Card Tips:Pollinosis

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  • This card's effect is like a Solemn Judgment, widely considered to be the most powerful (and most costly) Counter Trap, only instead of the very large Life Point cost, you tribute one Plant-type monster. Make good use of Plant-type swarming effects (like those of Gigaplant) to get the most out of this card. Black Garden can also help you generate Plant Tokens to use for this card's cost.
  • Use this card in a Deck revolved around abusing Dandylion and its Token Spreading.


  • One of the best combos with this card is tributing Botanical Girl which lets you search for a plant type monster with less then 1000 defense points. Using this combo ensures you keep neutral card advantage while negating you're opponent's card and still getting to search for a card. Some good card examples to search for are Cactus Bouncer, Gigantic Cephalotus or some tuners as Copy Plant, Spore or even Glow-Up Bulb.