Mina Simington (Tag Force)

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Mina Simington
Mina Simington
English name
  • Mina Simington
Japanese name
Japanese狭霧さぎり 深影みかげ
Base狭霧 深影
Furiganaさぎり みかげ
RōmajiSagiri Mikage
  • Female
OrganizationSector Security
Video game debutYu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4
Appears in
Simington, Mina

Mina Simington, known as Mikage Sagiri (狭霧さぎり 深影みかげ) is a character in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Tag Force series. This is a video game depiction of Mina Simington, a character from the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's anime.


Tag Force 4

Mina is a Tier 1 character the player can partner with from the beginning of the game. Her alternate storyline can be unlocked after finishing her normal story first or by doing UMD Recognition with the first Tag Force game.

The reward for finishing Mina's normal storyline is 3 copies of "Queen of Fate - Eternia", while finishing her alternate storyline earns the player 3 copies of "Dark Strike Fighter".

Tag Force 5

Mina now has to be unlocked by finishing Tetsu Trudge's story first.

Mina gifts the player with 3 copies of "Dark Armed Dragon" for finishing her storyline.

Tag Force 6

Mina is again unlocked by finishing Trudge's story first, but she is now a Tier 2 character.

Finishing Mina's story earns the player 3 copies of "Archlord Kristya".


Tag Force 4

Normal Mina



いつもジャックの側に居るのが秘書として当然だと思っており、入院したときの看病までしていたことから普段から身の回りのこともサポートしていると思われる。 また彼が行方不明になった際には明らかに秘書の立場を越権した行動をとり探し求める姿が見られた。


Jack Atlas' all-purpose assistant.

She works her hardest to arrange matters so that Jack can continue his reign as King.

She believes it is only natural for her to always be by Jack's side, while he takes her for granted. Considering she also kept an eye on him during his stay on the hospital, she is probably in charge of handling most matters of his everyday life. After he escaped from the hospital, he apparently found someone who could grant him something his assistant could not.

Jack no longer needs an assistant, but she desires to continue helping him out in any way she can out of devotion.

He is not very likely to realize that.

Angry Mina


ジャックに好意を寄せており、彼の忠実で優秀な秘書して働き続けている。 一見大人しろうな感じであるが、ジャックを守るためなら手段を選ばない所も多く見らる。

ジャック相手には素直で従順。 だが他の人間には非常に厳しく、意に沿わない相手には猛然と食ってかかり、口汚く罵ることもある。



Jack Atlas' all-purpose assistant.

She is still very fond of Jack, and desires to continue being useful to him. She seems more mature than she actually is. There is no end to the lengths she will go to if it means protecting her Jack.

Honest, submissive and obedient towards Jack. Towards everyone else, she is very cold, haughty and pushy, and can be very abrasive and insulting towards anyone who ticks her off.

There are many things about Jack that she is not pleased about, and she reprimands him for them sometimes, but she does not want to impede him.

Despite officially being only an assistant, she has access to large amounts of information.

She has given the Signers access to pertinent classified information without any hesitation.

Tag Force 5



ジャックのことは、昔も今も変わらずに「アトラス様」と呼び、敬意を超えた感情を抱いている。 彼の気持ちがカーリーへと傾いている事を察してはいるが、まだまだ諦めるつもりはない様子。

ジャックに対しては常に丁寧な態度で接するが、それ以外の人間に対しては、時に驚くほど乱暴な言葉遣いをする事もある。 ベールに包まれた彼女の過去は興味深いところである。

秘書としても、捜査課長としても、手際良く仕事を処理していく有能な女性。 いざという時には、上司に対してでも、もの申す覚悟がある。


A woman who was Jack Atlas' all-purpose assistant back when he was King.

Nowadays, she is Sector Security's Chief of Special Investigations.

She still refers to Jack as Master Atlas, and her feelings for him go beyond mere respect. She is aware his feelings are leaning more towards Carly, but she has no plans to give up.

Always interacts with Jack in a most polite manner, but can sometimes be surprisingly rough towards other people. Her past is shrouded in mystery and it could be quite interesting to know about.

A talented woman who is intelligent at doing her job, whether she is an assistant or a special information manager. If an emergency were to arrive, she is ready to face anyone, even her superiors.

Her true capabilities at dueling are currently unknown.

Tag Force 6



カーリーとステファニーが恋のライバルで、三人でそれぞれの立場を忘れてケンカすることもしばしば目撃されている。 彼の気持ちがカーリーへと傾いている事を察してはいるが、まだまだ諦めるつもりはない様子。一途だ。

ジャックに対しては常に丁寧な態度で接するが、それ以外の人間に対しては、時に驚くほど乱暴な言葉遣いをする事もある。 ベールに包まれた彼女の過去は興味深いところである。

秘書としても、捜査課長としても、手際良く仕事を処理していく有能な女性。 いざという時には、上司に対してでも、もの申す覚悟がある。


A woman who is Sector Security's Chief of Special Investigations.

She used to be Jack's all-purpose assistant back when he was King.

She, Carly and Stephanie are rivals for the same man's love. The three of them have been seen quarrelling, forgetting about their respective jobs. She is aware his feelings are leaning more towards Carly, but refuses to ever give up.

Always interacts with Jack in a most polite manner, but can sometimes be surprisingly rough towards other people. Her past is shrouded in mystery and it could be quite interesting to know about.

A talented woman who is intelligent at doing her job, whether she is an assistant or a special information manager. If an emergency were to arrive, she is ready to face anyone, even her superiors.

Her true capabilities at dueling are currently unknown.


Normal Mina

Strongly likes Likes Neutral Dislikes Strongly dislikes
  • Fountain pen
  • Any unlisted household item
  • Bouquet
  • Letter writing set
  • Domino set
  • The Daily Duel
  • None
  • Junk
  • Dark Magician Girl
  • Red Dragon Archfiend
  • All other figures
  • None
  • None
  • None
Card accessories
  • Atlas Rising
  • Any unlisted card accessory
  • None
  • None
  • Amplifier
  • Kebab
  • Lunch box
  • Any unlisted food item
  • None
  • None
  • Pudding
  • Shoulder massage ticket
  • Any unlisted miscellaneous item
  • None
  • Ring
  • None

Angry Mina

Strongly likes Likes Neutral Dislikes Strongly dislikes
  • None
  • None
  • Fountain pen
  • All other household items
  • Bouquet
  • Letter writing set
  • Domino set
  • The Daily Duel
  • Dark Magician Girl
  • Red Dragon Archfiend
  • None
  • None
  • All other figures
  • Stardust Dragon
Card accessories
  • Amplifier
  • Atlas Rising
  • None
  • None
  • All other card accessories
  • Ring
  • Lunch box
  • Pudding
  • All other food items
  • None
  • None
  • Shoulder massage ticket
  • None
  • None
  • All other miscellaneous items
  • None

Ending scenes


Tag Force 4

Normal Mina

Angry Mina

Tag Force 5

Tag Force 6

Tag Force Special
