Module:Card collection/DefaultHandlers

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-- <pre>
@module Card collection/DefaultHandlers
@author [[User:Becasita]]
@contact [[User talk:Becasita]]

local DefaultHandlers = {}

@function DefaultHandlers new
function DefaultHandlers:new( name, reporter, frame )
	local data = {
		name = name,
		reporter = reporter,
		frame = frame,
		utils = require( 'Module:Card collection/Utils' )( name, reporter, frame ), -- TODO: add require( 'Module:Card collection/Utils' ) to the metatable?

	return setmetatable( data, {
		__index = self,
	} )

@method DefaultHandlers initData
function DefaultHandlers:initData( globalData )
	return globalData

@method DefaultHandlers initStructure
@return HTML (`mw.html`) instance.
function DefaultHandlers:initStructure( globalData )
	return mw.html.create( 'div' )

@method DefaultHandlers handleEntry
@description Parses the entry data
@return A concrete entry
function DefaultHandlers:handleEntry( entry, globalData )
	local entryString = ( 'Non-empty line: %d »» %s' )
		:format( entry.lineno, entry.raw )

	return mw.html.create( 'p' ):wikitext( entryString )

@method DefaultHandlers finalize
@description Applied after the entries have been parsed.
Used to supply extra containers to be added to the
main wrapper.
@return Multiple values that will be appended to the
main wrapper (including the main structure).
function DefaultHandlers:finalize( mainStructure, globalData )
	return tostring( mainStructure )

@exports The `DefaultHandlers` class.
return DefaultHandlers
-- </pre>