Card Lores:Sword Slasher

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  • In the English version of Card Almanac, this card lore was "A lethal engine of destruction that wields a well-honed blade."
  • In the French version of Card Almanac, this card lore was "Moteur de destruction redoutable qui comporte une lame parfaitement acérée."
  • In the German version of Card Almanac, this card lore was "Eine tödliche Vernichtungsmaschine, die eine rasiermesserscharfe Klinge schwingt."
  • In the Italian version of Card Almanac, this card lore was ""Una macchina da distruzione incredibilmente efficace equipaggiata con una lama letale.
  • In the Spanish version of Card Almanac, this card lore was "Una mortal máquina de destrucción que usa una hoja bien afilada."