Punished Eagle (DDS)

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DM2 / DM3 / DM4 / DM5 / DM6 / DM7 / DM8

Punished Eagle
Sabaki no Taka
Hawk of Judgment
Level 6 ★★★★★★
Number 465
Deck Cost 29
ATK / DEF 2100 / 1800
Type Winged Beast
Alignment Wind

Attacks with white silver claws

Password 74703140

Obtained by

"Punished Eagle" can be obtained via random drop from the following characters. The chance of winning it is listed as a percentage and a probability out of 2048.

Character % 2048th
Heishin 2.83 58

Other languages

Name Lore
Japanese さばきのタカ はくぎんのつめで あくにんをさばく おおぞらをまう さいばんかん
Japanese translated Hawk of Judgment A judge of the sky that delivers a sentence with punishing sliver-white claws.
