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Property:Chinese name

This property lists the primary Chinese Card Name of a card. It is a text. It is primarily used for display of the correct Chinese card name.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
煉金獸・汞之魚妖  +
煉金獸・鉛之獅子  +
煉金獸・銀之月面人  +
煉金獸・銅之銜尾蛇  +
煉金獸・鋼之火蜥蜴  +
亞馬遜弩弓隊  +
亞馬遜詛咒師  +
亞馬遜劍士  +
亞馬遜吹箭兵  +
亞馬遜聖戰士  +
星光体  +
巨大战舰 晶核  +
大德寺  +
黑曼巴蛇  +
電擊企鵝  +
猫世界  +
喀邁拉  +
絕對君主之王冠  +

Showing 1 related entity.