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Card Lores:Cyber Soldier

Greek - Μηχανικός Στρατιώτης
Φύλακας του Βασιλιά των Μηχανών, συντρίβει κάθε αντίσταση τσουλώντας.

  • In the English version of Card Almanac, this card lore was "Guardian of the Machine Master, it crushes opposition by rolling over them."
  • In the French version of Card Almanac, this card lore was "Gardien de la Machine principale, il écrase l'ennemi en lui roulant dessus."
  • In the German version of Card Almanac, this card lore was "Als Wächter des Maschinenmeisters zermalmt er seine Gegner, indem er über sie hinwegrollt."
  • In the Italian version of Card Almanac, this card lore was ""Posto a guardia del Signore delle Macchine, questo soldato sbaraglia gli avversari scagliandosi contro di loro.
  • In the Spanish version of Card Almanac, this card lore was "Guardián del Amo de la Máquina, aplasta cualquier oposición pasándole por encima."