Difference between revisions of "Module:Sandbox"

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(Saving some set list tests here, but keep the same functional content.)
(Just to test lazy loading.)
(Tag: Replaced)
Line 3: Line 3:
--  For testing purposes
--  For testing purposes
local function pre( c )
return tostring(
mw.html.create( 'pre' ):wikitext( c ):done()
return {
return {
['test args'] = function( frame )
  Util = function()
local ret = {}
    return require( 'Module:Util' )
for i, v in ipairs( frame.args ) do
  Data = function()
table.insert( ret, '# ' .. v )
    return require( 'Module:Data' )
return table.concat( ret, '\n' )
main = function( frame )
return tostring(
mw.html.create( 'table' )
:addClass( 'wikitable' )
:tag( 'tr' )
:tag( 'th' ):wikitext( 'frame' ):done()
:tag( 'td' ):node( pre( mw.dumpObject( frame ) ) ):done()
:tag( 'tr' )
:tag( 'th' ):wikitext( 'parent frame' ):done()
:tag( 'td' ):node( pre( mw.dumpObject( frame:getParent() ) ) ):done()
:tag( 'tr' )
:tag( 'th' ):wikitext( 'current frame' ):done()
:tag( 'td' ):node( pre( mw.dumpObject( mw.getCurrentFrame() ) ) ):done()
-- Some set list tests.
-- Just copy to the console.
Row test:
local DATA = require( 'Module:Data' )
local Row = require( 'Module:Set list/Row' )
local Renderer = require( 'Module:Set list/Renderer' )
local lnEnglish = DATA.getLanguage( 'en' )
local row = Row(
'Some name',
DATA.getRarity( 'R' ),
DATA.getRarity( 'ScR' ),
DATA.getRarity( 'UtR' ),
name = 'Volume',
key = 'volume',
value = '[[Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL Volume 1 promotional card|Volume 1]]',
name = 'Col with Spaces',
key = '??',
value = 'How to handle spaces for the key?',
quantity = '1',
__index = {
['print'] = 'Reprint',
local renderer = Renderer( lnEnglish )
row:render( renderer )
mw.logObject( renderer )
CardList test:
local DATA = require( 'Module:Data' )
local Row = require( 'Module:Set list/Row' )
local CardList = require( 'Module:Set list/CardList' )
local Renderer = require( 'Module:Set list/Renderer' )
local lnEnglish = DATA.getLanguage( 'en' )
local cardList = CardList(
'Test header',
DATA.getRarity( 'R' ),
DATA.getRarity( 'ScR' ),
DATA.getRarity( 'UtR' ),
length = 3,
name = 'Volume',
key = 'volume',
name = 'Col with Spaces',
key = '??',
quantity = '2',
['print'] = 'Reprint',
'Some name',
DATA.getRarity( 'C' ),
length = 1,
name = 'Volume',
key = 'volume',
value = '[[Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL Volume 1 promotional card|Volume 1]]',
name = 'Col with Spaces',
key = '??',
value = 'How to handle spaces for the key?',
quantity = '1',
'Some name 2',
length = 0,
name = 'Volume',
key = 'volume',
value = '[[Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL Volume 2 promotional card|Volume 2]]',
name = 'Col with Spaces',
key = '??',
value = 'How to handle spaces for the key? 2',
['print'] = 'Reprint in EU only',
local renderer = Renderer( lnEnglish )
cardList:render( renderer )
mw.logObject( renderer )

Revision as of 01:26, 29 October 2019

--  Sandbox module:
--  For testing purposes

return {
  Util = function()
    return require( 'Module:Util' )
  Data = function()
    return require( 'Module:Data' )