Permanently protected module

Module:Normalized pagename

From Yugipedia
Revision as of 14:00, 26 January 2019 by Dinoguy1000 (talk | contribs) (gsub() returns two values, but we only care about the first one, so we have to store back to the pagename variable before returning it, to discard the second value)
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-- <pre>

-- implements {{Normalized pagename}}

local mArguments --lazily initialize
local p = {}

function p.main( frame )
	mArguments = mArguments or require( 'Module:Arguments' )
	local args = mArguments.getArgs( frame, { parentOnly = true } )
	local pagename = args[1] or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().prefixedText
	pagename = pagename
		:gsub( '&#34;', '"' )
		:gsub( '&quot;', '"' )
		:gsub( '&#38;', '&' )
		:gsub( '&amp;', '&' )
		:gsub( '&#39;', "'" )
		:gsub( '&apos;', "'" )
		:gsub( '&#42;', '*' )
		:gsub( '&#59;', ';' )
		:gsub( '&#61;', '=' )
	return pagename

return p

-- </pre>