck.

"Beckon to Darkness" can be purchased in the shop.

  • When the player wins a Duel, a number of cards are added to the shop. Each has an intended probability of 48/30,000 of being this card. But due to a bias in the random number generation, it is actually a probability of 96/65,536.
  • When the player enters this card's password (08065530), it appears in the shop.

Opponents' Decks

The following characters use "Beckon to Darkness" in their Deck. This list might be incomplete until all opponents have been documented on this site.

# Character Qty

Other languages

Name Lore
French Signe à l'Obscurité
German Wink der Finsternis
Italian Richiamo all'Oscurità
Spanish Señas a la Oscuridad


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