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-- <pre>

-- implements {{Slugify}}

-- For module calls:
function slugify( str )
	-- this probably misses some characters
	-- it's also opinionated: there are different slugify methods you could use,
	-- depending on what characters you want to remove/replace and how
	return str
		:gsub( '%-', ' ' )  -- replace hyphens with spaces
		:gsub( '%p', '' )   -- strip all punctuation
		:gsub( '%s+', '-' ) -- collapse spaces and replace with hyphens

-- For wikitext calls:
function main( frame )
	local args = frame:getParent().args

	local str = args[ 1 ] or ''

	return slugify( str )

return {
	main = main,
	slugify = slugify,

-- </pre>